Encounter on a Train

In Aliens in the Backyard, we focused on four cases involving alien abductions. For the most part, they were scary stories, not the sort of encounters anyone would find beneficial. The sense was that we would not want to encounter any aliens in our backyard…or at the front door.

We noted in the book that others have had alien encounters that they consider positive experiences, and wrote more about such experiencers – as they call themselves – in The Synchronicity Highway.

In recent months, we’ve met one such experiencer whose encounters began in the early 1990s and continue to this day. Interestingly, she comes from a science background. Sandy is a retired veterinarian and was involved in animal research for years. Her ex-husband, Jay, who shared many of her other-worldly experiences, as well as many of his own, is also a veterinarian. In a previous post, we wrote about meeting her.

Since Sandy is an astute observer, she has kept detailed journals of her encounters. As we gather these stories, we’re going to post some of them from time to time. We start today with one that seemingly doesn’t involve aliens, but shows how synchronicity comes into play in Sandy’s life.

Aug. 13, 1996

“There has been a man on the morning train from time to time who I have felt very drawn to. He is an older orthodox Jewish man and I like to sit behind him and quietly observe him doing some sort of morning prayer. He places a black box on his forehead and a strap around his arm and stands, reciting his prayers in Hebrew as the sun rises. He knows that I’ve been watching him and yesterday we finally met. His name is Moshe and he is the most wonderful person! Very warm and friendly.

“I was very nervous about approaching him at first, since I’m not Jewish, but I’m so glad I did. When I got to the lab, I told Randi about meeting this man named Moshe and she suddenly blurted out: “Ask him about the Dead Sea Scrolls…”

“I just looked at her, very surprised. I never expected her to say something like that. I asked her what about the Sea Scrolls. (I’ve heard of them, but don’t know a thing about them.) She explained to me that they were discovered almost 50 years ago and have not been released to the public yet and she wants to know what they’re hiding.

“Then, that evening, Jay came home and had a present for me. It was a CD-Rom of……the Dead Sea Scrolls! Hmmmmm, something is emerging. I have never even mentioned the Scrolls to him or expressed an interest in them. He said it caught his eye and was on sale so he bought it for me.”


Move ahead to the present. We asked Sandy what if anything has resulted from that synchronicity. Since her world revolves around alien contact, which we’ll discuss in other posts, it’s not surprising that these entities enter the picture. Here is what she told us.

“There seems to be an interesting correlation between the alien contacts and religious mysticism. Randi, the woman at the lab who became excited about the Dead Sea Scrolls, later had contact with similar beings, even though I never told her about my contacts.

“The Dead Sea Scrolls also tie into the Book of Enoch and the textbook, The Keys of Enoch, was given to me by a Reiki master that I went to after the beings told be that I needed 3 Reiki sessions. Then, in November of ’96, I had a synchronicity that involved a vision related to Sirius, the Dog Star, that was followed shortly by contact with a woman who had an illustration that referenced Sirius, the Dog Star.

“The Dead Sea Scroll CD that Jay gave to me helped us to connect with Moshe, who later had mystical experiences that opened up his mind and heart. By the way, Moshe is also a doctor, so there is scientific as well as religious connections going on in his contact experiences.

“That was a long time ago and the experience continues to evolve. This is a process without an end point. There is a stillness in the question and experience that commands full attention. I think this is the new science.”

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6 Responses to Encounter on a Train

  1. Darren B says:

    I see Mike Perry just did a post on Ronnie Biggs “The Great Train Robber” today and his post before that was about pop-star Kim Wilde.
    Then today I see this story about Kim Wilde on a train.
    and getting her singing career back on track,so to speak.

  2. Darren B says:

    Ha! I just saw this train sync on the news –

  3. Momwithwings says:

    Fascinating, I can’t wait until the next post.

  4. Very interesting. The Dead Sea Scrolls seem to be linked to the Essenes – if my memory serves me right the Rosicrucians link Jesus with the sect.

    It all seems to be one big puzzle waiting to be solved: Sirius is linked with so many of the ancient civilisations and so on – one day, no doubt, someone will fit all the pieces together.

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