Reading the bumps

Ammonite fossil…and the Himalayas

This story is from Butternut squash, who has left insightful comments on this blog a number times. Her synchronicity involves travel and places to which we feel deep and mysterious connections.

When I lived in Japan, I had a street psychic read the bumps on my head. One of the things that he told me was that Nepal was a country that would be very good for me. I did not know anything about Nepal and had no plans of going there. I did have a plan to go to China and taking the Trans Siberian Railway across Mongolia to Europe.

A year later, I started on my travels with a girl friend. On the way we met a couple of boys, not too unusual. What was strange is that without any planning we ran into the same two young men in three different cities in China. China is immense with billions of people, what are the chances that we would meet them three times hundreds of miles apart?

We decided that traveling together must be fated so we traveled all over China with a plan of going on the Trans Siberian Railway together. When we got to Beijing, we were told that there had been some political trouble at the border and there would be no possibility of a trip to Europe via the Railway for months. One of the young men traveling with us picked up a brochure about Nepal and read “kayaking” and “great food,” and with that, we decided to go instead overland through China to Tibet and Nepal.

It was a difficult but fantastic journey! In Nepal we parted amicably, but for no particular reason. It was as if these young men chaperoned me to the place where my life began. Certainly, I would not have traveled as far as I did without one of the young men who was a Mandarin Chinese speaking Scotsman. On that trip, without any real planning, I started a business from Nepal and I have been going back regularly ever since.

On that first trip to Nepal I found a Salagrama in a river bed. It is a black rock that when split open has a fossilized ammonite, a spiral with radiating lines, hiding inside. In Nepal it is believed that when you find a salagrama it means that you are on your correct path in life. I thought you would like the symbolism of the concentric rings with lines radiating out of them, it seems the symbol of synchronicity to me.

This entry was posted in ammonite, Nepal, psychics, travel. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to Reading the bumps

  1. Natalie says:

    I love this story, thanks. 😀

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Fascinating about the salagrama. Does that hold true even now?

  3. Butternut Squash says:

    I love the photos that you found to go with the story. You are very fast.

    Did you know that salagrama are sacred in Nepal and they are not supposed to be taken out of the country, although I know of a few that have escaped.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, musing egret, we'll check it out!

  5. musingegret says:

    What an amazing fossil! Before I read the entry I thought it was a pic of a chambered nautilus; see

  6. Erika C. says:

    Wow! I too feel a connection to certain places. One is the area around Findhorn, Scotland, which to me (and a lot of other people too) had a very powerful and ancient energy. When I was there I had such an intense reaction to certain spaces. There was one spiral path up a hill at Findhorn and the top of the hill was a wonderful place for meditation. It's history went back to the time of the Druids.

    Another place that I feel a very strong connection to is Lincoln, Massachusetts. I always have the feeling when I go there that I must have lived there in another life.

  7. Brian Miller says:

    wow/ very cool story. running into the same boys is quite a feat in China. follow your path well, as it seems you are heading the right way.

  8. Adele Aldridge says:

    I love this amazin story. "Reality" certainly is more fantastic than fiction sometimes!

  9. Lover of Life/ Nancy says:

    Great story. Meeting up with the same boys three times in China is pretty amazing.

    I have an amolite necklace. Only place on earth where the amolite becomes jeweled is Alberta, Canada. Love it.

  10. terripatrick says:

    "…when you find a salagrama it means that you are on your correct path in life." How cool, I never knew what they "meant" until today. Thanks.

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