The Synchros of a Government Shutdown

Just the phrase, government shutdown has such a forbidding tone to it.  But what does it mean when the U.S. government shuts down? Well, that seems to depend on which political party is trying to explain it.

The right wing Tea Party types rage about the out of control spending in the government. Yet, during the eight years of Bush, they never let out a peep about the massive amounts of $ that went into the creation of the TSA, Homeland Security, or the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Instead, that administration gave tax cuts to the wealthiest one or two percent of Americans.  Since the Obama administration foolishly extended those tax cuts, the conservatives want to cut social programs – Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. Meanwhile, they refuse to touch 88 percent of the budget that largely includes defense spending. They actually want to give the Pentagon more money.

They want to cut education, too, you know, that socialist program that enables every child to receive a free education from kindergarten through high school. They want to eliminate unions that represent employees of these social programs you know, teachers and policemen and firemen. The real core of this whole thing, though, is the social agenda, which boils down to two things: cut funding for Planned Parenthood and to the EPA. In other words, deny women access to health services and don’t bother regulating the pollution in the air we breathe.The dems say they won’t cave on these two issues. But we wonder.

It seems they always cave to Republican demands. Even when they had the majority, they caved in the interests of “bipartisanship.” John Boehner, the majority leader for the Repugs, wanted 32 million in cuts; the Dems gave him $33 million. Or is it up to $35 billion? But money really isn’t the point. It’s those two critical social issues for them.

From a Huffington Post article on this topic: “A government shutdown  occurs when a government discontinues providing services that are not considered “essential.” Typically, essential services include police, fire fighting, armed forces, utilities and corrections. Interestingly, Congress and the President are exempt from the furlough and continue to receive compensation despite the fact that other services are suspended.”

The last time this happened was in 1995, under Clinton, when Gingrich was majority leader. Even though Clinton came out of it stronger in the polls, look at what happened to him afterward – the Lewinsky scandal, impeachment,  a personal shutdown. Clinton recovered, of course, and has gone on to become, like Carter, a stellar ex-president.  But what does this bode for Obama?

On March 23, he was locked out of the White House, certainly not a good sign for keeping the government functioning. In fact, if the shutdown occurs, the lockout was a precognitive synchronicity.

If the government shuts down, it means our massive interest payments on debt to China and other countries won’t be paid. That alone could spell cataclysm to financial markets. On a personal level, Social Security checks will be delayed, no new applications for SS or Medicare will be taken, even checks to the troops will be delayed. During the last shutdown in the 90s, reports that more than 800,000 calls about SSD claims went unanswered, that FHA mortgages and loans were delayed,  and forget obtaining a passport. Oh, and don’t count on a tax refund getting to you any time soon.

Of course, certain functions within the government are exempt from a shutdown. The war machine continues. Members of Congress continue to receive their pay checks and benefits and so do employees in the executive branch. But if you tighten the torture screws on the general populace  to the point where  the pain becomes unbearable, revolution ensues, something shifts, and it isn’t because of weapons and violence. It’s due to a tipping point in consciousness. And that’s what 2012 may be about.

If Obama, the man who ran on a mantra of change, wins the 2012 election, it probably won’t be by the huge margins that ushered him into office in 2008. The synchros and signs seem clear on that. Part of the reason  is the disenchantment of the Left, which sees Obama backtracking on closing Gitmo, getting out of Iraq, rescinding the Patriot Act, and eliminating big tax breaks for the richest Americans. If those voters stay home in 2012, Obama is in trouble.

Meanwhile, he continues to attempt to appease conservatives, who are not impressed. Whatever action Obama takes, they’re opposed to it. Libya is a great example. The warmongers, who supported and continue to defend Bush’s two wars, suddenly turned into war critics. Talk about hypocrisy.

We’re entering a period of transition where nothing is certain, there are no guarantees. That’s why so many are grasping for the good ol’ days, clinging to the past. But it’s all up for grabs and where these chips fall seems to depend on our collective consciousness, on how closely we listen to and follow our personal synchros.






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58 Responses to The Synchros of a Government Shutdown

  1. "whoot" says:

    question though CJ does the fact that this country allows this procedure under the guise of law influence the disicision (I cna’t spell) of this person seemingly in accordance with souls in the process of division…

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Whoot, I was just about to address your comments about abortion when I read Trish’s.
    She pretty much expressed what I had intended to say. A young girl who is brutally raped, for example, and becomes pregnant by the rapist, surely should not be forced to carry that child and give it birth….re-living over and over again the savagery of rape and its consequences. A woman who unknowingly has sex with a man who has AIDS has the right to terminate the pregnancy if she feels she cannot face the challenges of that situation once the presence of AIDS becomes known. A female who is molested by a relative, (a father or brother, for example), and becomes pregnant, and the child, on ultrasound, demonstrates horrific disabilities due to incest….should not be forced to carry that child and deliver it if she feels that she is unable to cope with such a dire responsibility. Making love should be a “choice”, and pregnancy should be a “choice”. There are situations where a couple will decide to have a child whom they know, prior to its birth, will be severely handicapped, and they feel capable of handling the challenges. But just as making love should be a choice, having a child should be a choice. We exercise free will in our personal and private lives, and neither the government nor the churches should hold the right to decide for an individual what that individual wants to do with her (or his) body. Would you support a government that denied you the right to smoke, or to drink alcohol, or to eat MacDonald’s loaded with transfat every day of your life? Would you support a government that forced you to receive chemotherapy if you did not wish to have that type of treatment? Or for that matter, to give yourself or your child vaccines that have not been proven to be safe? Our bodies belong to us, and we have the inalienable RIGHT to make choices and decisions about what we do with them. According to my convictions, the incoming soul determines whether or not it wishes to be born into a specific fetus, and will superconsciously influence the mother accordingly. A woman who listens to her intuition and not to the dictates of church or state will make the right choice for herself and for the termination or the continuation of a pregnancy. If a soul desires to be born, it will be born. If the pregnancy is aborted, that is with the consent of the discarnate soul. Sometimes a soul discovers that the fetus it intended to inhabit doesn’t meet the requeirments that soul must have for the current lifetime, and it will spontaneously miscarry if the mother doesn’t abort. Many disagree with my convictions, and I honor that. But I also honor the rights of individuals to choose what we do with our bodies, without interference from others.

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    Oh Gosh, I mis-wrote what I was intending. OF COURSE I’m convinced the jets hit the towers! Along with everyone else in America and around the world, I watched the nightmare in hell unfold right in front of our eyes! What I meant was that in addition to the planes hitting the towers, it appears there were packages of demolition explosives planted in strategic places within the structures that were ignited when the planes, used as fuses, hit the buildings, which is why the buildings exploded at points of impact by the planes but imploded otherwise! Sorry my explanation wasn’t clear, Guys! It’s too early in the morning for me to be writing! And when I mentioned seeing with my own eyes the pieces of the Flight 93 plane strewn around the gaping hole, and parts of seats, luggage, etc, moments after the media arrived, that was absolute truth. So that plane, (93), as well as the two Tower planes, were as real as it gets. If I hadn’t seen 93 with my own eyes IMMEDIATELY AFTER IT HAPPENED, I’d be doubtful like Darren and Sansego, but I saw it, and it couldn’t have been a “created” scene. It was too fast and too immediate. When I saw the first plane hit, and then BOOM! the second plane hit, I truly believed America was in the throes of war and that our entire country was under seige….to the degree that I instantly located all my sons via phone and through sobs, begged them to try to fins a safe place! My oldest was actually workiing at the very top of our Lighthouse and didn’t know what had just happened (plane #1). I was talking to him on the phone when the Lighthouse director yelled up at him to get down!! It was awful. The only one I have doubts about is the Pentagon. That had the appearance of a missile strike or some other type of attack.

  4. friend of nica says:

    wow! so sorry i missed the ongoing dialogue here – just to add a small bit however – at the time of 9/11 i was living in dc – actually, across the bridge in alexandria va – anyway, on that morning, local television channels announced that the STATE DEPARTMENT had been hit by a missile – and then, there was nothing afterward – it was just as if the announcement had never happened –

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    Post-Script: There is a synchronicity with Flight 93. It crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, and The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    Sansego and Darren, regarding Flight 93 that crashed in the field on Pennsylvania, if you google ‘9-11-2001 Flight 93 crash photos’, it will bring up several pages relevant to that portion of the disaster. There were many credible witnesses ON THE GROUND, confirmed by reliable investigators, (one witness is a farmer who, in the almost immediate aftermath of the crash, gave MSM a particularly harrowing experience of watching and hearing it come down and who jumped off his tractor and rushed to the scene; later research proved he was not part of the conspiracy but is a genuine farmer who lives in the area); fragments of the fuselage and plane pieces were located, some near the hole, some actually miles away; (I saw these myself, with my own eyes), minutes after the crash, when the media arrived; the flight data recorder, black box, was located and was able to verify what those heroic passengers did that prevented the plane from reaching its intended destination, whatever that destination may have been. Of the “four” attacks, Flight 93 is the only one that has definitively been verified and proven as having happened. Parts of the bodies of many of its victims were located and identified by family members. Jewelry they were wearing, etc, was retrieved and identified, and cell phones. This information doesn’t come from the movie made later to commend those passengers. It comes from unimpeachable sources and from families of the passengers, and I researched this last night because I remembered, quite vividly, watching through my sobs that specific event, among the other horrors of that day, as it was happening. There would not have been sufficient money in the world to bribe those family members to lie about the remains of their loved ones, if nothing else about the catastrophe of 9-11 was truth. And on the day itself, when Flight 93 crashed and the MSM film crews arrived, pieces of the wreckage were clearly visible on the bare field and among the woods and trees around the gaping hole, as were seats, luggage, and hellishly, body parts. So Flight 93 was true. It did happen, and the passengers and plane were found. The others? History will remain a blank sheet about them and, like the death of John F. Kennedy, the citizens of America might never learn the real facts. We can speculate, but KNOW? I shudder thinking about what the truth probably is, and who was most involved. The essential critical fact is that on 9-11 our president was visiting a school hundreds of miles away from the White House, Cheney was miles away, and when Wubbya was informed, his face demonstrated no shock or surprise. He explained this as “not wanting to frighten the children”, but that’s a crock. He knew before the event and was well out of Dodge in ample time to avoid it. I have found it to be extremely compelling that the current president of the USA never fails to be conveniently away from the Oval Office, generally in another country, anytime there is a sudden unexpected crisis here or elsewhere that would demand his presence. To me, that speaks volumes. I’m not willing to stretch coincidence that far. It’s possible that Flight 93 was the plane intended to hit the Pentagon, and when it was averted, a missile did the job instead. Demolition experts have authoritatively demonstrated that the Twin Towers and the third building IMploded rather than EXploded. At the site of contact with Towers North and South, the buildings exploded outward. We all watched that. But in a very timely manner, the remaining portions of not one but THREE buildings imploded. All of us are smart enough to understand what this implies. We’ve all watched with morbid fascination when old buildings are being intentionally, safely imploded, but of course these old structures are devoid of humans and the surrounding areas are cleared of people as well. Unfortunately The Trade Center was filled with people, as intended. The planes were quite apparently the lighted fuses that created the interior-set demolition “packages” to do their jobs.
    Regarding the Presidents, Bush was an effective co-creator of America’s current hell. Contrarily, Obama is effectively non-effective. IMO.

    • R and T says:

      Connie, you’re not convinced airplanes hit the WTC? Wow, I thought everyone accepted that since there are multiple videos of it happening. That would be some conspiracy…and where are those planes?

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    Guys, there were FOUR planes, not three, remember? Two that supposedly hit the twin Towers separately, one that supposedly hit the Pentagon, and the fourth that crashed in the Pennsylvania field instead of hitting the target it was destined to hit. Capital? White House? Who knows. That’s four jets, not three. And it’s highly doubtful that a plane crashed into the Pentagon, all things considered. Seemed to be a missile. Too many unanswered questions, especially regarding the structural integrity of those buildings by engineers who are experts in their respective areas. There are many who independently have gone on record with statements that the buildings “imploded” after the planes hit them. That’s caused by planted demolition.
    Lies lies lies.

    • R and T says:

      I had forgotten about plane 4, math. Good points.

      • I didn’t forget. The fourth plane was also mysterious. There were no plane wreckage parts, either. It was strange that photos of the crash site was not shown. Some hole in the ground supposedly swallowed the plane.

        • R and T says:

          If the photos of the crash site were not shown, as you say, then how do we know there was no wreckage. We know the plane was hijacked and we know from a call aboard the plane that passengers attempted to retake control on the plane. That’s why it crashed in a field in PA, not into the Capitol Building or White House.

          • In every plane crash, the media shows the aftermath, with huge pieces of plane parts scattered everywhere, such as the Pan Am flight 103 that exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988. We had no such photos from the Pentagon and the field in Pennsylvania. The burden of proof that a plane crash occurred is on those claiming that such a crash happened. Until I see photos that make logical sense, I don’t believe it happened. There’s no denying that two planes hit the WTC because it was well filmed from many angles. But the photos of the other two attacks are not convincing that a plane crash happened. If anyone has one, I’d love to see them!

            • R and T says:

              Sanseago, Well, we know two planes took off and never completed their flights, and there were two apparent crashes. I would have to assume the planes and crashes went together unless there’s another explanations of what happened to the planes.

              I suppose you could say that the two planes flew out over the Atlantic and crashed and no remains of the planes or passengers ever turned up, and simultaneously two missiles were launched, one hitting the Pentagon, the other crashing into a PA field. But why bother with the missiles, if you’ve got the airplanes? It really doesn’t make any sense, at least to me. – R

  8. Wow ….loved what everyone had to say here. So glad to see this conversation taking place, and would love to see R and T’s post go viral. The only problem is….I believe there are more closed minds than opened ones to listen. I’ve given in to thinking that voting is just a way for the forces that be allowing us to think we have a choice….because once given the choice they allow us to think we have (uh huh…Obama ) the choice is taken out to the wood shed for a bit and then sent back out on puppet strings….the anticipated change is over. I believe there are some very sinister people puppeteering the world. It just might all be smoke and mirrors. I feel like there is something much larger than our minds can actually wrap around going on here. The rich are looking to get richer …possibly for something that some of us aren’t aware of yet…some information only the mega rich are privy to.
    Like Mathaddict…I’d like to believe that Americans will not sit back for such abomination. And I’m really hoping what ever 2012 entails…. will be the change we are all waiting and hoping for.
    Excellent post.

    • R and T says:

      Change won’t happen under obama now since it hasn’t yet happened in the 2 years he has been in office. The whole situation really stinks.

      • "whoot" says:

        I n T e R n A t I o N a L social political “INERTIA” is not something

        “ANY” one man + his cabinet can change in less then 4+

        the pres.. by definition being part of the ……….. is as least likely to be able to change the……….. as any man in THE system…..

    • If you ever listen to Coast to Coast AM, they talk about this stuff all the time. Basically, one theory I’ve heard is that the world is too overpopulated and a future fighting over dwindling natural resources (including food and water) is probably inevitable. Supposedly, the wealthy want to acquire more and more wealth to protect themselves from the masses of people fighting for survival. It doesn’t shock me, though. Jesus said that its harder for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven than a camel through the eye of a needle. Rich people aren’t spiritual at all…at least those supporting these policies (wealthy people who support Democratic policies seem to be okay with being taxed at a higher rate). If one does not believe in an afterlife, yeah, I can see why hoarding more and more, and living in a heavenly paradise you were able to buy on earth might be seen as the point to life. But also, as Jesus said, where your heart is, that’s where your treasure is. Its a coming conflict between the “materialists” and the “spiritualists.” I feel sorry for these people when they die and finally learn the real truth about existence: what did they do to improve the planet for other people? Did they help alleviate poverty or did they increase it? All their treasures won’t matter one bit when the last heartbeat finally happens.

      • R and T says:

        A lot of the people supporting the Republican agenda actually consider themselves quite spiritual…or at least religious. They’re anti-abortion, even anti-birth control. The social agenda has re-emerged. They’re usually very pro-war as well, at least Bush’s wars. I’ve always wondered if they ever think about the unborn children that died in these wars, since they’re not too concerned about the born victims. – R

        • The true mark of spirituality is the ability to see the connections with the planet, animals, people you don’t know. “Religious people” may vote Republican, but many of the wealthy class are not religious at all or spiritual. No authentically spiritual person would buy politicians and influence them to pass laws that keep getting money to flow their way. The men who ran Enron were not spiritual, because they essentially stole money to live their luxurious lifestyles without concern that they were living on money that was earned by the lower paid workers at the company. The wealthy class likely views religion with disdain, but the realize that the only way they can get their preferred candidates to win is by exploiting the low-information, highly “religious” set of conservative Christian people to vote against their own economic self-interest. Its a brilliant (yet evil) strategy on their part.

          • R and T says:

            Well said, and unfortunately probably true in many cases of the conservative power elite. Money itself, however, isn’t the problem. Money is energy. It’s how it’s used and the mentality and intent of the one using it. – R

            • Money is not the problem. Greed is. Too many CEOs think that the millions they get paid was well deserved or well earned, which may not be the case. In every place I’ve worked, those in executive positions seemed quite clueless about a lot of stuff and they had a conformist mindset. An authentically spiritual person would not lay off ten employees to pay oneself an annual bonus while the company is in the red. Its the sense of entitlement to wealth without realizing how many people helped a company be successful but getting paid low wages while the CEO keeps adding to his or her account. Why do they need so much money? To do like Meg Whitman and squander a lot on a vanity campaign for political office? To buy members of Congress wholesale? To own a yacht, several mega mansions and vacation homes, and a learjet?

              If I was uber-wealthy, I’d devote a lot of my wealth to improving the lives of other people. I’ve never been comfortable with luxury. I have a habit of traveling the cheapest way possible, so I doubt that would change if I experienced wealth. I hate greed more than anything else, which is why I don’t get along with a lot of libertarian people.

        • "whoot" says:

          realize this Rob ,, abortion (in most all cases) is an abomination against the creator and is the ultimate in the act of irresponsibiliaty,,,, and is a precursor in much of the ways of the present,,,, course crime rates did drop……… Roe (swim up stream) or just Wade in it,,,,, Sy L N Ot…..

          • R and T says:

            whoot- war is the abomination.
            No woman wants to have an abortion. But in some cases, it’s the only choice. Incest, for instance. Or when there’s something terribly wrong with the baby. Or the pregnancy is a threat to the mother’s life. There are other circumstances as well, and it’s always interesting to me that men who believe abortion is murder are often okay with war. Go figure.

            • "whoot" says:

              yes it seems and maybe is true that War (some more insane then others,,, Hitler) is an abomination,, just wondering what it is that comes out of conflict,,, also wondering what human population would be like if not for,,, thinking we would definitely need “P” control,, or else we would of needed to settle the ocean and the atmosphere…. but as for abortion I might guess that maybe less then 20% of them fall in the catagory of extenuated circumstances….. it more often gets used as birth control,, and (synchros L N other) kind of has it figured many of those souls “scream” out,, and believe,, life (of a form) begins at conception……..

      • "whoot" says:

        fact people need resources to live……

        fact people want to live

        the answer is simple either cut the #”” of OR LIVE on less resources………….

  9. mathaddict3322 says:

    Of interest: Go to:
    Click onto ‘Home’
    Click onto the first article, “La puisance de la mort, or an invitation to a shunning…..”
    This is a post by Clif High and is well worth the read. Not on gov’t shutdown, but on the Japan nuclear catastrophe and its repercussions. Don’t miss this.

  10. Nancy says:

    What is the goal? Abolish the unions, create economic panic, systematically shut down education, now go after SS & Medicare. What is the end goal here?

    • R and T says:

      The end goal? Create a government where the poor get nothing, the middle class disappears, the rich get richer and the corporations rule and pay zero taxes. Back to the feudal system and indentured servitude…Or at least back to the pre-New Deal, Herbert Hoover era solutions…cut spending to escape the financial disaster of the Depression. As I recall, that didn’t work so well. – T

  11. mathaddict3322 says:

    Just a quick note. As a ‘senior’ receiving Medicare, Social Security, and AARP Supplimental Insurance, I’ve spent a great deal of time this week researching everything available on the potential gov’t shutdown tonite. Regarding SS and Medicare, these are separately funded and are not included in the shutdown, nor is mail delivery. However, there MAY be skeleton staffing in certain of these departments. Passports will stop being issued at midnight tonite if it happens, NEW applicants for Medicare and Social Security, and other separately-funded governmental agencies unaffected by such a shutdown, will be not be served and no new applications will be taken, and income tax refunds will be held up due to no staffing to operate the computers, etc. Be that as it may, one of the worst effects is that the troops and their families will not be paid even though the troops will be expected to continue their jobs and stay at their designated posts, (this is a travesty beyond the scope of my imagination or acceptance, all things considered!), and more than 800,000 federal workers will be on furlough, without pay. For Congress to continue to be paid during a shutdown is so outrageous that even as a pacifist, I feel revolution could,should be instituted at this time, even though it wasn’t in the mid-1990s. We’re in a completely different paradigm dimension now, and I truly intuitively sense that ordinary Americans will not sit still for such an abomination.
    If we do, we deserve whatever befalls us.

  12. Never heard of a ‘shutdown’ before, so can’t really comment but found your post interesting in that it seems to reflect what is also happening in the UK. As for 9/11, the official explanation just doesn’t ‘feel’ right, too many discrepancies.

  13. Nancy says:

    I agree with Nicholas – and I think 911 was not what it appeared to be. I’ve been reading about some of the architects that are coming out saying the buildings went down in a planned event. That if they were brought down by the planes they would not have gone straight down – random pieces would have come down in big chunks. That event took us directly into Afghanistan and allowed Bush to invade Iraq – all of which played into the hands of those making trillions on warfare. And while I have never been a conspiracy theorist, I’m leaning in that direction now – starting with the stolen election. I think we are up against a very organized, well-funded, shadow organization. There have been too many things that just don’t add up for me to believe everything that has happened to our country is just coincidence.

    • R and T says:

      I have never bought the 911 story that some guys with box cutters hijacked these planes. Some years ago, we watched a convincing video called Loose Change (I think that was the name of it) that really illuminated the points you make here, Nancy, about war and profit and a shadow government. – T

      • I “believed” the official story until about 2003 or 2004. The thing that kept nagging me were the photos of the Pentagon. We never see any major plane parts, like the wingspan or the tail. Yet in all the photos, there is a hole in the side of the Pentagon, yet no major wreckage. How could a building make an entire plane disappear? The other thing that bothered me was the 47-story WTC-7 building that was not hit by any plane. It had small fires on a few floors, but completely collapsed like a controlled demolition at 5 p.m. on that horrible day. How was that possible to happen? If small fires can completely collapse a building, why aren’t Americans afraid to work in skyscrapers? As we’ve seen in Japan, the earthquakes couldn’t collapse their skyscrapers, so why would small fires be able to?

        But to ask these questions means that you’re somehow a kooky conspiracy theorist. Yet, anyone thinking logically can see that 9/11 does not add up. BTW, I believe Osama bin Laden has been dead for some time. He was a convenient boogey man for Bush, but now that Bush is gone from the scene, no one ever talks about OBL anymore.

        • R and T says:

          You make some good points, Sansego, especially about the mysterious collapse of WTC-7. However, the idea that the Pentagon attack was caused by an explosive device, not an airplane, doesn’t make sense in the whole context of the event. You say, ‘How could a building make an entire plane disappear?’ But if the airplane didn’t hit the Pentagon, where is it? The disappearance of the plane and passengers–and we know there was a third plane–would be even more difficult to accept without a crash than its seemingly disappearance after it struck the Pentagon. – R

          • Rumsfeld made a slip of the tongue when he called it the “bombing of the Pentagon” in a speech. There are no easy answers, but without evidence of the wingspan or tail of the plane, I don’t believe a plane hit the Pentagon.

            Planes could crash in the Ocean. Did the airplane from Brazil to Paris that crashed a few years back ever get parts showing up on beaches? “Loose Change” talks about their theory regarding the Pentagon and Pennsylvania planes. I don’t necessarily buy their theories, though…but the lack of plane parts makes me not accept the official story.

            • Darren B says:

              The best film I ever saw on how the buildings could have come down was “9/11 Mysteries: Demolitions”


              One of the Bushes firms (Neil?) had the security contract for the world trade center,as well as the airports that the planes took off from.According to many surviving witnesses that had worked there.Internet cable was being laid throughout the building that weekend
              (detonation cable?) on just about all floors.
              There also seems to be involvement from parts of Mossad,the CIA,and MI6,as well as the Bush administration.So,it appears a lot of bigger players (bigger than the Bushes) had interests in this also. And don’t forget that the Enron investigation files were being housed in Building 7…what luck for anyone who could of been dragged into the Enron debacle…Bush,maybe?

              • Darren B says:

                There’s also pretty good evidence out there,that a missile hit the Pentagon,instead of a plane,and that the planes that hit the two buildings were empty and guided in by radar devices set up on those floors.

                What happened to the passengers on the real flights?
                Well,lets put it this way.When you’re part of a group that plans to fly planes into two heavily populated buildings,what’s a few more murdered passengers gonna do to your conscience?

                • R and T says:

                  The hole in the pentagon looked like that made by a missile. And as someone here pointed out – sansego, I think – where was the debris? Personally, I think the whole thing was either planned – or the shadow people took advantage of it.

                • R and T says:

                  >> pretty good evidence out there,that a missile hit the Pentagon,instead of a plane…
                  >>…the planes that hit the two buildings were empty and guided in by radar devices set up on those floors.

                  Okay, so what happened to the passengers if the two planes were empty? They definitely boarded the planes, which took off on schedule. And, if a missile hit the Pentagon, where’s the third hijacked airplane and its passengers? On the moon? No conspiracy theorists have any answers for those questions. – R

                  • Darren B says:

                    “And, if a missile hit the Pentagon, where’s the third hijacked airplane and its passengers?”

                    I don’t really know,but if you can show me where the plane is in the Pentagon photos and in the Pennsylvania field site,I would be interested,
                    because I can’t see anything that looks like a real plane crash,in those photos (and I have really looked hard).
                    They would have to be two of the most miraculous plane crashes in history,where virtually both planes totally disintergrate,
                    leaving not a trace.
                    Looking at all the other plane crash photos on the internet of similar sized planes,it becomes apparent that something is very wrong in these photos.

                    • R and T says:

                      I find the supposed disappearance of the plane and passengers more mysterious than a missile strike against the Pentagon. – R

                • Darren B says:

                  The real worry now,though,is not just the wars that are raging,but the fact that these same people want to start an Iraq style war with their main target IRAN.They have been trying to get this one going for years.
                  Even Oliver Stone spells it all out for about 15 mins,right in the middle of his movie “W”.
                  Probably the main reason he made the movie in the first place.
                  Even if you hate Bush,this is a must see movie for this one scene alone,where Cheney gives his big lecture.


  14. Nancy Pickard says:

    Great summary, R& T.
    Nicholas, so interesting that you interned for Gore! What a fascinating inside look you got. I have one question: I agree with everything you say about the things that would *not* have happened under a Pres. Gore, except that I do wonder if maybe he, too, might have gone into Afghanistan. There would have been enormous pressure on a liberal president to be a war president. If he hadn’t gone there, he’d have been called cowardly, weak, etc. I can still remember that at the time many, many Dems and Indies wanted revenge, right along with the right-wingers. People wanted Bin Laden caught and were caught up themselves (ourselves?) in an emotional rush for justice. We’ll never know, of course, but I wonder if Gore might have gone in, too. You think there’s no way that would have happened?

    • The reason why I said that Gore would not go into Afghanistan is because I don’t believe 9/11 would have happened under his watch. I believe that 9/11 was a planned operation by the people who were members of the Project for a New American Century. There was a plan in 1999-2000 to get Bush installed as president, thus why the fraud in Florida happened. The point of his administration was to commit American troops to Iraq to finish his daddy’s war. 9/11 gave them the perfect cover to do so. Plus, it is well documented that terrorist had planned to have simultaneous attacks in Seattle, LAX, and Washington D.C. for the New Year’s 2000 celebrations, but the Clinton Administration was vigilent about stopping terrorist attacks, and the plots were foiled. The Republicans needed a terrorist attack to happen to rally Americans to their dream of invading Iraq. Afghanistan was seen as a must, but they got bored with it quickly.

      • Nancy Pickard says:

        Oh, okay, thanks, Nicholas. I see the process of your logic. While I have no idea of the truth, there are many things I haven’t forgotten, including the mysterious stock exchange manipulations that remain unexplained to this day.

  15. The last shut down was how Monica Lewinsky was able to have closer access to the president. Most of the White House staff were furloughed, so the unpaid interns picked up the slack. I really hope that no such thing happens this time. I also think that it should be a requirement if a shut down happens, that members of Congress will forfeit their pay. Its not right that their stalemate over the budget should harm tens of thousands of people and the ripple effect it will cause in the community (such as the people who work in the food service industry or other services that federal workers fund with their money).

    Liberals who are thinking of sitting out 2012 are playing into the plans of the right wing. Nader loved to tell liberals in 2000 that there was not a dime’s bit of difference between Bush and Gore, but as one who has interned for Gore and understands what he is about, had Gore been president, I believe three things would not have happened under his watch: squandering the surplus; 9/11 attacks; and invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Those three events put America on the path to ruin, all because the WRONG man was able to sneak his way into the White House through fraud and people being asleep. Do we really want to go through another Republican administration, especially if the candidate is from the teabag wing?

    For me, Bush is a reminder of how complacency can lead us to ruin. We think things are benign, but there’s ugly brewing under the surface. In the 1990s, I read somewhere that the Republican agenda was to blow up the deficit during Republican administrations so that Democrats would be forced to make painful cuts. There is no way that the shadowy people would ever allow a Democratic president to inherit a great economy with a surplus. If you look at our history since 1932, Democrats come into power after Republicans ruin the economy. FDR inherited the Great Depression; JFK inherited a recession; Carter inherited stagflation; Clinton inherited a recession; Obama inherited the worst economy since FDR. There’s little a Democrat can do in the face of rules written by Republicans. The only hope is that liberals will rise up to challenge the teabaggers and Republicans. Unfortunately, anal retentiveness and obsessive-compulsiveness seems to be a conservative trait. They get their marching orders from Fox and follow like sheep. Liberals are notoriously independent and its hard to organize a large group of people who have their own interests.

    • R and T says:

      Great points! The sad truth is that it wasn’t jut complacency that put Bush in the white house. Those elections were stolen. In 2004, i punched Kerry’s name and Bush’s came up – not once, but three times. The voting machines in our
      county were compromised. – T

    • R and T says:

      Sansego, you seem to be suggesting that if Gore was elected, there would’ve been no 9/11. I think the attack would’ve occurred regardless of who was president. It was an inevitable event that arose from our collective unconscious that manifested as that unlikely catastrophe involving 14 men with box cutters and airplane tickets. How the buildings collapsed as they did is a mystery that will probably live on.

      I remember in the aftermath to 9/11 saying that the most powerful response would be a stoic non-response. No attack. I don’t recall getting too many seconds on that idea, though, and probably Gore would’ve invaded Afghanistan. Just look at how we thought Obama would bring change, and what has happened, as mentioned in the post. – R

      • I base my view on the fact that attacks were planned for Millennium New Year’s celebrations in Seattle and Washington, D.C. that were foiled, as well as the one for LAX. The security defense system worked well under Clinton, as did FEMA. When the administration changed hands, the out-going security advisor told the incoming security advisor that al-Qaeda would be the #1 problem to deal with. On August 9th, while GWB was on vacation, the CIA briefed him that Bin Laden was determined to strike in the U.S. Had Gore been notified, I believe the seriousness in which he dealt with national security issues would have prevented it from happening. The Bush Administration had no reason to prevent the attacks, and even if there was some secret deal between Cheney and Bin Laden to arrange this event, the people doing their jobs at the CIA and the FBI and in the military aren’t going to take a nap if a president tells them to be on the look out for suspicious activity at airports.

        In my opinion, 9/11 is the direct effect of allowing Bush to assume the presidency. But if 9/11 was destined to happen regardless of who the president was, then yes, I concur that Gore likely would have committed troops to Afghanistan. He is a hawk, after all. But Iraq was definitely Bush’s psycho-drama with his father.

  16. Nancy says:

    David Wilcock says April 8th is going to be HUGE for several reasons:

    There is absolutely no doubt we are careening toward some kind of shift. The polarization in this country is palpable. On top of that we have natural disasters, economic uncertainty, and a government that is unable to get the job done. No wonder I can’t sleep.

    • R and T says:

      Thanks for the link. I’ll check it out.

    • Yes, you are right, I feel. There is a shift brewing. It’s not just in the USA, but right across the world. We all know about the Middle East, but China is looking a bit dodgy too… they are locking up liberals and critics left right and centre, including Birdsnest Stadium co-designer Ai Wei Wei (who has been disappeared, and now state media initiating a propaganda campaign against him). Something is about to burst…

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