Happy Birthday!

 In January 2009,  Rob and I were casting around about starting a blog – but couldn’t seem to come up with an idea. Other friends blogged about writing and their books,  but we’ve never been big self-promoters. If anything, that has been our greatest weakness in the publishing business.

So one Saturday Rob went off to yoga and I sat outside and thought about it. What is it that intrigues us the most?  The paranormal, the mysterious, ancient archeology, UFOs, aliens, other dimensions, that answer was easy. But what binds these areas together?

And it hit me: Synchronicity.

On the first date Rob and I had in November 1981, I asked him if he knew what synchronicity was. “Sure,” he replied. “Meaningful coincidence, Carl Jung, right?”

Up to that point in my life, I’d asked a lot of men that same question and I think Rob was the first one who answered it correctly. I decided I wanted to get to know him.

So when Rob got home from yoga that January in 2009, I said that I thought we should start blogging about synchronicity.  He protested, he ticked off reasons why it wouldn’t work, but I knew where to start. I did some research and decided blogger was the easiest format to use. “Let’s at least try it,” I said.

And we did. On February 4, 2009, we published our first post, The Deeper Meaning of Things.

We signed up for a Google alert for synchronicity and began following other bloggers who wrote about the topic, commenting on their blogs. Slowly – very slowly – we made connections with other people who wrote about and had a solid grasp of synchronicity.

In 2010, our blog was hacked by an anonymous commenter, a diehard skeptic about alien life etc.  Three of our computers were destroyed and the hacker took over our blog for five or six hours. He posted an apology to himself that was allegedly written by Rob. By then we knew who he was  and where he lived and filed a report with the FBI. We also bought new computers and moved our blog to WordPress.

That process alone took about five hours, with more than 12,000 posts and comments. Some comments were lost, all the links were lost, and so were our followers. At that point, we’d had nearly 200,000 hits from 175 countries. Fortunately, we had a word file with some of our fellow bloggers URLs and email addresses, and over the next several months were able to re-establish contact with some of them.

So today, on the fifth anniversary of our blog’s birth, I’m happy to report that we’ve written several thousand posts on synchronicity  in its myriad manifestations – with some dog park and political posts tossed into the mix. We’ve met synchro bloggers from other continents whose knowledge and experiences have added to the collective soup about what synchronicity is. And the blog has resulted in four books on the various components of synchronicity and connected us to many people who are experiencing the phenomenon in unique ways.

Skeptics – like the virulent jerk who hacked our computers and blog – serve to remind us of the dying paradigm. And that belief system says nothing and no one is connected to anything or anyone else, that we live in a random universe where nothing makes sense. To the skeptics, we say, We say, Rock on, synchro experiencers! All of us are defining the new paradigm, fleshing it out, ushering in a new understanding.

And thanks to you all for contributing your stories and experiences for five years – and counting!

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19 Responses to Happy Birthday!

  1. Momwithwings says:

    Five years!? Wow.
    I’ve learned so much in that time and you’ve helped me not feel so all alone on this journey! To find so many other people of like mind and interests has been wonderful.
    You both always have such interesting things to write about, and I live that you began to open your door to us to give us a peak at your family and loves.
    We became a little, long distance family!
    When you were under attack, I loved how we came together even more! I hate that that happened to you but I think we all learned a lot through that experience. I know that I became braver!
    I raise my glass and say cheers to you both and an extra cheer to getting to know one of my favorite authors !
    Congratulations and thank you!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Thanks so much, Mom! Your comments over these past 5 years have expanded our knowledge of synchronicity – and everything else that goes bum in the night!

  2. Nancy says:

    Yay!! So glad you started the blog and we met and became friends. Here’s to synchronicity!

  3. Dale Dassel says:

    Wow, has it really been 5 years already? I’ve been loving the synchro books, so keep ’em coming! 🙂

  4. Congratulations! 5 years! Holy Moly! Hard to believe. Your site is the only one I go to every day and it amazes me how you are able to supply so much content on an almost daily basis and you are both writing dozens of books. Awesome! Synchronicity rules!

  5. Darren B says:

    Many happy returns…literally.

  6. Congratulations! I’m thrilled to have been in on your journey.

    The old paradigm for authors to self-promo was to be “shameless” and that’s finally dying too! You guys to it right!

  7. Congratulations and many thanks for all of your posts and the knowledge you have passed on to us readers.

    I bet it doesn’t seem like five years!

  8. Congratulations, Trish and Rob; you’ve inspired and intrigued me and so many others countless times since you started this blog. I was thrilled when you reached out to connect. Here’s to the coincidental and meaningful future of all your work.

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