Statcounter is a free statistic counter that provides enormous amounts of information about who visits your site or blog. Among these bits of info are:  how long a visitor stays, the computer operation system, the ISP address, the physical location, the search term used and on which search engine,  the  ISP address, physical location, the date and length of the visit. I suspect that at some point in the future, Statcounter may be declared illegal because it provides so much information about your visitors.

Last year, after we began posting the stories about Charles Fontaine’s UFO encounters, we were shocked to discover visits from nearly every federal agency. These visits ranged from the FBI to the NSA to the Department of Defense, to the Navy Information Network (NINC), the FAA. Visits from the The IRS and the Social Security Administration were real puzzlers. The Canadian Royal Mounted Police spent a full eight hours on the blog, sifting through all nine posts and the comments.

In the last few days, we’ve had hits from the DOD, NINC – and, today, the Department of Homeland Security. This agency, which sort of sounds like Nazi Germany, was created by Bush in the wake of 9-11. By 2011, it employed nearly 250,000 employees and had a budget of nearly $100 billion.

Department Of Homeland Security ( [Label IP Address]    0 returning visits

Washington, District Of Columbia, United States    



(No referring link)

19 Jul

07:48:09 hybrid program #3

19 Jul



Whoever this was at DHS used Google and entered the search term alien hybrid program,  which is, as of this writing, still listed as number 3 on Google. We posted this story on March 3, about a month after Aliens in the Backyard was published.

So my questions are twofold: are these spy agency hits from some bored employees who may have an interest in UFOs? Or is there a deliberate and focused effort to gather as much information as possible on UFOs, ETs etc. And if so, why? For a country that continually denies the existence of aliens, that debunks sightings and just about everything else associated with UFOs, why bother?

As John Mack, Harvard psychiatrist, abductee researcher and author noted: “For our own government and other governments around the world the abduction phenomenon presents a special problem. It is, after all, the business of government to protect its people, and for officials to acknowledge that strange beings from radar-defying craft can, in seeming defiance of laws of gravity and space/time itself, invade our homes and abduct our people creates particular problems.”

After the revelations by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden about the extent of the government’s spying program, I am wondering if any of Snowden’s yet to be released documents deal with UFOs.  Will we ever know? Right now, Snowden is stuck in Moscow airport’s transit zone, unable to travel to any of the Central and South American countries that have offered asylum because those flights would have to traverse U.S. airspace. He has applied for temporary asylum in Russia – which has told him he can stay if he stops releasing his “damaging information.”

Granted, governments need to be able to protect their citizens. But does this mean the U.S. must continue to be the world’s cop? To engage in endless wars, to meddle in and manipulate the affairs of other countries? Does it mean drone surveillance of its own citizens? A security camera at every intersection? Does it mean we’ll never be told the truth about anything? Doesn’t Homeland Security have better things to do than skulk around blogs and websites that mention aliens  and abductions?

Well, maybe not. If these government guys  construe that aliens are a true threat to national security, then it makes sense they would scour blogs and websites for information. We assume the government knows more than we do about what’s going on with UFOs etc, but suppose they are basically clueless? Suppose they are relying on us – the people who write about, explore, and experience contact – to help them understand what’s actually going in?  Suppose they believe that we have pieces of the puzzle they need?

That sort of changes the discourse, doesn’t it?

So I’ve got a question and an invitation for you guys at the official levels: how about dropping by and leaving a comment? If you’ve got questions, ask. Someone somewhere will  probably be able and willing to answer it. We’re a friendly, inquisitive group; engage us.

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17 Responses to REALLY?

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    Good for you, Gypsy! I have to chuckle. That took some really huge ones for you to do that! CUDOS, Cousin!! I’m afraid my fingers would have had to do a little ‘dance’ toards them as I walked out! 😉

  2. gypsy says:

    oh, and one more “i forgot” –
    all this big brother stuff reminded me of several years ago when i was hired as a litigation consultant to a fancy intellectual property boutique law firm in d.c. – there’s a neat story about that whole thing, but for another day – the bottom line here is that one day, quite by accident, when i went up to the HR dept for something, i discovered an entire room set up [a no admittance sign on the partially opened door] that was covered in floor to ceiling monitors of every square inch of space in the multi-floor firm – including the monitor screens of every single computer in the firm – with all the cameras running and every single word, action, whatever, being watched by “watchers” in the room and recorded – now, the bottom line to that bottom line is that at precisely 10:05 am on that day, when i got back to my [corner] office [yes, it was deliciously beautiful] i went to my desk, waved to the guys in the little no admittance room and then pointed to my monitor [i never did see where the camera was hidden but i think from the overhead light fixture] as i typed my resignation letter effective immediately – i got my bag, went back up to HR, turned in my stuff and exited the building – never looked back –

  3. gypsy says:

    oh, i forgot!


  4. gypsy says:

    you’re right…REALLY?!!!

    and i personally doubt all the tracking on your blog is just a bored govt employee…the computer systems of these agencies i would assume are tightly/closely monitored for usage –

    some time back the mexican federales were monitoring – uh, visiting – my sites – now, that’s way more than a REALLY?! – so – i left them a note on my blog in english and en español telling them that if they wanted and/or thought they needed anything from me, they could feel free to just ask or leave a comment or whatever – unless, of course, they had something to hide – of course, there was never any response but they did stop monitoring – uh, visiting – me for a long time – but recently have noticed they are back again – i think a few of the little red code flags on my blogs are things like poems titled “blood red moon” and/or phrases such as “viva la revolución” –

    big brother is alive and well – every time i am out and about and am surrounded by cameras on every street intersection – on every parking lot – in every building – i am disgusted –

    but back to ufos and aliens…perhaps the irs is looking for past due taxes from the greys and ssa is monitoring to see if they really are as old as they claim on their retirement benefits application and/or whether they really are unable to work as they claim on their disability claim forms…just sayin’…

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    So glad to know Snowden finally will be able to leave his hidey-hole in the airport. He must be exhausted. But what a courageous person he is, because he has to know that by opening up the govenment’s Pandora’s Box of secrets, he was and is putting his life on the line and will need to look over his shoulder constantly. And he’s quite a young man. Many folks think he is a traitor. I believe he is a hero. I personally thank him for his revelations and hope he remains safe for a long time to come.

  6. I don’t know if your read about it, but in June the UK’s Ministry of Defence closed it’s UFO desk – as it was known – because it was serving ‘no defence purpose and was taking staff away from more valuable defence-related activities.’

    It’s reported that Carl Mantell of the RAF’s Air Command said, ‘… no UFO sighting reported to [the MoD] has ever revealed anything to suggest an extra-terrestrial presence or military threat to the UK.’

    Bluff or double bluff?

    I feel we are spied on continuously, CCTV cameras are everywhere, and what we do is monitored, as are emails and phone calls. It’s why we have to be careful what we put on the likes of Facebook and Twitter.

    As you say, it could simply be a bored employee looking at your blog – but possibly not.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Bluffs, probably. Even after the 1952 UFO flap over washington, d.c., they tried to pass off the sightings as weather balloons. You’d think they would come up with some more credible explanations other than balloons and swamp gas!

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    I think I’ve mentioned this on the blog in the past, wondering if anyone else has the same issues. Long before Edward Snowden blew his whistles, the agencies started visiting my computer. I’ve mentioned this more than once to T and R, and also to a few others. I have many look-sees from military bases. For me, worse than the intrusion on my computer, is the telephone tapping.

    This isn’t paranoia. When I began to hear a constant but intermittent “sound” on each land line in our house, and we have a phone in every room, I called our server. They came out more than once and determined it wasn’t an issue on their end. Their advice: Buy new phones. My response: You must be joking!

    The sound continues; it’s as if someone in another room of the house is picking up an extension and then hanging it up. I called an out-of-state family member who is with the FBI who was able to determine beyond doubt that the phone is being tapped, but in spite of having high classification, didn’t have sufficient clearance to access the source of the tap. So, it continues.

    And it interfered with the radio interview with Trish, Rob, Whitley Strieber, and me. All kinds of weird things happened on the phone during the interview. Of all the experiences I’ve had throughout my life….the abductions, encounters, sightings, all of it, this phone tapping makes me the most angry.

    As far as I know, I have nothing to hide. Maybe that’s the clue: AS FAR AS I KNOW. Maybe they fear I’m going to “remember” something I know that I don’t know I know. But the invasion of privacy makes me very angry. And then, perhaps it isn’t the gov’t at all on the phones. Perhaps it’s “them”. You know…..those whatever-they-are who snatch us. Craziness.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      There probably won’t be any more revelations from snowden until he leaves russia. Today’s news says he received the papers he needs to leave the airport transit zone and officially enter that country.

  8. Darren B says:

    It’s probably one of their time travel programs that they are monitoring for results.
    So all I can say is welcome to 1984 guys .-)

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