Final Destination Update


Around 6:15, CNN announced that Jackson had passed away. So the loop of three comes around again.

Update to Final Destination:
Ed McMahon died several days ago, Farrah Fawcett died today. We’ve been discussing how these celebrity deaths seem to come in threes. Now there’s a report that Michael Jackson has had a heart attack. Original story here.

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14 Responses to Final Destination Update

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I hadn't read about these deaths. Hmm. This is getting a bit spooky. Two sets of threes.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I was thinking more along the lines of a deathrow records artist. It seems two other celebs have passed away though. I didn't know who they were but apparently they were big stars years ago. Someone emailed me that Fred Travelena and Gale Storm passed away in the last couple of days. I guess that makes 2 sets of 3. Wow.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We read about it earlier and wondered if this is the first in new cluster of 3s? And that word verification: spooky. It'd be really weird if it turned out to be a clue to the next death – someone on death row who dies before they're executed? Just a thought.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I guess either the theory of celebrity deaths coming in 3's is off or we have 2 more coming with the death of Billy Mays today.

    Okay, how is this for odd? The word verification to post this popped up "dethro" (death row?).

  5. Natalie says:

    Hi Guys, tried to email you and it bounced back.
    Go to my site ~ to March posts, and you will find 'Red and White Spider Tale', 'Those Damned Shoes' and 'White Feathers from Nanna' or something like that.
    23 stuff.
    My nanna died on the 23 march 1992, whilst I was on my honeymoon. A year later, my first child was born on that date, two weeks early, and I was 'told' that this would be so.
    It is also my parent's wedding anniversary.

  6. JBanholzer says:

    It's sixth months 'til Christmas and Michael Jackson has gone to sing with the choir invisible.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Notice the 23s in ed's data. & it's weird that fawcett and jackson died on the same day. We are the world, for sure. Thanks, Terri, for the insights.

  8. terripatrick says:

    Ed McMahon 3/6/1923 – 6/23/2009
    Farrah Fawcett 2/2/1947 – 6/25/2009
    Michael Jackson 8/29/1958 – 6/25/2009

    Ed was everyone's favorite uncle.
    Farrah showed blonds have brains.
    Michael was the ultimate eccentric.
    Now, on a global scale, there is a nice uplift of positive song. "We Are The World".

  9. gypsywoman says:

    rob and trish – thanks for posting the images – very nice – i wish them all peace – jenean

  10. Lover of Life/ Nancy says:

    They always come in threes… Wow, maybe that's it for now. I hope they are all resting in peace.

  11. Linda Pendleton says:

    Seems it is always in threes….

  12. gypsywoman says:

    well, i see that someone posted the jackson/fawcett updates – was wondering though if anyone has run any numbers on either and/or mcmahon –

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, empathic Guidance. Will check them out!

  14. empathicguidance says:

    Thanks for your comment on my blog and for the link to your site – some interesting stuff on here. Strangely, I was just talking about Farrah Fawcett and her illness last night so it was quite a shock to see that she died not long after.

    I do have some stories about synchronicities on my blog this week which might interest you – check out 'Summer Solstice and Spooky Synchronicities (pt 1 and 2)' for more.

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