The Psychometrist and the Holy Water

One of the unexpected perks of our daughter living in Orlando is that we usually end up detouring for a night in Cassadaga, a Spiritualist community half an hour north of Disney World. The last several times we’ve gone there, we’ve stayed in nearby Lake Helen, at Cabin on the Lake, a B&B owned by a British couple, Heather and her husband.

On this trip, we’ve brought along the vial of holy water that Charles Fontaine had been carrying during the year since his UFO encounter. He had mailed it to Rob sealed up in a Baggie and neither of us had touched the glass container, just the upper edges of the Baggie  in which Charles had mailed it. Rob thought it was best that I get the reading on the holy water, since he had spoken to the psychometrist, Kathy, about the UFO encounter when we had seen her in April. So while I headed up the steps to Kathy’s place, he took the two dogs on a bike ride around Spirit Lake.

I was surprised that I got in right away, that no one was waiting. “All alone?” I asked. “I can’t believe it.”

“Ha! Come back on Saturday and Sunday.”

We chatted a bit about the terrible heat, the hurricane and tropical storm out there somewhere. I brought out the Baggie. “It belongs to someone else.” I handed her the Baggie and noticed a change in her expression that I didn’t understand until later. “No one else has touched it since he mailed it. You can take it out.”

She did so, tucked one foot up under her body, and held the tiny vial between her thumb and forefinger and closed her eyes.

I realized I had already revealed that the owner of the vial was male. But I couldn’t take it back now.  Her fingers moved over the glass. “Is this gentleman in a northern city? I see a lot of snow around him.”

“Yes, in Canada.”

“There’s a lotta stuff going on around him…not necessarily spiritual stuff, but, umm… abnormal occurrences. He’s having a difficult time knowing what’s real and what isn’t.  His significant other is going against what he wants to do. She just wants to forget what happened.”

Okay, she’s tuned into it, I thought, and Kathy  paused and rubbed her fingers over the vial again.

“A gentleman who lives far away from him is trying to help and this gentleman ((the Canadian)  is telling him more and more. You know both of these men.”

If the man she’s referring to is Rob, then yes and no.  Rob has been communicating with Charles since the beginning  and I “know” Charles only through emails and their Skype conversations, as related by Rob.

“Someone who passed away, a relative, has been trying to communicate with this gentleman.”

I thought this reference might relate to Charles’ and his deceased uncle and the first post we did on the encounter.

“He has other spirits around him now who aren’t related to him, a different set of guides, who are trying to help him place things in perspective.”

Kathy went on to say that within a year, Charles would move and that it would be positive for him. He would still keep his present home.

At this point, I gave her some history.  “The vial belongs to a French Canadian guy who had a UFO encounter and was so freaked out that he started carrying that holy water to protect himself.”

She looked relieved. “I work part-time as an ER nurse. When you first handed me this vial, I thought it was filled with urine! I see it all the time in ER. I never expected holy water.” Now I understood the initial expression on her face when I had handed her the Baggie. She leaned forward slightly in her chair. “They won’t be back. This was a one-time deal.”

“So he was abducted?”


“But what was the purpose?”

She thought a moment, rubbed her fingers over the vial again. “Entertainment.”

I thought about that.   Entertainment?  You blow open some random guy’s head for fun?  Well, why not? I’ve never read anything to that effect–that the Grays sometimes undertake abductions just for fun–but who’s to say it’s not possible? We humans have done worse. Maybe it’s what some bored aliens do on Saturday nights. It may sound offensive to experiencers who have endured decades of abductions, but what do we humans actually know about any of it?

Kathy handed me the Baggie, with the vial of holy water inside. “I’m glad it isn’t urine,” she said. “But I feel bad for the gentleman. His life burst open because of this.  And now he’s investigating, researching, digging around for answers. And his significant other just wants to forget it and move on and maybe get their house exorcised.”

As I got up to leave a few minutes later, I asked Kathy if we could use her full name. “Sure. I’m Kathy Adams,” she said.

“Trish MacGregor,” I said, and we shook hands and I hurried outside to find Rob and the dogs.

Kathy’s Place (here) is across the street from the Cassadaga Hotel and its restaurant. Note the name.





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15 Responses to The Psychometrist and the Holy Water

  1. gypsy says:

    first let me say how nice it is to be thought of – was by very early this morning and read the post but got sidetracked by the day – in terms of the “entertainment” issue, my “gut” just doesn’t get that – and didn’t consider that in the slightest from the beginning of this story – now, that’s just what i said – a gut reaction – i mean, to me, which has nothing to to with anything at all really, but to me, were this for entertainment issues i would envision something different than an individual or two abduction – i mean, “they” already know what individual responses are – well, some do, anyway – to me, to check out humans for entertainment purposes might be on a bit larger scale – like the stadium scene in close encounters – entertainment is just not something i have associated in any way with these experiences of this couple –

    one of the things that stands out to me is kathy’s referring several times to “abnormal occurrences” that aren’t spiritual – this rings truer to me than anything else –

    the bottom line is the same however – we just don’t know – the people to whom it happened don’t know for sure – as to purpose – but nevertheless, an intriguing set of experiences to be added to the ever-growing basketful of such stories –

    oh, and i’ve not personally encountered/experienced the grays so leave that to those who have –

    great post – would so love to visit cassadaga!

  2. Darren B says:

    Maybe the psychic meant “entertainment” for our (readers / Viewers) purposes,as a form of edutainment to tell of their presence.
    Whitley Strieber for example.I’m sure we are all entertained as well as educated and forced to think when reading about his strange encounters.Same as Stanley Kubrick’s great films.They are a form of entertainment,but also a form of education that makes us do some thinking for ourselves about the subject matter.
    So maybe the visitors are doing this to Charles for our entertainment / education?

  3. Stephy says:

    At the end of the year, I’ll be in Florida for a three-week roadtrip (honeymoon, too!)–I
    want to stop in Cassadaga for some readings. I was intrigued by your previous post about the town, but now I’m convinced.

    Also, I take the term “entertainment” to mean something akin to a kid pulling the legs off of a insect to see what will happen–what it will do, how it will cope. It satisfies curiosity and the cruelty isn’t a consideration at all.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Also a possibility, maybe the “guys” running the shows, those NOT the Grays, are attempting to teach the Grays how to feel human emotions such as “fun”, “laughter”, whatever, considering that they seem to have no kinds of emotions beyond that of surprise when experiencers resist of become angry. They seem completly neutral to
    the human abductee’s fears and emotions, except anger. Then they appear to exhibit a form of surprise when confronted with an abductee’s fury. But, they don’t back off. Curious.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Cousin Gypsy, where are you, girl?

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    Just finished reading an old Brad Steiger text on the subject of UFOs/Encounters that I somehow missed along the way. It was released in 1999. In the book, HE speaks of the entities occasionally seem to do what they do for fun. However, for the percipients, it certainly isn’t “fun” or “entertainment” by any stretch of the imagination. As Trish says, who knows what they may do to entertain themselves. But they don’t seen to exhibit ANY emotion to any degree, so the idea of them entertaining themselves with abductions, etc, is a hard one for me to consider. Could be. What do we really know?

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Maybe it’s entertainment for the taller Grays, the ones who seem to run the program, and just work for the little robotic-like worker-bee Grays.

  7. Momwithwings says:

    This post won’t leave me, I think it is because I don’t feel it is over for him.

    For some reason Gypsy keeps popping into my head, I’m curious what she thinks.
    Also Trish, be cautious with his item being close to you.

  8. Kathy didn’t, from what you write, seem to pick up on the full UFO abduction until you gave her the lead in. Wonder why that was – the thought of the water being urine!

    For ‘entertainment’ – that’s not a pleasant thought – but, there again, some humans are say cruel to animals for ‘entertainment.’ Somehow though this doesn’t seem quite right to me.


    • Rob and Trish says:

      She kept referring to “abnormal occurrences” that weren’t spiritual in nature. I don’t know about the entertainment part of this, but as you point out, Mike, we humans do use animals for entertainment. So, who’s to say for sure?

  9. Momwithwings says:

    First, Thankyou for the links!

    Second, “entertainment “? That is a pretty scary thought.

    I feel so bad to think that this man’s life has been turned upside down by some thrill seeking , bored aliens. Hopefully this will give him some perspective.
    I do feel that this was meant to happen to him, to “open” him.

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