Rob’s Left Foot

Okay, so this evening Rob decides to go trail biking – the kind of biking where you slam over obstacles like fallen trees. It had rained today, which broke the stifling Florida heat and usually means the trail is well packed. I remind him to take his cell phone since we’ve had some car issues lately, but he can’t find it.

Around 8 PM, I hear the front door open, shut, which is odd. He usually comes in through the garage. I go out into the living room and he’s sprawled on the couch, eyes squeezed shut. “I think I sprained my ankle,” he said, and lifts his injured foot onto the edge of the coffee table.

I take one look at his foot and know this is no sprain. A bone on the outside of his foot is about the size of an apricot. “Uh, I think this is a fracture or a break. I’ll get some ice.”

So I get a bucket of ice, then head to the internet to look for information on the bones in the feet. I figure the bone that’s fractured or broken is the cuboid, on the forefoot, as it’s called. I’m wondering if there’s a synchronicity connected to any of this.

Later on, I stack up a bunch of books we’ve been using as references and put them on Rob’s desk. A few minutes later, he calls out: “You aren’t going to believe this. You know those books you just put on my desk? I picked up Jung’s autobiography, turned to chapter 10, and here’s how it starts: “In the beginning of 1944, I broke my foot…”
A correspondent for (Crazy Rudy) sent us these cultural pegs from Wikipedia related to My Left Foot. Thanks, Rudy.

“On the television sketch show In Living Color, Jim Carrey played a taekwondo expert who could only move his left foot. The sketch was known as My Left Foot of Fury.

“An episode of The Critic has Jay Sherman wearing a My Left Foot sock, a promotion item given to him when viewing the film.

“In the Animated T.V series The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack; A Movie poster promoting a film called “My Left Tentacle” in front of a theater, a reference to the film; is seen as Flap jack leads Captain K’nuckles around the docks during the episode “Lead em’ and Weep”

“In the 1999 film Flawless Walter Koontz (played by Robert De Niro) suffers a stroke and is partially disabled. When one drag queen (Cha-Cha) meets him for the first time, she remarks, “You’ve got a kind of My Left Foot thing going on, huh?” For the rest of the movie, she refers to him as ‘Mr. My Left Foot.’

“In an episode of Family Guy, there is a flashback joke of Stewie Griffin performing a song & “dance” routine from a staged musical production of “My Left Foot”, wherein Stewie, while seated in a wheelchair, performs an elaborate tap dance with only his left foot.

“In an episode of Gilmore Girls Lorelai tells Luke that she was just doing a rendition of Daniel Day-Lewis’s performance in My Left Foot and how she did it with her right foot to give a very different effect.” (Wikipedia)

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16 Responses to Rob’s Left Foot

  1. terripatrick says:

    I'm new to this type of "trail riding" and love the "whoops" on my little ATV (dirt bikes require too much focus for me!)

    We also have one of these X-ray images in the house, though not of a foot, yours is nice. Good foot. Our feet, in my childhood was referred to as our "understanding". 🙂

  2. Reya Mellicker says:

    Oh! Here you are! Love seeing pics of you, and finding your blog AFTER "getting to know" you.

    How fun!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    May, About a message…yes, two of the three, and one of them isn't yoga. Two feet required for my style. -Rob

  4. gypsywoman says:

    can't believe you just mentioned daniel day-lewis above cause i cut off the computer as soon as i finished my note above, turned on the tube and at the time of your post had just hit upon ddl in the age of innocense – oh, and love the new book title – prop the foot, rob – and ya'll take it easy 🙂

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Joyce. Yes, I can still work on the book. We've got a Nov. 1 deadline. The new title, BTW, is COSMIC ENCOUNTERS: Unlocking the Secrets of Synchronicity.

  6. Joyce says:

    Can't top this one. Hoping for a quick healing though I know this takes time. So I hope you can prop it up and still write.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    All we need now is to turn on the TV and find Daniel Lewis-Day starring in My Left Foot.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    gypsy woman – interesting insight on transportation karma! In addition to Rob's foot, Megan (daughter) got a speeding ticket. More transportation karma!

  9. gypsywoman says:

    dear heavens, you two!!! you realize that the whole thing of transportation karma is at work here – first your car[s], then the bike and now the last thing with which to transport yourself, your foot! so, i'd perhaps burn some extra incense tonight! broken bones can be loathsome – i'll put out extra incense too 🙂 – and on the jung book – totally wild but totally not surprising for you! hope you feel all better soon, rob! jenean

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Just back from the walk-in clinic. The doc took a look and said it was my ankle, not the foot. The x-ray tech took 3 pics of the ankle, shook his head, then went ahead and took a shot of the foot. I'd told him it was the cuboid. Sure enuf, he found a fracture there. I'm now in a temporary cast and will go to an orthopedic doc on Monday.

    The coolest thing is that they gave me the x-rays on a disk. The x-ray tech said, "Too bad you don't have a video of your crash. You could put it up on YouTube along with the x-ray. Ha-ha.

  11. lakeviewer says:

    Hi again,
    You'll be seeing me often now. Thanks for the visit.

  12. Barb says:

    Hope your foot heals quickly!

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Have you on the blog list, lakeview! Love your blog.

  14. lakeviewer says:

    Hi, thanks for visiting me. This is a cool post, indeed.

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    A psychic friend just wrote and said she saw a fracture and that he may end up with a walking cast. We'll find out tomorrow. Hey – glad you added your name to lover to life. I think that's somehow significant!

  16. Lover of Life/ Nancy says:

    LOL! That's synchronicity.

    Hope Rob's foot is okay.

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