
 Cougars. Usually when we hear that word, we think of sleek, gorgeous wild cats. But this cluster of cougar synchros we experienced over a period of about 48 hours didn’t have anything to do with cats, wild or otherwise.

The first one occurred when I was reading through the revisions Hilary had made on our script for Ghost Key.  There’s a scene where Hannah, who works for the Bio-Terrorism unit of the Department of Homeland Security, is interrogating a 16-year-old who was involved in the events on Cedar Key. The scene is written from Rocky’s perspective and the way Hilary had written it was something to the effect of: “Already freaked out by this Cougar…”

And I thought, Huh? What’s that mean?

Then, when Megan was home over Thanksgiving, Rob mentioned a young man who was dating an older woman and Megan said, “Oh, a cougar.”

My synchro detector instantly perked up. “Wait a minute. You know that phrase?”

Megan rolled her eyes. “Mom, you need to watch South Park. It’s all about popular culture. A cougar is a woman who likes younger men.”

So after we’d had our fantastic Thanksgiving dinner that Rob had cooked, we finally settled in to watch a movie. Megan picked The Way, Way Back, about  a 14-year-old kid who has trouble fitting in and finds an unexpected ally and friend in the manager of a water park. The synopsis sounds kind of lame, but the movie is actually quite good, with great performances by Steven Carell and Sam Rockwell, who plays an archetypal role of mentor.

And in this movie, a cougar is mentioned. Cougar, as in a woman who is attracted to younger men. So there you have it, this weird cougar cluster. I have no idea what it means in the bigger scheme of things. But when we were joking about it later, Rob said, “Hey, Trish, maybe it means you’re attracted to someone younger than you are. And hey, guess what. That’s me.”

Rob is a year younger than I am, so I’ll claim that one. But I think the synchro also points to the importance of staying current with the language and archetypes of Megan’s generation, people in their 20s and 30s, who are ushering in not only new language idioms, but the birthing of new paradigms.

Now, this cougar thing has become something of a family in-joke.

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17 Responses to Cougar

  1. blah says:

    a little temp labor work recently,,, Arts + Crafts,, slightly high end,,,, Wendsday . set-up Sunday tear down,,, given comp badge,,,, drop in to exhibition on Sat. afternoon,,, visit booth called “Moonglow”,,, woman selling pendants,,, would asked for birthdate and then let person know what the moon phase was on that date,,,, well Bozo not really into Astrology (not the general interpretation),, but already knew phase (2 d before full),,, Point is though at that time (Sat. afternoon) had me one book in the daypack,,,, Koontz’s “The Key To Midnight” blah blah blah

  2. Darren B says:

    I was looking for a cougar story in the news (the animal kind) but found a link to a blog called “Cougar News” which had a video about the 11:11 phenomena.
    How weird is that combination ?

  3. gypsy says:

    i just did a comment but it hasn’t popped up as usual with its little tag saying that it’s awaiting approval/moderation – it just disappeared or so it seems???

    also – just fyi – when i got here, another advertisement box popped up in the right hand corner of the screen – a video of some sort – i managed to write down these words from it before it disappeared:
    charliexcx five minutes to the stage –

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Weird about the ad. We don’t have any ads on here. Was it when you were about to comment or when you landed on the blog?

      • gypsy says:

        oh, geeeeze…i can’t remember if it popped up as i just landed on the site or as i was about to comment! sorry! but it was a video – and those were the words/letters i managed to jot down before it went away –
        and i see that my first comment hasn’t appeared – it was just saying how i remember the first time i ever saw a cougar in the wild – in the rocky mountains when i was about 10 years old – my brother and i were out exploring and i looked up to see this magnificent creature on the edge of the boulder directly above my head – just looking down at me – we both just stood there looking each other squarely in the eyes – a moment transfixed in time – and then i moved on – a beautiful memory!

  4. gypsy says:

    oh, so rob is a cougar cub! well, way to go T&R – in terms of the social perspectives i must say that…well….no, actually, i won’t say…however, i’m surprised, trish, that you were unaware of the term 😉 – remember the demi moore thing with ashton…anyway, a funny little set of synchros –
    i remember very well the first time i saw the magnificent cougar creature – when i was a kid we spent summers in the rocky mountains and parts thereof – anyway, this particular day, my little brother and i were off exploring – climbing boulders etc – and you know how it is when you “feel” someone/something looking at you but don’t see them/it – well, i had that feeling – and looked up – and there, calmly sitting on the edge of the huge boulder directly above me was this magnificent cougar – just looking down at me – its eyes directly looking into mine – and i stopped still in my tracks – transfixed by this beautiful creature who seemed to be doing the same thing with me – just taking each other in – a wonderful moment i remember as if it were yesterday – i was 10 years old at the time –

  5. Melissa says:

    Cute one! Can’t wait to see this cougar…should we get you some leopard print leggings to go with your new persona, Trish?

  6. Loved this story! Long live Cougars! Any kind.

  7. DJan says:

    I saw that movie and enjoyed it, too. I have been aware of this use of the word “cougar,” and it makes me wonder where it originated. By the way, I saw a real cougar crossing the road in the High Country as we were getting ready to go on a hike. Magnificent animal!

  8. I’ve come across the cougar meaning previously and, like you, Karin must be one too! Will remind her of that later. It’s a bit of a joke in our family as well. I’m not sure though what men like me and Rob are called though 🙂

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