Short & Sweet


Synchronicities can be complex or simple. They can unfold over time or be done within seconds or minutes.  

Our friend Melissa sent us a synchro that involves concert tickets and seating. It’s short and puzzling and no telling what it means. Is it a light-hearted trickster?

“Today I bought two sets of tickets for a Tori Amos concert, one in Miamiand one in New York City. Take a look at my seats:

Miami: Row DD, Seats 101,102

NYC: Row D, Seats 101,102

“Not sure what this could mean, but I’m into it!”

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26 Responses to Short & Sweet

  1. Darren B says:

    Little Earthquakes ?
    “The US Geological Survey (USGS) recorded the 4.4-magnitude quake 9km (5.6 miles) from the Los Angeles neighbourhood of Westwood.
    It struck at 06:25 local time (13:25 GMT). No severe damage, injuries or deaths have been reported.
    A USGS spokeswoman said it was the strongest earthquake in Los Angeles since the last aftershocks from the 1994 Northridge quake.
    Dr Lucy Jones told the local CBS broadcaster there was a 5% chance another strong quake would strike within the next three days.”

  2. gypsy says:

    trish – i think i mentioned recently that one of my daughters was flying to malaysia – i was beside myself with not just concern – but worry – i didn’t sleep – i tried everything to keep her from going – i simply feared this trip – of course, she went anyway -less than 48 hours after she got home, the malaysian airline flight out of kuala lumpur disappeared and is still missing – the same airport the same airline – weird…

  3. Melissa says:

    “Lady in Blue” (the best supporting actress had a light blue dress on) —- Or you could look at Cate Blanchett winning Best Actress for her role in “Blue Jasmine.”

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Thanks for letting us put up your synchro!

      • Darren B says:

        Thanks for that comment Mel,I was going to mention that connection,too,and then clean forgot about it in my rush to get to work.I love Cate as an actress and her role in “Oscar and Lucinda” ,Peter Carey’s filmed novel is my favourite.
        (Pretty funny how she would win two Oscars in her acting career [and counting] after starring in that film) .
        I met Peter Carey last year and got him to sign a copy of his novel “Bliss” for me,as well as his latest novel “Chemistry of Tears”,which I’m yet to read.
        Tori is truly magical in concert and I would recommend to everybody to put one of her concerts on your bucket lists.

        • Melissa says:

          Darren, I kinda thought you might have just overlooked it since you were so specific in the rest of your interpretation! Tori is pretty magical, I’ve seen her a lot – way to many times to count. Yes, I am one of “those” fans.

          • Darren B says:

            I have Tori’s “Tori Amos:A Piano,The Collection” sitting on my bookshelf and will often select a CD randomly and play it.I never get tied of her music.She is one of my favourite artists in the category of Sting,Lennon,The Boss,Wilie Nelson and Peter Gabriel,just mention a few of my favourites.

      • Melissa says:

        No problem! I love when you do! I just hate that your blog makes me do math every time I want to leave a comment! LOL XO

  4. lauren raine says:

    Sometimes I think it’s like the law of attraction…………clusters of related synchros happen. Recently I’ve been dealing with a colleague who used to live in India and studied Indian dance. And at the same time, I got an inquiry to rent a room from an Indian woman who is a classical Indian dancer. Or, like last summer, I’m going to drive long distance to visit a friend who lives in a small town in Massachusetts, and just before leaving I get an order for a custom mask from someone who lives in that exact town – of all the millions of small towns in the US, why that one?

    I guest it’s just a little “wake up” call from the universe!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Wow, those are two good ones, Lauren!

      • Dale Dassel says:

        Back in January I had a synchro like Lauren’s. Since December I’ve been a creative consultant on a remake of the computer game Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. The project leader contacted me because of my novelization, and his e-mail profile said he lives in Roswell. Cool, UFO central. Turns out he’s in Roswell, Georgia, just north of Atlanta. I provided reference pictures and video of my authentic Indy outfit to help him create the CG model of Indy. He said that we should meet up in Atlanta to kick around ideas for the game. I don’t like driving in big cities, and suggested a meeting sometime in the spring, when the weather is nice. Then my mom finds a vintage armoire on Craig’s list that she’s been after for years to complete a bedroom set. Guess where? Roswell! So I have to travel with my dad to go pick it up. I set up a meeting with Patrik at his computer graphics company in Marietta, and spend the day photographing all of my Indy gear in high-res digital camera for best quality reference. So everything synchro’d up nicely, as if the universe had given the project its blessing. 🙂

  5. Wow! isn’t that almost an impossible statistic?

  6. I like these ‘simple’ synchros, they sort of ‘wake you up’ when they are personal.

  7. Darren B says:

    Funny I love Tori Amos and saw her a few years back when she played the Concert Hall in Brisbane and this Wednesday night I have a ticket to see the band “Sweet” play the same venue as Tori played at.
    Sweet were the first band I ever followed as a kid and their LP
    “Desolation Boulevard” was the first LP I ever owned.
    I used their cover version of “Dead or Alive”‘s “You Spin Me Round”
    off their “New York Connection” album on my post yesterday to accompany the You Tube I found of Mike Clelland spinning his cat round on his tiled floor.
    So syncs all round I guess ?-)

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Good one!

      • Darren B says:

        This is the concert of Tori’s I went to in 2009,after she had just released her ” Abnormally Attracted To Sin” album.
        Which reading the list of song titles on the album makes me wonder if she didn’t write it for the 2014 Oscars.
        “Oscar’s Theme” , “Lady in Blue” (the best supporting actress had a light blue dress on), “500 Miles” (Alfonso Cuaron’s ‘Gravity’ is truly unlike any film in recent memory. Its tale of a scientist and astronaut “marooned” in space 500 miles above the Earth is both harrowing and heartfelt.),”Fast Horse” (2014 is the “Year of the Horse”),”Welcome to England” (Gravity was made in England and all the English people were picking up Oscars all night long), “That Guy” (Phillip S Hoffman,Abnormally Attracted to Sin ?, “Curtain Call” ), “Maybe California” (home of the Oscars), “Curtain Call” .

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