Telepathy & Past Lives

That title combines a couple of concepts that we don’t usually see together.  That’s because telepathy is usually something that takes place in the present and doesn’t involve other times.

However, when I read a recent e-mail from Jane Clifford about her repeated telepathic experiences with a U.K. novelist friend of hers who writes stories set in the Middle Ages, it occurred to me that these two quite possibly were linked by past lives related to that time frame. I should add that Jane had previously sent one or more e-mails telling of other telepathic experiences with the said writer.

In her last missive, she wrote that she had four telepathic experiences in an afternoon while traveling with the novelist. “A thought would come into my head and my friend would literally repeat it. She would bring up the same subject,the same words. This has been happening a lot lately.”

She added that when her friend recently visited Jane’s home in Wales, she had a feeling that a battle had been fought on the land. Synchronistically, another friend “staying one night had visions of a great many soldiers gathered outside, a huge gathering.”

Jane wanted to do some research on the property, but didn’t know where to start. “My author friend Googled Atheston the name of the farm here and King Athelston came up. He lived around the 10th century, and I had never heard of him. Then, this evening I switched the TV on (a rare occurrence) and  there was a wonderful program about King Athelston! Unusual syncro, I thought.”

Athelstan was king of West Saxons from 924 to 927 and king of the English from 927-939.

Jane thinks she has had a past life with both of the friends who picked up vibes on her property. Liz, the author, is the person who told her she was a medium years ago during a palm reading. Jane was 21 at the time and Liz sent her home with a pack of Tarot cards and a crystal ball. She was the catalyst to Jane’s development as a healer. “We always seem to meet on the full moon, even when we’ve had difficulty meeting throughout the month.”

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4 Responses to Telepathy & Past Lives

  1. Jane says:

    Lately I don’t think of past lives, since all time is now,rather parallel lives or timelines & I think this is why often lives and experiences in parallel timelines seep through into this one!
    I had an extraordinary synchro today ! Whilst flicking through an old magazine at a friends my attention was drawn to a picture of a hummingbird moth,something I have never seen before,the word hummingbird drew my attention first because it is my eldest daughters totem.Within the hour reading a local paper in a cafe there was a photo of the hummingbird moth ! I am visiting my daughter tomorrow having not seen her for 9 months ( she lives 7 hours away), but it is the bird not the moth that is her totem.I recall Rob and Trish you had an encounter recently with a huge moth and so I wonder if this moth is more a connection with you ?

  2. lauren raine says:

    Interesting………what do we really understand?

    Maybe the ancients are us………

  3. Laurence Zankowski says:


    Doesn’t give you pause that maybe the ancient ones are reawakening?

    Be well


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