Gypsy Woman & the synchros

                                                                Gypsy Woman


It seems when we’re focused on a matter–whatever it might be, and putting energy into it, the chances increase that related things will pop into our awareness. That’s synchronicity, of course. In an earlier blog post, Trish mentioned how Dean Radin’s book, ‘SuperNormal,’ had arrived long after her birthday–for when I’d ordered it–but right at the appropriate time. She was working on a chapter on psychokinesis in our new book and looking for more material.

Now I’ve got a somewhat similar tale that involves our work on the same book. I was working on a chapter dealing with UFOs and the paranormal, and I’d been focused on a particular story dealing with an encounter that a writer acquaintance of ours had experienced. In the back of my mind, though, I was wondering where I would come up with more stories as the chapter needed to be expanded. Trish, meanwhile, was gathering stories from the blog for a chapter she was working on, and called out to me that she’d come across a good story about UFOs and synchronicity – one that Jenean Gilstrap – or Gypsy Woman – had provided and we’d put it up on the blog. “Send it to me,” I said, and so she did.

Essentially, Gypsy’s story revolved around a trip she was taking from Louisiana to Delaware. As she left on the journey, she put out a request to the universe to see something, anything unusual. What followed were two days of driving that included three apparent UFO sightings that are described here.

Since our book is entitled The Synchronicity Highway, Jenean’s story fit right into the theme, as well as my UFO chapter. After working it into the chapter, I stood up to take a break and picked up my iPad. It was open to a game called Mystery Manor that has sucked up some of my spare time – one of these addictive Internet diversions. The back of my hand apparently hit an icon on the game that popped up and to my surprise it showed a portrait of one of the characters in the game. Her name was labeled in large type and stood out. Guess what it was–Gypsy Woman!

Like I said at the top, when we are focused on a matter, other related things pop into our awareness. Since the game was right at hand, it was an easier option for the Universe than for the real Gypsy Woman to pop up! Though, you never know, that could happen, too!

As if that wasn’t enough, as I came on the blog to write this post, the first thing I saw was a comment from  you guessed it – Gypsy – responding to a post Trish had written in part about lab experiments to prove psychic phenomena. Right at the end, Gypsy commented: “Oh, and Rob is right. Life is the lab.”

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5 Responses to Gypsy Woman & the synchros

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    Gypsy, those “white balls with the pyramid protrusions on them” really spoke to me when you first described it, and continue to speak to me! You know me and pyramids!! 🙂 The post is great, Macgregors!

  2. gypsy says:

    well, now! if that isn’t just SOMEthing! fabulous bunch of synchros! the lifelab right here! bam!bam!bam! i remember very well that day of days on the highway as i drove through virginia and the white balls with pyramid protrusions appeared – i can still see their brilliant white against the blue sky – and how they just disappeared – literally –

    anyway, this morning…first thing, as is my habit, i dropped by here to see what was new and left a comment on yesterday’s post about outliers/synchronicities – in part, i responded to another person’s comment about “intent” in terms of the realization of creativity and synchronicity – part of my comment is that…”the other word that immediately comes to my own mind in terms of creativity and synchronicity is the word “openness” – we must always be open to receiving – to creating – to synchronicities…” which also seems to speak to rob’s “wondering” where he was going to come up with another story….

    again, love the synchros here…very neat post…

  3. I also feel that when synchros happen as you describe, while putting energy into some project, it also shows emphasises you are on the right track. We seem to get help with things that are ‘right’ to do. Amazing about that Gypsy Woman character.

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