Marker 239

Marker 239 belongs on the Synchronicity Highway! I ran across it in Mysteries of the Unexplained. There’re a few places on the Internet, too, that recount this story. Here are the details…

Late in the summer of 1929, a new highway was opened in Germany. It connected the cities of Bremen and Bremerhaven. Within a year, more than 100 cars had crashed on the highway – all of them at kilometer marker 239, on a stretch of road that was ruler straight.

When survivors were questioned by the police, they described feeling “a tremendous thrill” as their cars reached the marker. They claimed that some great force seized their vehicles and pulled them off the road. On September 7, 1930, nine cars were wrecked at the marker.

Investigators, of course, were bewildered. But Carl Wehrs, a  local dowser, suggested that the mysterious force was a powerful magnetic current generated by an underground stream.  To test his theory, he used a divining rod and slowly walked toward marker 239. When he was about 12 feet away and directly opposite the marker, the rod flew out of his hands and he was spun around.

Convinced his theory was correct, Wehrs found a solution to the problem. He buried a copper box filled with small, star-shaped pieces of copper at the base of the stone marker. For a week, the box stayed where he’d buried it and during this time, there wasn’t a single accident.

Then the box was dug up  and the first three cars that passed the marker were wrecked. The box was quickly reburied and since then, there supposedly haven’t been any accidents at marker 239.

Local farmers believed that a devil was responsible for the accidents. They claimed that after it had been exorcised from the road, it entered their radios, which then produced nothing but static.


I Googled whether marker 239 has been accident free since 1930 but couldn’t find anything. If anyone else knows, let us know!

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9 Responses to Marker 239

  1. Nancy says:

    Very strange story. The dowser story makes sense.

  2. Laurence Zankowski says:


    Doesn’t this follow the idea of using blue glass/ marbles in the bottom of pot holes in the road. I read it somewhere, maybe here. If you put blue glass or marbles in a pot hole and fill it it never appears again…

    Be well


    • Rob and Trish says:

      Interesting idea, but I don’t think we ever wrote about it on the blog. I’m gioig to try this blue marble thing on some pot holes around here! Will report back.

  3. DJan says:

    Fascinating! I would be interested in learning what has transpired recently, too. I’ll be watching for more information. Somebody must have it.

  4. gypsy says:

    what a story! one i’d not heard before either – i’ve always been fascinated by the work of dowsers!

  5. Rob MACGREGOR says:

    Good one, Mike.

  6. Never heard that one before, would be interesting to know how the road is doing nowadays.

    I did read however that: “The number of people who died in road traffic accidents in Germany fell by 14.1% (239) in the first half of 2013″

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