Super Bowl Synchros

 Let me state right off that I’m not into football. Never have been. The sports strikes me as incredibly violent. Players sustain injuries that plague them the rest of their lives. That said, they choose to play this sport and, in some instances the players are so great you know they are pursing their passions.

This evening, Rob and I went over to Bruce Gernon’s place to watch the game. Bruce is Rob’s co-author for The Fog, and every year he and his wife Lynn put out quite a spread for the Super Bowl. Lynn is a gourmet cook and they have an 80 inch TV that covers the entire wall in their living room. The quality of the image is so high def you feel like you’re in the stands, that you’re there. I actually enjoyed watching the game.

The minute I saw the Seahawks mascot – an actual hawk – I knew they were going to win. The hawk is a powerful totem – able to see the larger picture from way above the crowd, its vision almost unsurpassed in the animal kingdom. This predator flies at between 20 and 40 miles an hour. And in some of these touchdowns the Sea Hawk players made, the players seemed to be moving that fast.

But it wasn’t until one of the sportscasters mentioned player Russell Wilson and what his father had said to him that I realized there was a deeper message in this game.  His father had said to hm, Why not you? There’s probably nothing more powerful that a parent can say to a child (except I love you). Wilson took this and revised it and said, Why not us?

And the Sea Hawks went on to pound the Denver Broncos at 43 to 8. The message of this triumph, the deeper message about belief and the fact that nearly 200 million people watched this game – that’s a LOT of energy! – emphasizes a synchro. These teams  are from the two most recent states – Colorado and Washington – to legalize marijuana. Weird, huh?


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6 Responses to Super Bowl Synchros

  1. Nancy says:

    The two most progressive states in the Union. Hmmm, interesting synchro.

  2. I know nothing about American Football, looks very complicated to me. – but like those Russell Wilson quotes ‘Why not you? / us?’

  3. Darren B says:

    I finally figured out a sync from 3 years ago,today,and it is a Superbowl sync big-time for me.I wrote a post about it on my blog today –
    Who could have seen the Sea-Hawks winning the Superbowl for the first time ever in the Year of the Horse and against Manning’s team ?
    Apparently the sync gods. 😉

  4. DJan says:

    You know I was happy, but I did expect a much closer game. I still have my Seahawk thumbnails, Trish. And I was getting ready to put a wooden horse on my blog post yesterday and then superstitiously left it off, not wanting any Bronco juju yesterday. Go Hawks! Superbowl champions at last. 🙂

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