Dear Congress

 Dear Congress,

You have hijacked the government – not over raising the debt ceiling (that’s later this month), but because you hope to prevent millions of uninsured individuals from obtaining health insurance.

 Instead of passing a routine spending bill – i.e., paying what we owe – you attached a provision to delay implementation of the Affordable Care Act, which went into effect on October 1. Oh, and just for your information, Congress, the Affordable Care Act was passed by both the House and the Senate in 2010, and was deemed legal by the Supreme Court.  Yet, you bozos have voted 40 times to overturn the law.

So let’s take a closer look at just how corrupt you idiots are. Senator Ted Cruz – you know, the guy who looks and acts like the reincarnation of Joe McCarthy (remember him?) – seems to be the leader of the tea partiers. He spent 21 hours on the floor of Congress, ranting against the Affordable Care Act. He made a point of saying he doesn’t have health insurance that the Congress offers. Really? So you don’t have health insurance at all Ted? Well, not exactly. His wife, Heidi, is a regional manner for Goldman Sachs. Ah, well, that explains it. Wall Street has better health care than Congress.

According to a 2009 New York Times report, top executive officers and managing directors at the bank participate in a health care program that costs Goldman more than $40,000 in premiums for each participant’s family annually. Slick, Ted.

The shutdown is now in its third day. You bozos, boozing during the 11th hour negotiations on the evening of September 30, don’t live in the real world. Do you know what the shutdown means in practical terms? For, you know, people?

More than 800,000 government workers have been furloughed; nutrition assistance for women, children and infants has halted; thousands of airline inspectors are now off the job; sexual assault investigations are now on a back burner; kids with cancer are blocked from clinical trials; NASA has been grounded; all national parks are closed. And that’s just for starters.

You bozo boozers don’t mind, though. You continue to collect your paychecks, somewhere in the neighborhood of $174,000.

Twenty Republicans have now jumped ship and want to vote for a clean bill – without this absurdity attached. But John Boehner, speaker of the house, won’t bring it to the floor for a vote. Ah, Boehner, Boehner  – (Bay-nor, is how most people pronounce his name, but the appropriate pronunciation is BONER) – you’re such a coward. You just can’t bring yourself to do the right thing. You know your career is cooked unless you tow the Tea Party line. But I suspect your career is cooked regardless of what you do at this point.

You, Mr. Perpetually Tanned Man, wept with joy when you were voted into your position in 2010. Well, dude, you’re going to be weeping when you’re voted out. And I hope the voting constituents who have kept you in Congress for 23 years vote you the hell out.

From Huffington Post:

“Shutting down our government doesn’t accomplish their stated goal,” Obama said of his Republican opponents at a Rose Garden event hailing implementation of the law. “The Affordable Care Act is a law that passed the House; it passed the Senate. The Supreme Court ruled it constitutional. It was a central issue in last year’s election. It is settled, and it is here to stay. And because of its funding sources, it’s not impacted by a government shutdown.”

 On October 1, more than 5 million people dropped by the government’s website on obtaining health care insurance.  I was one of them. I wasn’t looking for myself – I’m now covered under Medicare – but was looking for our 24-year-old daughter. Rob and I went without health insurance for more than 20 years. As self-employed individuals, we simply couldn’t afford it. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, our daughter will be able to obtain health insurance at a reasonable cost and won’t ever be rejected for any pre-existing condition she might have. And there won’t ever be a cap to her treatment for any ailment.

Granted, Obama could have set the bar much higher during the initial negotiations for this Affordable Health Care Act – like Medicare for all. Even so, Obamacare is more than what the American public has ever been offered in terms of health insurance. And to you, Boner, and the rest of your boozing, pathetic cronies, I say: if you keep the government shut down for days, weeks, or months, you’ll be paying for it on election day. All of you Tea Party freaks will be swept out of office. Go pound sand. And know this: the voice of the people is still stronger than you politicians who were elected to represent the people.


Are there any synchros in all this? I haven’t found any yet. But I’m sure they exist. After all, this is a mass event and, depending on how long the shutdown lasts, it could impact the global economy.  If anyone else has uncovered synchronicities related to this situation, please let us know!


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19 Responses to Dear Congress

  1. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Not exactly synchronicity, but there definitely is a pattern, or more “precisely” an elephant (Don’t Think of an Elephant). Attaching a name to an institution is like a red flag. If you want to eliminate your enemy (regardless that you may cause trouble to yourself in the process) is to first create the “elephant” (a symbol that both you and your enemy will perceive as the matter of life and death) and then kill it.

  2. passing it along says:

    hey “Rob” ya might have Megan give her friend who just moved to Oakland,, to work for Habit 4 Humanity,, (fine cause,, should of signed on years ago) but you guys might give him a call try and help him locate his cell phone….

  3. 2Bornot2B72 says:

    Is this just the beginning of the common people being pushed beyond their tipping points and losing control???

  4. 2Bornot2B72 says:

    You’re so right, Nancy. One of the essential things stopped is the food inspections at restaurants and at the origins of the foods….processing plants, etc. That’s going to allow all kinds of stuff to happen in the food industry, including a potential outbreak of many kinds of deadly toxins contained in our foods, etc. Even the water we use and consume will not be tested during this shutdown. Same with drugs. They won’t be challenged or checked. This is simply off-the-wall horrific, ALL of it.

  5. Nancy says:

    You notice the only things really shut down are those things important to the people. The war machine will still keep rolling along, Congress will still get paid, TSA will still grope us, the billion dollar NSA building in Utah will still do its thing, etc., etc., etc.

  6. 2Bornot2B72 says:

    If this shutdown isn’t resolved and the government-owned-and-operated facilities and services re-opened so that ordinary citizens can receive their paychecks…..and desperate, dying children receive the care that has been snatched from them, this country will become a Tale of Two Cities…..Mass Revolution, with chaos and killing spilling into every street and every corner of every state. For Congress to continue to be given salaries while families starve and children and the poor die due to no longer obtaining federal assistance is the most outrageous, heinous act ever prepetrated in this so-called “democracy”. Greed and selfishness has led us into this quagmire.

    I wonder what Ted Cruz would do if he were just an ordinary man, a father, whose terminally ill child was suddenly deprived of the care needed to keep it alive. I hope I’m not arrested for saying this….but I bet there are thousands of such folks in various similar circumstances due to the shutdown who want to explode a bomb in Congress. No, (to whatever government eyes might be reading this blog, I’m not making a threat). I’m just openly commenting what I have no doubt there are Americans everywhere whose suffering, increasing with each day of the Shutdown that continues, are thinking. And we wonder why there has been such an egregious increase in crime? In ordinary folks falling off the deep end and committing robbery and heaven only knows what else? It’s because the very ground beneath their feet has been taken away, with no immediate hope of it getting better. AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL…..

  7. Laurence Zankowski says:


    The major tv outlets from what i gather are no longer calling it Obamacare, but they use the official title of Affordable Care Act. There is your synchro.

    Be well


  8. Darren B says:

    Here’s a few syncs.
    Tom Clancy, author of Hunt for Red October and Patriot Games, dies aged 66…in October in his hometown of Baltimore, Maryland, his publisher Penguin said.
    His last book Command Authority, is due out in December.
    Command Authority. Could be a message in all that somewhere .-)

  9. lauren raine says:

    Well said!

    Lately everything has felt so crazy. In some ways, these idiots who so sadly have so much power represent to me the old paradigm, digging in their heels as everything changes around us. I hope we can reclaim our democracy…………

    • Rob and Trish says:

      The Tea Party crowd is the paragon of the old paradigm, screaming about the changes taking place around them, yearning for the old days. They are on their way out, and they know it.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      In Florida, the governor and his cohorts are complaining that their are too many glitches in the system. Oh, I wonder why. Gov. Scott and the GOP legislature have done everything possible NOT to implement the new health care system. In fact, they’ve only hired a handful of ‘navigators’ to help people select the right plan. It’s currently about one navigator for every 100,000 people in need of health care.

  10. I thought you would have something to say about this! I don’t understand it fully, as I can’t see how a country can possibly shut down like this. Also I thought the Obamacare had been approved.

    Our UK political parties have been holding their conferences recently and you realise what a load of clowns go into politics – many for their own advantage and not that of the country. Not all, of course, there are always one or two exceptions.

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