Island Bikes

When we were staying on Sugarloaf Key recently, one of our visitors from the far north (Minneapolis) road a bike around the island that we found in a storage room at the house. The bike was in good condition and had a sticker on it that said Island Bikes, 900 Truman, Key West. My friend, Rabbit, one of the 3 Roberts, (see post below)made several references to that bike shop, suggesting that we should go there. So, one evening when we went to Key West for dinner, we happened to cross Truman at the 900 block, but were surprised to see a bike shop with a different name. It was closed and we continued on. So that seemed the end of it.

However, after we returned home, Rabbit stayed on with another friend in No Name Key. During his stay, he was visited by a third friend, Toni, from Key West, who came bearing a gift: a T-shirt from Island Bikes and on the back of it, below the name of the shop, was the new address farther down Truman. Mystery solved. Of course, Toni had no idea that we’d discussed that bike shop several times in recent days, and Rabbit had been riding a bike purchased there.

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