Journey to Egypt


Jane Clifford of Wales tells us that she’s headed to Egypt in late April, right after Mercury goes direct. Here’s how the trip materialized for her. It seems that it was triggered from the other side.


Why Egypt? Here’s the deal! A few weeks ago my guide said, ‘You are to go to Egypt.’

“Well, it was not high on my list to go there right now, never been there, in spite of past life memories. Besides,  I would prefer to go during the winter months.

“So I laughed and said,  ‘If you want me to go to Egypt, then find me a travel companion and somewhere to stay that’s not a cheap high-rise hotel package trip.’

“A week later, I randomly put up a guest in my home who was a French vet named Vanessa and who was here for the Keisha Little Grandmother talk. People flew in to my tiny home town from all over the world and some of us locals offered free accomodation.

“Vanessa and I bonded really well. She stayed on a few days and then invited me to Egypt where I could stay in a simple beach hut built in the traditional beduin way on the beach. There’s a recording studio there and musicians play on the beach under the stars–exactly my kind of place and affordable! Its in Sinai and not near the troubles or big the big tourism areas.”


So did Jane’s guide set up the trip or did the guide foresee it coming? Regardless, an interesting synchro, and I’m sure the trip itself will provide more magic!

Jane also provided a bit of Welsh magic as well, explaining more about Keisha Little Grandmother and her visit.


“So why would Keisha Little Grandmother visit our tiny town, you might wonder? She told everyone that Great Spirit sent her here to go to a place called Enoch in our mountains nearby. It’s a place where she is told that North becomes South and South becomes North on the compass! It’s also the source of the bluestones that were transported to Wiltshire where they were used to build Stonehenge. No one knows how the enormous stones were moved, but legend says it was by magic.

“Little Grandmother talked about ancient energy stored here that is now being activated to rise again for the 2012 transition. I took the microphone and asked her if she was aware of a stone circle near here where ancient texts reveal that when Christianity arrived, all the wizards of Wales went to cast their magic into the earth and placed a stone stopper over it. There it would remain until it is time for the energy to arise again.

“When I went there recently, I sensed the energy is activated. I was instructed intuitively to walk counter-clockwise outside the circle, then to gradually walk in a spiral to the centre.”



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29 Responses to Journey to Egypt

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    Dear Cousin of mine….you must know I’m only half-serious, although I would truly love to have some genuine Egyptian sand! We’re both so connected to our heritage from there, aren’t we!! I sit in my sanctuary for hours every day and am inundated with such magical, peaceful energy. I believe Brad Steiger also spent a night within the Great Pyramid years ago and wrote a great text about that adventure. I have it in his section of my Egyptian library! The gov’t there has clamped down on allowing researchers in. Too much war closeby in the area, I suspect, and too much plunderings by thieves who are dishonest. They authorities are re-building and refurbishing as they are able. Nonetheless, the megaliths have never lost a spect of their incomparable frequencies and, if anything, it has increased over the centuries.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    WAAAHHHHH! Gyspy, I want some sand!!! I’ll trade you some (“special”) books for a tiny baggie of sand!! I use one of my larger pyramids for magical purposes fequently, and a few grains of the sand would be such an energy force to have! That’s what families are for, right? Can you hear me begging?? Would a tantrum help? I can throw those, too! They’re not very effective, though. 😉 My buddy Doc managed to snitch a small ground rock from the Machu Picchu sacred site and bring it to me for my planet rock basket. He got it back through customs, believe it or not. It’s small but has impressive energy! If I could miniaturize myself, I’d hide in one of Jane’s suitcases! Anybody have any shrinking potion??

  3. Natalie says:

    What cool things happen to Jane! She is so switched on isn’t she? I am sure her trip will be most eventful.
    Debra ~ I am fascinated by your house and those stones! They won’t leave me alone. WOW, It is like a switched just got flicked.

  4. friend of nica says:

    well, just like cj, i am certain that i have lived an egyptian life at some time – since my earliest childhood memories, i have had a burning affinity for all things egyptian – couldn’t read enough – couldn’t learn enough – couldn’t see enough of anything to do with egypt – particularly, the pyramids – and trish, you remember the story of the baggie of sand that my friend sneaked in through customs when she visited giza? – how divine to have –

    very neat story – and thanks for all the book info, cj – you know i’ll be getting it! 😉

  5. DJan says:

    Just wanted to say hello and let you know I’m still reading, even if not commenting every time. I appreciate your comments on my blog and it reminds me to come over here and take a look!

  6. shadow says:

    hey! hey! just checking in after a rather lengthy absence. thanks for your visits and with the shorter days and longer nights i hope to be around here a lot more often now. see ya!!!

  7. D Page says:

    This is a fascinating story!
    I am very interested in the stonehenge “blue stones”. They are composed of diorite, which is rare ,heavy & hard and had to be brought from hundreds of miles away. Synchro: many of the ancient statues of Egypt were made from this same stone- diorite: (includes a statue of the cat headed Sekhemet)

    When Little Grandmother talked about the energy being stored in the blue stones did she mean all veins of diorite? Diorite was only used in temple complexes and sacred buildings in the ancient world. It is also linked with high levels of paranormal activity, and accelerated growth of plants.
    I came by this knowledge because our home (bought in 2007) is haunted….. and I discovered it was built on a small hill containing this sacred stone. (An interesting book about these stones, activity and temple complexes: Seed of Knowledge Stone of Plenty : Understanding the Lost Technology of the Ancient Megalith-Builders, by Burke & Halberg.)

    • R and T says:

      Hopefully Jane will clarify that point, D.

      • tHE TURBOWITCH says:

        The stones for stonehenge came not from Enoch but from Angel mountain 20 mins from where I live. The Gors Fawr stone circle is near there and that is where it is said all the wizards of Wales cast their magic into the earth and turned into stone to seal it there. These are not huge stones like stonehenge, a much smaller cirle. The magic was buried there when christianity came here. It is said the power would rise again when required and it does seem to be changing there.
        Enoch is over the mountains overlooking the celtic sea, I didnt go there with my compass yet to see if North becomes South as Little Grandmother said,but some friends are going to go tomorrow,so I will report again. Do any of you have landmarks or power spots where the compass reverses? I would welcome any info about.

  8. Nancy says:

    Not to give away the book, but this goes right along with The Twelfth Insight by James Redfield. And as a synchronicity – I was wondering which book to read next and she mentions Enoch – maybe it is time to start The Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtak.

  9. mathaddict3322 says:

    Mike, if you’re still intrigued by Egypt and the Pyramids and Sphinx, go to, and over on the left side of the page, click onto the author DAVID H. LEWIS. It will bring up his books. His material was seized by the governments and disappeared for decades. My own copy of “Mysteries Of The Pyramids” disappeared without a trace, and I am one picky person about keeping my books in their proper place in my personal library, and I never, ever loan my Egyptian books. But it vanished. For years and years I kept trying to locate a copy but there were none to be found. Suddenly I ‘stumbled upon’ the hiddenmysteries computer site (synchronicity?) and lo and behold, they have located copies and have made them available again. It took them years to manage to do this. I highly recommend his text The Mysteries Of The Pyramids for anyone who is truly interested. He led an expedition into the Giza Pyramid at a time when the Egyptian gov’t allowed it (generations ago) and his findings will blow you away. There IS a lot of mathematics in the text that are highly pertinent, but there is a great deal more, and it is absolutely spellbinding. I think…am not sure….if you now google David H. Lewis, then type in the title of that particular book, it can be downloaded from the computer for free. However, there are missing pages, photos, drawings, etc., so the real book itself is the treasure. Happy hunting!

  10. Great story. If we ‘have’ to go somewhere a way will be found.

    I haven’t been to Egypt as yet but have been fascinated by the magical pyramids since very young. I used to make model ones, in the right proportions, to see what would happen to various things left inside. Got some interesting results for plants, preserving items and even found that salt water would rise in a glass on the north and south sides.

  11. mathaddict3322 says:

    You MUST know I love this post! Love it love it love it! When we lived in the country outside Atlanta, the room where I held my client sessions was an enormous 40×40 terrace room, and it was Egyptian. When we moved here, many of my clients were recovering ‘born-agains’ and the like, so I decided to create a space that was very much Thomas Kincaid….Victorian, comfortable, neutral in terms of spirituality. But my Other-Worldly guides kept nudging me. They nudged for years, until finally I caved, and stripped my room bare of the warm and lovely Victorian decor. Since then, it has been my Egyptian Sanctuary. A calming, soothing oasis. There is a huge indoor fountain in there surrounded by desert plants. Everything within the space, everything, came directly from Egypt. And the magic that is Egypt has been re-born. It wraps around me and saturates me. That magic is felt the moment a person steps through the door. I am HOME again, and spend most of my waking hours in there, continuing my work in Egyptian cryptography. It’s been whispered to me by these same Guides, that when I transition from this physical vehicle, my spirit-soul will be going to the City very deep beneath the Pryamid at Giza in which there are portals to many dimensions. I understand that most will think me insane, so I usually don’t discuss it. But in my most knowing self, on my highest level, I accept this message as the truth that it is, and embrace it. Many of my past lives have been spent in Egypt over the centuries and its energy is Home for me. Again, I love this post! It reminds me yet again of the unique magic that is inherent within the mysteries of that place-space I recognize as housing the threshold to my soul’s Home, and it draws me. I do hope Jane will tell us her story when she returns! Oh, how I long to make that visit with her!

    • R and T says:

      Figured you would love this one. Jane’s pending trip sounds fantastic.

      • tHE TURBOWITCH says:

        Thank you x I am staying in a beach hut built the Beduin way,the camp was begun 20 years ago when a friend of a friend married a beduin. I must try get details on here. It is basic and cheap accomodation,nice restuarant & recording studio,lots musicians go there. thank you for good wishes I will be offline there but be sure to report when I get back! My guide sent me to British musem and there I discovered the hathor goddess, I googled her and discover she rules the sinai peninsula where I am going to. Another syncro!

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