3 Entities and a Lot of High Strangeness

Sandy, the retired veterinarian we wrote about before, and whose synchro we posted recently,  has been sending us excerpts from the meticulous journals she has been keeping since 1994 about her encounters with entities. Even today, after nearly 20 years of contact, she isn’t sure whether they are beings from another planet/solar system or whether they are inter-dimensional.  But they are certainly another species.

 Some of these entries are so strange that when I try to put myself in her place, I know I would have taken off for the hills long ago. It takes a particular kind of courage to consciously open yourself to this kind of contact and exploration and to commit to it.

Jay, referred to in these entries, was Sandy’s first husband, also a veterinarian. At the time of these experiences, she was still working in animal neuroscience research. The image above is Sandy’s sketch of one of the entities with whom she interacts.

 Sept 20, 1996 Friday

Last night I had the “lead sheet” placed on me again but this time it only went from my thighs to my navel. Then they did something new; they took my feet and pressed both soles together, lining up the balls and toes of each foot, and held them firmly in place. I had surges of that static-like energy rush through me and then there was a bright white flash in my face. This didn’t occur in my head like a vision, but had an exterior source, like a camera flash going off right in front of my closed eyes, only much brighter. I then had a clear vision of an old man struggling to stand, then I saw the legs and feet of something not at all human just stomp right through my visual field.

When we woke up this morning, both ETs were simply standing at the foot of the bed and Jay and I sat up in amazement and looked at them. Jay muttered “Do you see that, do you see that?”

 I laughed and said, “Yeah, pretty incredible isn’t it.”

 They faded, as if they just wanted us to see them and nothing more. Jay then told me more about his recent conversations with these two beings. He said they claimed to be Sirian and one told him to call him Marshal (what a funny name for an ET! I thought they would have weird names like Zolar or something.) They informed him that I had a Pleiadian, with some Sirian, background and that his was 100% Sirian. Jay and I both feel this information is bizarre, but I’ll record it and make no judgment one way or the other. There is more to write on this conversation but I will do it later.

Sept 26, 1996 Thursday 6:10 AM

I haven’t written anything since last week because the visits are becoming so routine. I will add remarks about new events over the last 5 days after I cover last night’s experience.

Yesterday they made it clear they are with me all the time. At work, on the train, and subway I feel them tugging and lifting and turning my foot just as they had done those nights when I was working on the computer. It is so pronounced that it’s undeniably real and might be an electromagnetic phenomenon. The sensation is as if someone is holding my foot and gently lifting it up and, at times, rubbing the insole. I will also get the creeping tendril sensation down my head and onto the bridge of my nose as I’m quietly sitting in my seat on the train. It’s so weird.

 I went to bed at 8:30 last night and I was very tired. Immediately, there was pressure across my torso at the level of my diaphragm and also across my thighs. When I inhaled deeply to expand my chest I could feel it tighten. It was a very distinct strap-like sensation that felt as if it was almost digging into my skin. For the first time last night there was a series of taps on my chin (5 in a row.) My heartbeat became very deep and pronounced, even though it was still beating slowly and I was completely relaxed, and my carotid arteries developed a bounding pulse. An energy wave suddenly passed from my neck upwards accompanied by a loud electrical like hum. The sound was external in its source, it was absolutely amazing.

They also put downward pressure on the tops of my toes, then “grabbed” and slightly twisted the big toe of my right foot. I fell asleep rapidly last night and had a strange dream that I can’t recall. This morning the alarm went off at 3:45 AM but I reset it for 4:30 because the ETs were present and I could see them quite clearly. They seem to be easier to see in the morning hours, but I never get any fine detail of their features as I did with John. Their outline is obvious, but they are filled with blurry light that has a sparkle to it, and there are occasional quick little flashes of tiny bright lights in and around them. It’s really very beautiful. They started to bump the bed rhythmically and the mattress began to hum and vibrate under me.


We’ll post other entries soon. Sandy’s contact with whatever this is and the synchros that accompany the encounters are ongoing today, nearly 20 years after these early journal entries.


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13 Responses to 3 Entities and a Lot of High Strangeness

  1. lauren raine says:

    BTW, totally unrelated: Happy Solstice to All!

  2. lauren raine says:

    Fascinating. But I do wonder, as Mike Perry commented, why she doesn’t ask them “why are you doing this?” What do you think they want from her?

  3. Momwithwings says:

    Does she have any idea why they are doing this?

    I got a tiny jolt when she said she wakes at 3:45, lately I keep waking up around that time and I can’t figure out why.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      As she said in an email, “This is a process without an end point. There is a stillness in the question and experience that commands full attention. I think this is the new science.” I think in the past she has said it’s part of an evolutionary process. .

      • Nancy says:

        The vibrating and buzzing is very familiar to me. I think I even blogged about it one time. It hasn’t happened in a while, but it was so weird to wake up and be buzzing and vibrating. Interesting that she says it is part of an evolutionary process because I thought the same thing.

        • Rob and Trish says:

          I remember that post you did, Nancy. My sense is that Sandy continues to work with them in this way because she is also benefiting. She says she is more intuitive/psychic as a result of her interactions with these entities and has had some inter-dimensional experiences that are

    • I was wondering ‘why’ as well, but have now read Rob and Trish’s comment. Is there any communication? I think my first reaction would be to ask, ‘Why are you doing this?’

  4. Laurence Zankowski says:


    Does this not sound like the entities that would visit folks in the CHEC Unit at Monroe?

    Helping bring people out of their bodies to explore other realms?

    Btw, did you see Nancy McM. video saying hello to all yesterday?

    Be well,


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