Enter the Lionman

Only a tiny percentage of people who come to our blog ever leave a message. In fact, far more people who never come to our blog attempt to leave messages – ie. SPAM, but we block those off-subject sales pitches.

Occasionally, someone will e-mail us rather than comment on the blog. That was the case recently with an Australian woman of aboriginal descent, who we will call Emily. She wrote us about the post on shamanic meditation that included a story by a woman who had an encounter with her deceased father.


“I was on your website this morning reading about synchronicity and meditation. I don’t want my identity exposed, but decided to take the chance after reading your article about meditation and the lady who wrote about her meditation experiences with you and seeing her father during meditation. I noted you didn’t use her name, which gave me the courage to contact you.

“Back in 1995, after going home to see my family, my older sister shared some experiences with me. She was into the ‘New Age’ stuff and gave me some Dawn Hill books to read. I won’t go into everything she told me, but after reading Dawn’s books I decided to try meditation, sharing my attempts with my sister.

“Life was hard for me during that time and I found the meditation sessions calming, and became able to get to that state quite easily. I am a First Person of Australia woman and we believe that the old people, the ancestors visit us. I could never see or hear them, but felt their presence. My father told me it was like seeing a live person, and not to be afraid, that it’s the living you should be wary of! I see them now, but that’s another story.”


Emily later told us a story about her contact, not with an ancestor, but with a mysterious other-worldly being.

“I think meditating opened me up to a bigger universe and someone from ‘out there’ tried to contact me. I was living by myself at the time and the  experience scared me.

“I was contacted one night whilst reading. It was gentle and deliberate, but when I saw it, I freaked out. It tried for many years, but I was too scared! He was beautiful… I called him the Lionman.

“He had hair like a lion’s mane and his face was like a man and a lion, with a body like a man. He was beautiful. He wore a shirt and a vest. The vest looked like dark brown suede, fawn shirt and pants, with boots that came up to his knees. He held his hands in front of his body with his head bowed for a while allowing me to watch him. Then he came closer and he looked up at me and smiled. That’s when I freaked.”


Emily said that she could not only see the Lionman, but also his otherworldly surroundings. “He was in a dead-end, surrounded with high red rocks and red earth. Maybe he was on Mars!”

Towards the end the Lionman would knock three times at her door, but Emily was too afraid to answer. “He stopped trying in 2002. I now regret my fears.”

She asked us to let her know if we ever hear about the Lionman from anyone else. She wants to know more about him. “It’s been good to share this with you and Trish. I feel like a weight has been lifted off me.”


Later, she told us one other story, one that possibly offers a clue to the identity of the Lionman.

“With my meditating I became very good at it, but could only stay there for 20 minutes. I also had some wonderful experiences. I could slip in and out of meditation whenever I was stressed. One time I was on a plane going through rough weather and was very stressed so I meditated. I used to go to a special place by the river whilst meditating and believe I met ‘God’ there that day.

“He appeared to me like they depict him in the bible. I was amused and asked him if he really looked like that. He told me, “I have many images,” and swirled around me in beautiful colours. There was a baby crying on the plane so I asked him if he could help the baby, and the baby stopped crying immediately. I believe he was a beautiful spirit, perhaps even god.”

After reading that story, it occurred to me that perhaps Emily’s religious upbringing might be influencing her visions. What came to mind was C.S. Lewis’s novel (and movie), The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe. The Lion, of course, was Lewis’s mythical figure for a deity.

So, Emily, I think the Lionman was a guide, a spirit, an alien, an avatar, an advanced being. One of those or maybe all of those.

If anyone else has had an experience like this, please let us know.

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7 Responses to Enter the Lionman

  1. Wow! If I was a woman of the First Peoples of Australia, I’d look within my own stories and traditions for anything like him. If I am feeling now in my life that I wish I had not turned away in fear, I’d remember that all time is NOW in the dream time, or the multiverse, and I would meditate again on him, seeing him the way he appeared. Maybe I’d open my heart, while meditating and ask, what do you want; how can I help you? If that’s too scary, still, maybe I’d ask for a dream that would open the way for me to meet and understand him unafraid. Then I’d keep careful track of my dreams because he may show up in a different guise, perhaps to test how true my intention is or perhaps to give me guidance on what I should do. The knocking 3 times on my door is absolutely magical; I’d want to read up on how that plays out in ancestors’ stories or across culture. I love putting something like this in search engines, and probably will. It’s beautiful, Trish and Rob, how you’ve created a safe and sage place for someone so far across the world to finally tell her story. I also appreciate Emily’s story greatly; many teachers are coming out and talking about extra dimensional experiences candidly, so it’s not as “crazy” as once it felt. Being fellow Australians, Emily might enjoy Robert Moss’ new book , The Boy Who Died and Came Back” because he talks about growing up in Australia and having experiences he couldn’t share. Also, Jurgen Ziewe’s Multidimensional Man because he does so much of his OBE exploration from meditation. Sigh, Trish, I’m also trying to stay very chaste with Emily’s description of Lionman because that’s her beautiful vision, but I can’t help it, it’s powerfully sensual to me:-)

  2. I remember reading in a book about Power Animals and how they are the archetypal consciousness of the species. I don’t know if the Lionman in the post could be one of these.

    I just read something by Gill Edwards and she writes: “Power animals have a reputation for turning up ‘in the flesh’ – often behaving in uncharacteristic ways – just to remind you life is a dream!”

    She goes on to say about lions as power animals: “Be wary of the abuse of power, whether you are leading or being led: lead with integrity; be lion-hearted.”

  3. Sheila Joshi says:

    Wow, what an amazing experience! Thanks for sharing it, Emily and Trish.

    There’s some kind of resonance between Emily and the Lionman. And he sounds very respectful of her boundaries, and considerate of her feelings.

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