Kardashians meet the aliens

Beam them up…
I guess it was just a matter of time before the Kardashians entered the UFO field…apparently following the lead of Russell Crowe.
Our radio show friend Alejandro Rojas from Open Minds sent us this one. Read it and weep! (LOL)
“I will be on Keeping up with the Kardashians this weekend. The episode is called Close Encounters of the Kardashian Kind. I can’t reveal a lot, but the members of the Kardashian clan I met were REALLY into UFOs, and super nice! Here is a story about a sighting by Kendall Jenner.”
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4 Responses to Kardashians meet the aliens

  1. gypsy says:

    uh, the tweet was in march…7 months ago – my cynical response is that mike hit the nail on the head – the Ks being the mistresses of publicity generation… just sayin’…

  2. Fortunately I don’t know too much about the Kardashians – but I believe they know how to generate publicity …

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