Category Archives: objects

Rita and the Car

This painting, by Odilon Redon, is called Pandora’s Box. It fits this synchronicity. I discovered this artist through Gypsy’s blog, which is a visual feast. So one night I clicked on the artist’s name under one of her entries – … Continue reading

Posted in cars, death, objects | 11 Comments

Tied Together

Here’s a short one about a couple of guys who couldn’t seem to keep track of their stuff. Instead, they…well, read it and see what they found in their hotel rooms.*** In 1953, television reporter Irv Kupcinet was in London … Continue reading

Posted in names, objects | 3 Comments

Message in a bottle

Jim Banholzer sent this synchronicity to us. It arrived by e-mail within seconds. Some messages take a lot longer, but eventually find their way. Jim’s previous synchronicities were anagrams and a big league omen.***Chunosuke Matsuyama, a Japanese seaman, was wrecked … Continue reading

Posted in historical, objects | 1 Comment

Tree Trimming Mystery

Sometimes synchronicities can involve very mundane, everyday activities, such as the following one. One afternoon last week, I attempted to lop off about 20 feet of an avocado tree in my backyard. It had grown straight up about 35 feet … Continue reading

Posted in objects | 1 Comment


Here’s another story from Max Action, the guy now famous for the Magic Teapots story. Max also contributed Chicago Breakfast Bums, and The Little Prince. This synchronicity occurred a couple of weeks after the teapot incident. In the couple of … Continue reading

Posted in max, objects, telepathy | 1 Comment

‘Sorry, I meant sari, not soiree!’

The dreaming mind sometimes plays word games. Here’s a good example of that from Stephanie Ryan, of Kintnersville, Pennsylvania. The dream was precognitive so the synchronicity came into the waking world three days later. *** I had a dream, one … Continue reading

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Objects – like Max’s two teapots – are often involved in synchronicities. But the following story, also from Mysteries of the Unexplained, defies any rational explanation.+++In Japan in 1657, there was a kimono that was successively owned by three teenage … Continue reading

Posted in objects | 4 Comments

The Magic Teapots

Max, an “urban explorer, has a website called action (listed under websites of interest), where he writes about his explorations of caves, tunnels, rooftops and basements – “spaces between, spaces forgotten, spaces forbidden.” And he says he loves crawl … Continue reading

Posted in max, objects | Tagged | 4 Comments


This one is from Nancy McMoneagle and illustrates how cluster or serial synchronicities work: Nancy recalls a period in her life when she kept finding pearls. Strings of pearls, a pearl bead, a bracelet of pearls. She would come upon … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, objects | Leave a comment

Island Bikes

When we were staying on Sugarloaf Key recently, one of our visitors from the far north (Minneapolis) road a bike around the island that we found in a storage room at the house. The bike was in good condition and … Continue reading

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