The Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie Synchro

 This morning, our neighbor, Annette, knocked on the door and burst in, excited about a synchronicity she’d just had.

Her stepmother is visiting for the Thanksgiving holidays and Annette asked her what sort of pie she would like. Her stepmother said the only kind of pie she really loved was pumpkin cheesecake pie, something neither Rob nor I had ever heard of.

“So I told her I could make pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread, but didn’t have a clue about how to make pumpkin cheesecake pie. I started looking in the pantry for the ingredients and realized I didn’t have any pumpkin filling. The grocery stores were closed, so it looked as if we were going to just have apple pie for dessert.”

About five minutes after Annette and her stepmother had this conversation, her doorbell rang. It was the kid she drives to school, who had a present for her: piping hot, fresh out of the oven pumpkin bread – AND pumpkin cheesecake pie!

Annette was blown away by the almost instantaneous manifestation. As Rob remarked, if it had just been regular pumpkin pie or pumpkin bread on Thanksgiving, the synchro wouldn’t be nearly as impressive. Everyone eats pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, right? But what are the odds that the exact two things she wanted to bake – pumpkin bread and pumpkin cheesecake pie – appear within moments?

The significance? Well, Annette and her family are in litigation about their mortgage – about who actually owns it, a fallout from the financial debacle of 2008. I remarked that if she can manifest dessert for Thanksgiving so quickly, then she and her husband can manifest a positive outcome to their mortgage litigation just as fast!

For anyone interested in baking one of these, here’s a recipe.

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20 Responses to The Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie Synchro

  1. lisa says:

    I made pumpkin cheesecake pie for dessert on Thanksgiving and had a strange need to read some sync articles. I just finished the last piece of the pie when I found this article! Wow! Put some mini choc chips in between the layers. YUM! I wandered here because I am going to order your book about the afterlife and sync. Fascinating subject.

  2. Darren B says:

    Re: “I remarked that if she can manifest dessert for Thanksgiving so quickly, then she and her husband can manifest a positive outcome to their mortgage litigation just as fast!”
    But did Annette really manifest it ?
    I don’t think she did,I just think these circumstances were set in motion by a number of players (Annette,the neighbour ,possibly the neighbour’s mother and Anette’s stepmother) through the Collective Unconscious bringing these events together,sort of like fate,in a way.
    If anyone probably manifested this pie it would have been most likely Anette’s stepmother because she said/wished “the only kind of pie she really loved was pumpkin cheesecake pie” which set the sync in motion…but not really because at some point the neighbour had the intention of making Anette the pumpkin cheesecake pie,possibly even before Anette’s stepmother thought about the pie.
    I think the egoic manifestation theory in new age circles is a bit too simplistic in practice to explain such syncs,because it’s more than one player involved here in this chain of events.
    I think these little episodes occur in life so everyone involved can see that they are connected to a much bigger game plan than just their own individual lives.
    I don’t think we manifest as much in life as we think we do.I think life tends to manifest things for us when the time is right (both good and bad) and it usually involves more people than just ourselves.
    I’m not knocking people who try to manifest stuff in their lives,but my experience in life is that life calls the shots,not us.We just like to think we do,but life is much bigger and the game much more complex than we can imagine,I think.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      But what’s “life”? The Universe? A supreme being? Some unknown force or power? I think any time you have a number of people who desire something – in this case, the pumpkin cheesecake pie – then it’s the desire that helps to bring things together.

      • Darren B says:

        I wish I could answer those questions for you,but I can’t.
        But I don’t think we can manifest things as easily as books like “The Secret ” would have you believe.
        Life is full of bad syncs just as it is full of good syncs,but does that mean we as individuals manifest them in some way just because a coincidence seems to involve as on some personal level,or did these events just fall in place in some predetermined way that involves us ?
        Here is an example I just saw on the news right now –
        Alan Green just recorded his 69th “Always Record” show “11.21.13 Episode 69: If 6 Was 9 (with Michael Schacht and Ezra Sandzer-Bell)
        Michael Schact ( and Ezra Sandzer-Bell ( join David and Alan to talk about Schrodinger’s Dog, Irons in the Fire, Bats in the Belfry, and Flying Elephants.
        Links: $20,000 ticket . . . Alternate Alchemical Iron glyphs . . . Yes522 image . . . Melancholia 1 image . . . Ezra’s article on Liber67 Sword of Songs . . . Color Wheel
        Link to this Episode
        $20,000 Suggested Donation”
        Prophetically enough the address of this bar 167-169 Stockwell St Glasgow G1 4SP involves the numbers 67 & 69 in the one address ( Liber67 and episode 69) and the phone # has 522 right in the middle (Yes522 image) +44 141 552 7520 ?!
        Now just to bring you into the picture here sync wise the Band playing tonight was “Esperanza” (Hope ?)

        Coming up this week at The Clutha Bar:
        Monday 9pm – Declan Hegarty’s open mic
        Tuesday 9pm – Craig Ralston’s open mic
        Wednesday 9pm – Kevin Young’s Open mic
        Thursday 9pm – Strange Dave and his Trio open stage
        Friday 9pm – Esperanza
        Saturday 4pm – Rose Room
        9pm- Blind Panik
        Sunday 6.30 – The Mighty Sparrahawk
        9pm – The Mitre 5’s

        Synchronicity is a strange game indeed,but I don’t think these events had anything to do with us manifesting them because of a podcast or a book title,but it does hit home a bit more to us when strange personal syncs line up in our own lives that seem to link us in a strange way somehow.

  3. Never had pumpkin pie, bread or cheesecake – not something you hear of over here.

    Magical how a manifestation like that can happen so quickly, makes me wonder what we could achieve.

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