The Doppelgangers: Rob and Ed


 When Megan was home during the Christmas holidays, we did a girl thing that involved four hours at Angie’s place, for hair stuff. Angie has the lead story in chapter 6 of our new book, The Synchronicity Highway.

Angie is now living with Ed, the Brazilian guy in her synchro, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek. The hours he keeps are probably as weird as Jean Luc’s, too. Ed gets up at 4:30 a.m. to deliver bread to various large markets, and gets off around noon, then goes back to bed for several hours, wakes up for the evening, and goes back to bed around 9:30 or 10 p.m. But hey, when you’re directing the Enterprise through the outer reaches of space, your hours are going to be weird.

While Megan and I were at Angie’s apartment and Ed emerged from the bedroom from his afternoon siesta and smiled hello, I saw the resemblance to Jean Luc in the smile, the bald head, the eyes.

“Okay, here’s a weird thing,” I said to Angie. “At Starbucks, Home Depot, at random places, people tell Rob that he resembles Walter in Breaking Bad.”

 And you know, he does. Bald is in these days, But ladies, be forewarned. Bald does not understand why you spend money getting your hair cut, tended to, dyed, straightened.

For Rob and Walter, Ed and Jean Luc, we have a Doppelganger explanation. It’s not just the bald heads. For Ed and Jean Luc, the similarity lies in the smile, I think. For Rob and Walter, I think the similarity lies in the eyes. It’s weird. I’m not sure sure what Doppelgangers are in the grander scheme of things,  but there’s no question that they exist.

 Just ask Mike Perry , whose Doppelganger experiences we wrote about in The Synchronicity Highway. 


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17 Responses to The Doppelgangers: Rob and Ed

  1. I’m not sure the reason is for doppelgangers either but, as you’ve shown, they exist. I remember when I saw the double of my mother after she had died, it was quite emotional with feelings of happiness and then sadness that it wasn’t her – all within probably a couple of seconds. But so real at the time.

  2. DJan says:

    I must have one, too. One day at a festival here in Bellingham a woman walked up to me and talked to me as if she knew me. When she realized her mistake, she said it was more than just a resemblance, she thought we were the same person! I looked all around the crowd that day for my doppelganger, but I never saw her. 🙂

  3. Darren B says:

    I had to laugh at the headline to the link I gave you above when Paulo says
    ” Today we are proud of being Brazilians “,as in my part of the world
    (and maybe yours too ?)
    Brazilians are hairless places on other body parts. 🙂

  4. Darren B says:

    To me Jean Luc Picard looks more like a conehead than Rob and Ed with their rounder heads (no disrespect to Patrick Stewart who I love as an actor and fellow human…and I’m sure my head would look even coneier if I had no hair) and when you mentioned Ed being Brazilian it reminded me of a Brazilian author who I had the pleasure of spending an afternoon with in Brisbane in the 90’s when he was not quite so famous.He is almost a doppelganger to Rob and Ed too.
    I never carried a camera (cell phones didn’t have cameras in them in those days) or asked authors I met for an autograph in one of their books that I bought .
    But now I’m kicking myself,because I don’t have any proof that I actually crossed paths with these people.
    Doh !
    I guess having a t-shirt from the festival is at least some proof I was there,but can you imagine running into someone like JK Rowling in the 90’s and thinking,”Why should I bother getting my book signed by her,it’s not like she is a big author or ever will be ?
    Time has a way of of blowing big raspberries at your past rationalities doesn’t it ?

  5. Nancy says:

    Wow, Rob really does look like Walter! Luckily not his dark side, however.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Actually, it might just be the ‘hair cut’ and short goatee. The similarity in hair style – if I can call it that – makes me look somewhat like ‘Walter White.’ But when you see pics of Bryan Cranston with hair, we don’t look that much alike. What I like about the similarity, though, is that Cranston is a decade younger than me!

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