Odd Search Terms


Do you ever wonder how people find your blog? What search terms lead them there? This area intrigues us, so we looked back through the last 2,000 hits or so on our sitemeter and made a list of the oddest search terms. We laughed about some of these, scratched our heads about others. But in very instance, it’s as if these search terms provide a window into humanity’s collective psyche.

1. Quack watch kapi’olani maternity & gynecological hospital. Huh? We googled this one. It’s connected to the silly fracas about Obama’s birth certificate. But on which side does the “quack watch” fall?

2. I dreamt I had a husband parallel universe. And? What happened?

3. how to keep centipedes out of bed. LOL. Do centipedes have beds?

4. Lynne forget and synchro. What did Lynne forget?

5. past life and facial. Did a facial trigger a past life memory?

6. yelling kid flipping. Wow, okay. And then what happened?

7. women on the morgue table. Uh-oh. Something creepy here.

8. what does being stuck in a domed city in a dream mean? This one is interesting, considering the work that Helen Wambaugh and Chet Snow did when they progressed 2,500 people to the future.

9. talking to yourself imagining you’re talking to yourself doppelganger. Google obviously picked this up from the word doppelganger; we’ve done some posts on this. But this person has some issues to work out!

10. son finds fathers apartment years later in paris npr synchronicity. We’ll have to Google this one. Sounds like a genuine synchro.

11. what is retro positive. This search term came from India. We’re assuming the individual is asking about Mercury retrograde, but maybe not!

12. squirrel exploding transformer. Poor squirrel. And what was transformed in this person’s life?

13. if US troops aren’t on the ground in Libya, where are they? Interesting question. Makes it sound as if the troops have been abducted by aliens possibly taken to another dimension.

14. mama Ouija. Who is she, this mama??

15. new update from the other side. This phrase on our blog referred to the next synchro book. But when you read this, it sounds like a query about what’s going on in the afterworld!

16. autec white rabbit. Autec refers to the (not so) secret base on Andros Island in the Bahamas, which we wrote about here. But the white rabbit? If this refers to the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, then there may be a clue here about what’s actually going on at Autec.

17. If Mercury was not resurfaced, how old would it be? Was the planet Mercury paved over into a huge parking lot when we weren’t looking? We’re clueless about this query.

18. I’ve had an adjustment bureau experience. Another uh-oh. The movie was about whether we have free will.

19. Two empaths that visit each other’s dreams. We’d like to hear more from this individual!

And finally…

20. What is smarter than the average bear? Apparently, not the person making the inquiry!

If you’ve got Site Meter, take a look at the search words people used to find your blog. What are your strangest ones?













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18 Responses to Odd Search Terms

  1. For my blog, the strangest one lately was a Google search on a phrase that was a word-for-word phrase of something I had written on a blog post against drug usage. The hit was in Montpelier, France and then a few hours later, someone else did a same Google search on the same exact phrase, but the hit was in Mexico. I’ve not had one for that specific phrase before or since. Strange. I’m guessing that someone had plagiarized part of my blog post for a paper and a professor was doing an Internet search to see where the phrase came from. Its happened once before where someone supposedly plagiarized my post (the search was done through a plagiarism-search website).

    Its amazing the amount of info you can gain from a statistical counter. One friend of mine thinks I’m “psycho” for checking my blog’s site meter daily. However, I like the info that you can learn from it. For example, one day, I checked my stat counter and was surprised by how many people were doing a Google search on Eartha Kitt. When I did my own Google search, I learned that she had died that day. I learned that info because of the spike in Earth Kitt inquiries that found its way to my blog post about her concert I had seen earlier that year. Weird. In the past few weeks, one of the most popular Google searches I’ve seen is for the creepy preacher guy in the film “Poltergeist II”. I’m pretty sure that people are Google searching him because Harold Camping kind of resembles that preacher.

    • R and T says:

      I love sitemeter, sangeo. I find the info it provides fascinating and insightful! If you’re nut for checking yours daily, then we all are!

      • friend of nica says:

        and i check sitemeter every day – sometimes several times, depending on what comments i get or what i see flashing on my little global toy – i also like using blogger stats as well –

        just a moment online while things electrical are still intact here –

  2. Ray G says:

    The one about the squirrel exploding transformer was in the news. A squirrel caused an electric step down transformer to explode. A synchro on that that is a little gruesome. One of the crew of a ship I was on in the early Eighties used to bet twenty dollars that he could climb a utility pole and embrace a transformer without getting shocked. He got away with it until a transformer shocked him after a long dry spell and then rain. Neighbors in the area of the stunt claimed that the whole sky lit up like a fireworks demonstration. When he came back to the ship to visit after getting out of the Fort Sam Houston, TX burn unit he looked like an overcooked hot dog. His neck was permanently stuck in one position. He was only aboard to retrieve some of his personal effects. I don’t know how things turned out in the end.


  3. number (1) has come up on the comment as a link – but isn’t one.

  4. Had a quick look and these are four odd ones, listed as keywords, for my blog. I must go through the list properly to see what others there are – you’ve started something now!

    (1) http://www.wallpaper ofprime minister
    (2) how do you make a space car
    (3) wife recognising my dick
    (4) light through scrotum

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    Hey Guys. Fun post. I think the “Mercury” one may be relative to the Mercury automobile, made by the Ford Company which used to advertise as “Lincoln-Mercury” until the mercury became phased out this year and will no longer be manufactured. This car may or may not “re-surface” in the future. Sound reasonable? Gyps, the “blood red moon” hits on your blog are most likely because your blog logo is a huge blood red moon…ya think that might be why?? Greetings to all friends in MU. Am having a pretty rough patch here. Hoping to see you all soon.

  6. friend of nica says:

    love the term “mama ouija” – sounds like a song title – hmmm…..or maybe a poem…..

  7. friend of nica says:

    tooooo funny!!! but lest i digress before i get really started, let me just say that i think what the “two empaths that visit each other’s dreams” may be referring to me and jen and to the similar tsunami dreams and then a more recent one of ice/water we both had – remember the tsumani dream where we both dreamed the dream on the same night and both had a school in them? and then, i mentioned the ice/water dream in our private blog and jen had also had one or more of the same thing – perhaps this is it??? just a thought –

    on my gww blog the absolute most common, hands down, search is “blood red moon” – every day – every single day i get those hit words – now, it’s true that i do have a couple of pieces to do with a blood red moon but i don’t know that i personally have ever searched for those words myself – so i wonder of why others do –

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