Synchronicity and Creativity

From Carl Jung’s Red Book

During Rob’s meditation class tonight, the final for this particular session, we did a shamanic meditation, with drumming. It’s my personal favorite. There’s something about the drumming that   transports your consciousness to….well, elsewhere.  He asked us to pose a question and find a guide during the meditation. My question was:  What is the third synchro book about? What’s the hook?

During the drumming, my inner vision suddenly opened up. It became a camera’s lens and I was in the Southwest, maybe around Canyon de Chelly, where the red canyon walls are simply exquisite and the entire area speaks of all that is ancient on our planet.   I suddenly wished to be an artist who could capture these colors and the starkness of the geography on canvas, like Georgia O’Keefe.

Then the scene switched to what seemed to be a TV studio, with thick cables snaking across the floor of the studio, screens everywhere. I immediately thought of my favorite TV shows – Lost and X-Files, for instance – and wondered how the writers had come up with their initial ideas and then executed them, extended them over multiple seasons and episodes, keeping the characters and plots intriguing enough for viewers to tune in week after week, season after season.

In my new favorite TV show, The Event, the hook lies within the emotions among the characters – a group of aliens who look human, but whose DNA differs from humans by about one percent, and the humans who become involved with them.

Then I thought of the movie Rob and I had just seen – Source Code – which plays brilliantly with the Many Worlds theory of quantum physics, but somehow manages to maintain intense emotional connections among the characters. So I had my answer. The next synchro book is about creativity and how synchronicity is intricate to the creative process.

But what does it mean, really, to be creative? It’s not just writing or painting or taking photos.  Creativity is  also expressed by the small child when she discovers that her legs actually have a function and eagerly crawls around exploring the boundaries of her world. It finds expression in the 80-year-old grandmother who creates elaborate collages from photos in the family album, or in the engineer who designs booster rockets. The teacher who triggers excitement and curiosity in his students is just as creative as the shaman who makes it rain or as the adventurer who climbs Kilimanjaro simply because it’s there.

In Western society, we tend to believe that creativity is the exclusive domain of the Lennons, Spielbergs, Rowlings, Kings, Picassos, Streeps, Ophrahs, Harrison Fords. We forget that we are all born creative, that if it weren’t for creativity, we probably would still be living in caves. And at every step in our creative expression, synchronicity is there to guide us, inform us, and remind us that we are here to create and to do so joyfully.

Sure, there have been plenty of dysfunctional creative people – Nicola Tesla, despite his brilliance and creativity, battled constantly against poverty and emotional pain. Van Gogh chopped off his own ear and never made a penny from his art. F Scott Fitzgerald drank himself into an early grave and Hemingway put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger.

But for every creative misfit, there are many more individuals who have the creative equivalent of the Midas touch, a magical something that transforms the mundane, the utterly ordinary, into something unique. When we enter their homes or workplaces, that magic is evident everywhere, an ineffable quality that’s hard to pin down. We immediately sense they are connected to something larger than themselves, that that have tapped into a creative flow that spills over into every area of their lives.

One of our neighbors, for instance, can fix anything. A washing machine, a water heater, an AC unit, a plane’s engine.  Give him an engineering or mechanical challenge, he’ll solve it. He doesn’t even acknowledge that synchronicity exists, but he recognizes connections between inner and outer events.

Then there’s the Reiki healer who shifts energy around in the physical body, correcting whatever is wrong. Or the medium who connects with the departed and brings messages to the living that offer hope.

Creative  dreamers are able to glean information about the past, present and future through their dreams. In some instances,  they appear to communicate with other dreamers of their ilk and may help to bring a new paradigm or belief system into being.

Planetary empaths are so intimately connected to the magnetic fluctuations in the earth that they experience physical symptoms before a natural disaster occurs and are able to determined whether the disaster is an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, or something else.

Creativity is our birthright regardless of our culture, skin color, religious beliefs, the stuff that so often divides us. It is endemic to all life – plant, animal, human, other (visitors).  It’s the grease in the cogs, the driving force of life, the very thing  that makes us what we are. And synchronicity is its voice.




















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37 Responses to Synchronicity and Creativity

  1. Darren B says:

    Talking about creative individuals,one of the best books I have ever read about one such creative individual is “A Blessing and a Curse: Autism and Me” by Caiseal Mor.

    I can’t recommend his work highly enough,especially the above book and his CDs “Rainwater”
    and “Beautiful Hands”

    This guy is the personification of creativity.Check out his website…I think you won’t be disappointed.

  2. I especially look forward to your book on creativity. The whole of my being is based on my creativity…it’s an essential in my life…and would love to see more synchronicity in this area. As a child I was scolded often for having too creative a mind…and turned off much of the creative flow that was instinctual to me. It’s much harder to get that flow back as an adult.

    • R and T says:

      I think too many kids are forced into little boxes…test for this, for that, and creativity is left in the dust. It seems to be you’re totally in your creative flow!


    This is a scientific paper (one of many) by Christine Hardy. She writes about multilevel webs, synchronicity, creativity and retrocausality (creativity being a reverse process (from the future to the present) from outcomes to our thinking about them).

  4. terripatrick says:

    Love the idea about a book exploring creativity and that elusive answer every author is asked, “where do you get your ideas?” I believe you two would do an awesome job of presenting how common magic and mystery has always been present. It is the personal talents enhanced through passion that take creativity to the next level.

    Twice now, as I’ve presented either my words on the page (of my novel in process), or talked about the premise with others, I’ve met the statement, “Oh, it’s paranormal, you should state that.” I shake my head at this as I see nothing paranormal about someone who uses a visualization technique to harness the wind. In my world it’s rather normal for people to see auras, seek Reiki healing, capture orbs on camera and communicate with crystals. These same people are professionals in the fields of medicine, education, hospitality, technology, finance and architecture. I find it fascinating that we have a whole generation on this planet that totally accept the ability to connect to a wireless “cloud” through tiny electronic devices but will scoff at a human that can do so without a device.

    Your third book may be more like a final book of the trilogy, where all bets are off, and to truly get the bigger picture readers will need to read or revisit the first two, and read all three more than once. Then you will move on to the next trilogy… 😀

  5. Nancy says:

    Yes. I’ve been meaning to email you – it is very much about synchronicity.

  6. Natalie says:

    Mark gets all his creative genius in the early hours of the morning….3 or 4a.m. It truly astounds me the things he comes up with for his systems (he is computer programmer), I suspect they are being downloaded to his consciousness, as they are sheer genius. Not to take anything away from my VERY clever husband, but there is an ‘aura’ about some of his ideas that drops my jaw.
    I think a book about sort of creativity would be a long overdue and marvelous read.
    I would line up to read it too!

    Friend of Nica ~ very sad to read your story. 🙁 ♥

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    The Dot is glowing red. 6:25pmEDT, 4-9-2011

  8. D Page says:

    I love the your idea for the next book. I have had very interesting synchros with my paintings.

    And writers have many “library angel stories.

  9. Nancy says:

    I think you just wrote the prologue to your next book!

    Darren – Just finishing 12th Insight – I think you will enjoy it.

    • R and T says:

      Nancy – is this book of his about synchronicity??

      • Darren B says:

        Nancy,I’m not holding my breath over this one (since I didn’t really like “The Celestine Prophesy”) ,but I’ve learned to go with the syncs,because they rarely lead me down an uninteresting path.Even if the book turns out to be a dud,just the act of reading it,may lead me to my next big sync,which I probably would not get to without paying attention to this one first.
        James seems like a down to earth guy,and he is doing a good job bringing the phenomena into the mainstream…I just wish he would write a book that truly appeals to me…maybe this will be it?

  10. Of course I LOVE the idea for you next book – being an artist who does experience synchros – mostly in dreams and via the I Ching, but other ways too. This new book of yours is going to be the BEST!

  11. Federal Government did not shutdown. Happy my mom and others keep their jobs. but there’s still trouble. Google Breton Woods. April Fools!

  12. whipwarrior says:

    I agree 100%! Sometimes creativity can be frustrating when battling our temperamental muses, but when we’re in the moment and everything is flowing… it’s the greatest feeling in the world; You can just see it coming together before your eyes, and you just instinctively *know* when it’s right (or, about as perfect as is humanly possible). Thanks for the inspirational post! It’s just what I needed to buckle down and finish my latest chapter.

    P.S.- Kudos for giving props to Spielberg and Ford! Those two can work a kind of cinematic magic unmatched by anyone else.

  13. Darren B says:

    I just realized that I posted my first comment at 10.13 (your time).
    10/13 is the production company that produces “The X-Files”.
    Chris Knowles would be proud.-)

    Here’s a site that tells you about the significance of 10:13 in the X-files universe:

    1013 is a common number in the universe of the The X-Files, as is the date October 13.
    * October 13 is the month and date that creator Chris Carter was born.
    * October 13 is the month and date that Fox Mulder was born.
    * It is the name of Chris Carter’s production company: Ten Thirteen Productions.
    * The X-Files Movie was released to video on October 13, 1999.
    * 10 minutes, 13 seconds is the amount of time into the last track of The X-Files: The Album where a hidden track begins.
    * DF101364 – The file number of an X-File investigating the disappearance of Colonel Robert Budahas. (TXF: “Deep Throat”)
    * Silo 1013 was a nuclear missile silo that contained a UFO and an imprisoned Alex Krycek (TXF: “Apocrypha”).
    * United Nations Security Council Resolution 1013: an agreement that any nation that obtains an alien lifeform must immediately eradicate it (TXF: “Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man”).
    * 10:13 am appeared as the time stamp on chapter two of Ground Zero and on chapter twenty-two of Antibodies, both novels written by Kevin J. Anderson.
    * On October 13, 1973, A group of government agents made contact with a group of Greys and the Cigarette Smoking Man offered up his wife, Cassandra, to the aliens in return for an alien fetus (TXF: “One Son”).
    * On October 13, 1995, the episode “Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose” was first aired.

  14. Darren B says:

    Wow! When I posted the comment above,I hadn’t read through the entire post about synchronicity and creativity,yet.I was just stunned by the shamanic drumming sync with my random book purchase,but as I read on there was syncs galore coming at me in this post.
    I picked up a drum last week because I have always wanted to play Bongos or an African type hand drum,just for the relaxation of it,not to be another Ringo Star,but just to make my own noise (that only I could truly love.-) .
    The thing I liked about this drum was that it had an aboriginal dot painting on it of what looks like the sun (even though it was an African drum…aborigines don’t make/play these type of drums) and I got the feeling that all of this combined to speak of all that is ancient on our planet(to quote your words in the above post about the red canyon walls).
    Then you talk of the X-Files,and how you wondered how the writers had come up with their initial ideas and then executed them.I was flicking through”The Complete X-Files” this morning (a book my friend,Chris Knowles [from “The Secret Sun”blog] co-authored) and was thinking the same thing.And that was when I decided I have to go down to Blockbuster,and watch them all,starting with season one (because I haven’t ever watched too many X-files shows,but Chris has got me interested through reading his blog and book).
    Then you mention F Scott Fitzgerald,a man whose book {The Great Gatsby} I just started reading,because of a cup (has a picture of the exact same cover as my book version) I found in “The Riverbend Bookshop”,across the road from the cinema,where I saw “The Adjustment Bureau”the other day.
    Then you mention Hemingway,which is funny because the only Hemingway book I have ever read was “The Sun Also Rises” (picture of sun on my drum,remember?) and I liked it so much that I ordered the movie on DVD,and it arrived this week after a two month wait.
    Another sync that happened when I had just finished reading “The Sun Also Rises” was I was thinking about the Bullfighter getting hurt in the story,and thinking I haven’t heard of any real bad bullfighting accidents recently,or not in the news anyway,and the very next day in our Brisbane paper was this picture;

    Probably the worst bullfighting injury I have ever seen(I kind of think these guys deserve it,in a way…as bad as that sounds).
    And I have always loved the story and paintings of Van Gogh,and the movie version of Van Gogh starring Kirk Douglas.Where would the art world be today if Van Gogh’s only motivation for painting was making money?He would of kicked it in early and given up,and none of those masterpieces would be around today.
    So,I think your book idea is a good one,and will inspire many budding artists…some we may never hear of…but some we just may.Either way,a book like that will be like a synchronistic ripple in a creative universe.Who knows what kind of butterfly effect it will produce when you throw that idea into a book and it starts spanning out into the world ?
    But you’ll never know,unless you throw.-)

    • R and T says:

      wow, daz! This sequence of synchros is amazing. More on this soon. megan and I are watching a Hicks/abraham workshop live from Phoenix.

      • Darren B says:

        “This sequence of synchros is amazing.”
        Yes,it is…and I’ve decided to write a post about it on my blog…but I have to gather my thoughts,and sit down when I have some time,and write it up.
        Meanwhile,I’ve put up a picture of my drum,cup,books and DVD,plus my copy of “The Red Book” open to the page of the header that you use for this blog (I was going to open it to the mandala at the top of this post,but I can’t seem to find it in my Red Book) 🙁

        • R and T says:

          Look forward to seeing it on your blog. I’m not sure where i the red book I got that mandala. Will have to page thru stuff again!

          Question: with this sequence of synchros, what meaning are you taking you taking away from it all? Just curious.

          • Darren B says:

            “Question: with this sequence of synchros, what meaning are you taking away from it all?”

            Good Question.
            I don’t have any sense of real meaning to it yet,more of a feeling of guidance,that what I’m reading watching and doing,and the people that I’m interacting with,are right for me at this point in time.Like that I’m part
            (as well as these people and things) of one great interacting whole,that has a purpose,but of what?I’m not sure of yet.
            It’s like something from beyond this life is throwing these synchronistic puzzle pieces at me,and now I have to wake up (I feel like I have been dozing for the last 23 years) and solve the big picture…or at least try to…if that makes any sense?

            The synchronicities above are just a small fraction of the syncs starting to tie in with other bloggers and people in my life…like I say,it’s a weird trip…and I still don’t know where it’s going.

  15. friend of nica says:

    ps – i love the time that my first comment was posted – 10:22 – his twin daughters are born on the 22nd of august –

    pss – vicki’s comment above reminds me that 4 nights ago, i dreamed of a large EQuake – the really odd thing was that this dream was in BLACK AND WHITE – i’ve never had a black and white dream [that i remember] – i woke feeling as if the earth was moving – literally – and it took quite a while afterward for me to “stabilize” that quakey feeling – for several days before, my left ear had been doing its thing and i kept thinking i would contact cj and others to see what was going on but, with my own personal chaos going on of late, i just never got around to it –

  16. friend of nica says:

    how absolutely fabulous!!! can you hear me shouting YEAH!!! perfect perfect third book subject! i got goose bumps just thinking of ALL the possibilities of such a book and no one could do it better than you two! i am SO excited! cannot wait!!

    and you know, your post brought to mind so very many instances of just those kinds of creative people in my own life – one of which i must share now – my first son-in-law [married to my oldest daughter] was one of those people – a creative misfit – he came from a very dysfunctional family where several siblings had already taken their own lives – he was a good-hearted person and he loved my daughter – i’ve no doubt of that – when they began their little family, he doted on the kids – he loved them dearly, too – but sadly, he was illiterate – he could not read or write past about a 2nd or 3rd grade level – and he kept that secret from us for years – i still remember the day that he told me – in any event, he was very troubled – but – with all his many deficits, he was a magician with a piece of wood – he could take a railroad crosstie and turn it into a magnificent work of art! he would scavenger curbsides and anything thrown away – bring it home – and turn it into art – beautiful art that took your breath away – my next door neighbor was a piano tuner – and was always throwing away this or that piece of an ancient piano – and B would take that and make wall art for me – he was a genius cook – he taught ME how to cook several of the most divine dishes with 2 secret ingredients [soy sauce and louisiana hot sauce] – but again, he was very troubled and self-destructive – and very shortly after my daughter filed for divorce, while my grandchildren were still very young, he put a gun to his heart and killed himself – i had always intended to give the art work he made for me to his children and ironically [with this post today], exactly one week ago today, the last piece went home with his daughter in lake charles –

    in any event, your post touches my heart in may ways – thank you!

  17. Vicki D. says:

    Trish I love the way you write, I just want to keep reading.
    Intersting that you mention dreams. In the past week I had one dream where I saw Aliens being very busy, like they were getting ready for someone to come and visit.
    2nights ago I had a dream that I have never had before; I was lots of people in an open field that was surrounded by trees and all of a sudden we all saw several UFOs flying and hovering above us. They had colorful lights on them, some were big and some were diamond shaped and not very big. I haven’t remembered having such a colorful dream in a long time.
    As we all looked up in the sky I commented ” well they can’t deny this!”
    I wonder if anyone else has had anything similar to this.

    Sorry, I got off subject, I do agree that everyone is creative.
    I used to help out at my daughters school with reading and writing workshops, and one of my favorite things to do was show 2 different ways to describe coming home from school and smelling chocolate chip cookies baking. The kids would get excited and then I would have them describe something. I loved it because they would see that they could “write” too. The arts in schools is SO important.

    • R and T says:

      Vicki, yes, an impressive post, if I can say so. I went to bed at midnight, Trish stayed up and wrote about creativity, and that’s after working all day on her next novel. I don’t know how she does it!

      Fantastic dream, BTW. Empowering!

    • R and T says:

      Vicki – not sure how I missed your comment! What a fascinating dream. You’re one of those vivid dreamers, for sure, and I would love it if this dreams of yours came true.

  18. Darren B says:

    It’s funny you should mention shamanic drumming,because just before I came here to read this post,I had just completed an order for two books from Amazon.
    One was “The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision” by James Redfield,and the other was “Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide” by Sandra Ingerman.
    I had decided that I had better get a copy of “The Twelfth Insight” to read,since I had more or less committed myself to reading it,when I talked about it on my blog.
    And since I thought it was a bit of a waste ordering just one book,when I could get two for just about the same postage rate.I chose one from the 200,or so,on my Amazon wish-list,completely at random.I thought it was funny that I chose “Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide”,because on my last trip to Byron Bay I had purchased a $20 drum from Kathmandu Connection (the same place I got the wooden cat calendar, which I write about at my blog) because I always wanted to play bongo type drums,but didn’t own any…until my trip to Byron…now I have a little African drum to bang to everyone’s annoyance.-)

    • R and T says:

      Darren, You were surprised that Trish mentioned shamanism and drumming after you purchased Shamanic Journeying, by Sandra Ingerman. Well, guess what? The CD I was using for the drumming in the class that Trish wrote about came from THAT book. Ingerman was a student of Michael Harner, the anthropologist most responsible for bringing the ancient tradition to the Western world. She’s very experienced, knows her stuff, but her voice is a bit harsh and takes getting used to.

      • Darren B says:

        It’s funny,because when I read the review on Amazon,and found out a CD was included with the book,I just knew this was the right choice,and didn’t even hesitate to order it.At the time I didn’t know how significant this sync was going to be,it just felt right.How weird this is the CD you were playing in your class.

      • Darren B says:

        Rob,you haven’t heard my voice,yet.-)

  19. Ah, yes, we are all creative in so many ways, it’s part of our reason for being here at this time. I guess what we have to try and do is to ensure that our creativity is for the good of the world, even if only in a minor role. As in all things there are opposites.

    Like the sound of Rob’s meditation class, wish I didn’t live so far away! Must look out for something similar locally.

    I’m off to do something creative …

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