Praise for the Hairy Man: The Secret Life of Bigfoot

 In 2012,  authors and radio personalities Jeffrey Pritchett and Andrew B. Colvin invited a number of Bigfoot researchers onto their radio show, The Church of Mabus and began an investigation into the Bigfoot phenomenon. The result is a fascinating book, Praise for the Hairy Man: The Secret Life of Bigfoot.

The authors, both of whom have had Bigfoot sightings and experiences, used a simple “10 questions” interview format and delved into a diversity of areas about this elusive creature. The areas include: the Bigfoot/alien connection, the possible role of ancient aliens in the genetic history of the Yeti, the sex habits of Sasquatch, reports of telepathy, shapeshifting and flight with Bigfoot, Native American beliefs in Sasquatch.

One of the chapters that intrigued me was an interview with Stacy Brown Jr., whose team is called the Sasquatch Hunters of Florida.  There are 12 members on his team who come from a variety of backgrounds but are united in their passion to find out the truth about Sasquatch. The team has various hair samples and a pair of handprints and are now working with a forensic scientist who will study the DNA of the samples.

Brown recounts one of his own experiences. In November 2011, he and another man, Matt Roberts, pitched a tent on a property and were in “for one scary night. The creatures walked around our camp all night. We had hickory nuts thrown at us.  At one point, we woke up to our tent shaking. We got a  thermal image that night and some really good audio. Needless to say, I was ‘sold.’ I quit the band I was in, and went into Bigfoot full-throttle.”

When Brown was asked if Sasquatch might be a paranormal or multidimensional creature, he replies that anything is possible. “Any time you go that route, though, people think you are nuts. It’s just too much for their minds to grasp.” During his experiences that night in November, he thought the creatures might be ghosts because they got around so effortlessly.

Brown’s team offers Sasquatch trips, where you camp out in areas where the creature has been sighted, are trained in their high tech gear, and includes three meals.

I particularly enjoyed the chapters that draw connections between Bigfoot and UFOs. In Chapter 5, the authors interview Stan Gordon, a former Pennsylvania state director for MUFON. He’s also an author and has appeared on numerous TV shows talking about his research. According to Gordon: “There are a small percentage of cases… where observers have seen both a UFO and Bigfoot at the same time and location. From the reports I have received from across the country and around the world, such cases may be much more common than first thought.” The biggest problem, Gordon notes, is that many researchers are reluctant to publish such accounts for fear of ridicule.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Whether it’s Bigfoot, UFOs, aliens, or anything else that goes bump in the night,  fear of ridicule seems to be a huge impediment to finding the truth.

Praise for the Hairy Man: The Secret Life of Bigfoot is a terrific compilation of research, stories, and theories about what this creature might actually be.

Tonight, from 7-9 p.m. eastern time, we’ll be live on The Church of Mabus, talking about The Synchronicity Highway.


Trish wrote the above, but didn’t realize that I’d had a synchronicity yesterday related to the same subject. I was reading one of the interviews in Pritchett’s book when I felt a nudge to go to the Unexplained Mysteries, a website that I hadn’t visited for months. Surprisingly, the first thing I saw was an article about a Sasquash sighting on Vancouver Island.

That reminded of my own sighting many years ago in the North Woods of Minnesota, a large region in the northeastern part of the state known as Arrowhead Country or the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA). No motorized vehicles are allowed and transportation is by canoe and portages…trails connecting the numerous lakes. I still recall portaging my canoe, which had pads for my shoulders and carrying a Duluth pack with my camping gear on the trips I used to take, usually one around Memorial Day weekend, the Fourth of July or Labor Day.

On one particular trip, a friend and I paddled across a lake to a campsite at sunset. It was the only campsite on that lake. We had the place to ourselves. After pulling the canoe up to shore, I followed a trail leading from the campsite to a big wooden box, the outdoor toilet supplied by the park service. No outhouse, just a box above a hole in the ground, in the forest.

As I approached it, I stopped as I saw a figure moving through the woods about fifty feet away. I glanced down for just a moment, feeling a bit disappointed that someone else was here. As I looked up, the figure raced through the thick woods at an incredible speed on two feet. It wasn’t human, wasn’t a bear. Within moments, it was gone.

When I told my friend what I saw, he was intrigued at first. But then he thought otherwise when I told him what exactly I saw. The creature appeared to be wearing something white on its head that I described as a sailor hat with the brim pulled down. My friend, Laurel, just shook his head. He believed there might be Yeti in the forest, but not one wearing a sailor hat.

A few years later, I read a description of a Bigfoot sighting that included an illustration. The creature had a conical head, and the top half of it was white. That was what I saw!

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10 Responses to Praise for the Hairy Man: The Secret Life of Bigfoot

  1. I’ve read that with some bigfoot sightings they have been white – maybe they change colour, thus the white ‘hat’. I don’t think we have any in the UK.

  2. gypsy says:

    of all the encounters i have had with unexplained things i’ve never encountered a bigfoot – even given all the time spent in remote mountain areas – but i’ve no problem believing the stories of those who have – it only makes sense to me that there are others species here on earth just as there are there – in outer space –

  3. Nancy says:

    Maybe he was an elderly Bigfoot. That would explain the white hair. Also, there are many very interesting sightings of late. I just hope if someone does find one, that they don’t automatically hurt/kill it.

  4. Darren B says:

    I’ve got Andy Colvin’s Mothman books and have read them all.
    I highly recommend them,too.
    Interestingly enough I was listening to Barry Eaton’s latest “Radio Out-there” show and he had Duncan Roads (editor of NEXUS magazine) discussing UFOs and a case where a police officer had reported contact with an orb which he said aliens use as a screen type image so as not to frighten us,because they really appear as giant praying mantis type creatures !? Interesting indeed.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Thanks for the link! Will take a listen. Mothman…inter-dimensional?

      • Darren B says:

        Actually Trish,listening to the full podcast I hear Duncan mentions you and Rob and your current article in NEXUS magazine at the 41:24 minute mark.
        I skipped half the podcast the first time round because I wasn’t interested in the Astrology first half,but I must have skipped past Duncan praising you guys and your article.

  5. lauren raine says:

    Fascinating……..I’ve often wondered about the ubiquitousness of the legend and sitings of Sasquatch, or the Yeti. I found myself, as I read this, thinking about your previous post – the Lionman.

    Perhaps, as you suggest, spirits manifest as archetypes, as forms that people either will recognize and respond to (like an angel, for example), or as forms that represent something important to them that they want to get across. When I think of the “lionman” I think of all the world mythology around the symbol of the noble, powerful lion, and also, of course, the much loved “Vincent” from Beauty and the Beast. The epitome of noble, gentle, strength…………

    I’ve listened to many near death speakers, and many times thought, as they recounted their experiences, that spirits seem to manifest to them in ways that they can respond to. For example, I’ve heard many speakers say they met Jesus. But I surmise that a person from Burma might meet Buddha, or someone from India Krishna.

    I remember a friend who studied shamanism mention that she encountered a being “in the dreamtime” who had a jaguar head, and felt that this was a living shaman in south america who was able to travel in the astral world, and chose to manifest as this figure or as a jaguar. I wonder if sasquatch could be related somehow?

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I agree with your comments on how mysterious and often exhilarating sightings of otherworldly beings, are interpreted or filtered through our beliefs. I include the many sightings of the Virgin Mary in this category. The appearance of an advanced spirit being might go unnoticed without our filters. I’m not sure the Sasquatch fits into this scenario, any more than Elvis sightings, but I do think the Hairy Man is probably are multi-dimensional being.

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