Category Archives: places

Cedar Key Synchros

Cedar Key is a very small island 50 miles southwest of Gainesville, Florida, on Florida’s Gulf coast. We’ve been visiting for years and usually stay at the same place, the Old Fenimore Inn. This photo is the view at dusk, … Continue reading

Posted in places, towns, travel | 8 Comments

What’s really astonishing…

Saturday I was the fulcrum for a synchronicity between two women in my yoga class. Just before class began, I asked one of them, a snowbird, when she was heading north. She said she was delaying her return because it … Continue reading

Posted in places | 2 Comments

Madison Avenue

No astonishing, mind-blowing synchronicities–like the Blue Dog tale–came our way today. But, nevertheless, being aware of synchronicities seems to attract them. For instance, this afternoon I opened an e-mail from my friend Madison just as a five-year-old neighbor girl walked … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, names, places, yoga | 3 Comments

Big Sur – The Cabin by the Sea

This synchronicity happened to Dr. L Darryl Armstrong, It beautifully illustrates what can happen when we feel strongly connected to a particular place.*** Several years ago during the first days of establishing our business, I had the occasion to work … Continue reading

Posted in c2, connections to places, places | 2 Comments

Island Bikes

When we were staying on Sugarloaf Key recently, one of our visitors from the far north (Minneapolis) road a bike around the island that we found in a storage room at the house. The bike was in good condition and … Continue reading

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