Strange Cassadaga Synchro

Recently, our friend Carol Bowman, author and researcher of past lives (Children’s Past Lives, Return from Heaven) , was hired by a couple in Jacksonville, Florida, to regress them. They flew her to their hometown, and she regressed the husband on Saturday afternoon. Then they suggested they all drive to Cassadaga,  a Spiritualist community just north of Orlando that we’ve written about before, and made the trip.

Usually after Carol does a regression she takes a brisk three-mile walk or takes a nap to rid herself of the client’s energy. But this time, she didn’t do either. She went straight from the regression to Cassadaga.  It turned out that the couple had been to Cassadaga on numerous occasions and directed Carol to Kathy Adams, with whom they’d had great success over the years.

This referral in itself is a synchro. There are dozens of psychics in Cassadaga, both within the Spiritualist camp and outside of it. We found it intriguing that the couple she regressed referred her to Kathy, from whom they’d gotten readings on numerous occasions and about whom we’ve gotten readings and have written about.

Carol was surprised that her clients directed her to Kathy Adams.  So Carol went into Kathy’s room for a reading.  “Her session began with some general thing that could have been true. But then her reading veered off and I felt that the things she said didn‘t apply to me. I told her that I thought what she was saying applied to my client, who was waiting outside, not to me. She was as perplexed as I was.”

When Carol went outside, she told J and M what Kathy had said and J exclaimed, “Those things pertain to me, Carol!”

Since she hadn’t taken her customary walk or nap after the regression, she was still imbued with J’s energy – which Kathy had read. “It was a lesson for me in disengaging myself from a client’s energy,” Carol said.

 Before the reading, when J, M, and Carol were having lunch, she had jokingly mentioned to J that she wanted a ghostwriter for her next book book.  “After all, we were in Cassadaga, surrounded by spooks just waiting in line to come through all the mediums there.  Well, J, who is a writer, took it literally.  After I emerged from my reading he went in to talk to Kathy.  Then, about a minute later he came out and said he asked Kathy if he should ghostwrite my book.  Kathy came running out and said, “Wait, I know a ghostwriter for you.”  

 She went to her car, grabbed a book and handed it to Carol. “This lady can write your book.”

 The book was Aliens in the Backyard. “Kathy said Trish could ghostwrite it for me.  She had no idea that I knew Trish!   The trip was worth that moment. “ 

This is the sort of synchro that defies the odds. First, there’s the fact that the couple who had hired her for a weekend of family regressions decided to drive her to Cassadaga for a reading with our favorite psychic. We had told Carol about our readings with Kathy. Then there’s the book, Aliens in the Backyard. We had given Kathy a copy because she’s in the book.


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9 Responses to Strange Cassadaga Synchro

  1. Melissa says:

    Oh, cool! This is what you texted me to remind you to tell me! (Only wish I had heard it in person!) This one is really fascinating.

  2. DJan says:

    This seems to indicate that everyone involved is connected at a strong spiritual level. So you will be the ghostwriter, Trish. You have always seemed way too solid to me to be a ghost of any sort. Happy new year! 🙂

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Even though Carol isn’t looking for a ghostwriter – that was just a joke she told her client – she did say that if anything happens to her, she wants me to have her case files etc and write the book. So, in a sense, yes, a ghostwriter! Happy new year to you, too, DJan!

  3. lauren raine says:

    What an amazing series of synchronicities! It really does seem like someone wants to encourage you to help her write her book……….

    Interesting about her “carrying her clients energy”. That really does seem to illustrate how interconnected we all really are, and also how important it is to clear our energies, if possible.

  4. I love this syncro! It seems that synchronicities breed synchronicities.

  5. Strange how the pieces just fall into place at times – that’s quite an amazing series of synchros. Was also interested in the part about Carol and her ‘client’s energy’ – I guess even on a lesser level we have to be careful whose energy invades our space.

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