Megan’s Left Foot

On the evening of Friday, April 29, we were leaving the dog park and saw a young man hobbling in on crutches, with a boot on his foot, his dog darting along ahead of him. He’s someone we see periodically at the park, so we stopped and asked if he had broken his foot.

“Yup. Playing basketball.”

Rob said, “It’s a bitch. I broke my foot last year.”

Once we were in the car, I remarked, “I think you broke your foot in 2009, in June.”

“What? Are you sure?”

“We’ll check the blog.” So when we got home, I did check and the post on Rob’s left foot went up on June 25, 2009.

The next day at Rob’s yoga class, I noticed that the woman next to me, Rose, had something wrapped  around her left foot. After class, I asked her what had happened. She said it was related to a bunion and that her orthopedic guy wanted to remove it. “But years ago, I was married to an orthopedic surgeon and I learned that if at all possible, you should stay away from surgery on your back and your feet.”

“Are you a Pisces?” I asked her.

“No, a Virgo. Why?”

“Well, Pisces rules the feet, which means that part of the body is vulnerable for people of that sun sign or for individuals who have a Pisces moon or rising.”

Rose didn’t know anything about her natal chart, so the conversation ended there. But when we were in the car, I started thinking about Megan the Virgo with Pisces rising and remembered how she has always enjoyed having her feet rubbed. Then I realized that twice in the last fourteen hours, I had paid attention to feet, not something that usually registers for me. I had conversed with people I hardly know who have problems with their feet. Then I forgot about it until around one Saturday morning, when Megan called, sobbing.

“Mom, I’m on my way to ER. I think I broke my foot.”

Saturday afternoon, she had been sailing with some other kids. Her legs were dangling over the side of the sailboat when another sailboat came alongside and slammed into the sailboat she was on. Her left foot got caught between the two boats.

So Sunday morning, I drove across the state.  Megan was on crutches, in a lot of pain, and couldn’t keep anything down because she was ill from the codeine they’d given her for pain at the ER. We checked into a hotel and she slept for a few hours, then finally had a bite to eat. Yesterday  morning, we got in to see an orthopedic doc.

Yes, her foot was broken – a metatarsal bone near the fourth toe. Her foot is still so swollen, though, that he recommended a heavily padded splint for a week, then a cast for a few weeks, then a boot. This means Megan will be graduating from college on crutches.

So, the signs were there, but I couldn’t read them. Maybe that’s the trickster part of some synchronicities. Hey, here’re the clues, you piece them together and make the appropriate warnings. There were two references to foot problems in a period of fourteen hours, one of those references from a Virgo having problems with her left foot. Symbolically, the break seems to be related to Megan’s feelings about graduating. As she put it, the only thing she has known since she was five years old is school. Now she’s going to graduate – and what happens then?

Our feet carry us forward in life. The left foot is ruled by the right brain, that part of the brain associated with creativity.  The break may be associated with a break from what she has known all these years – school – and a  whole new chapter opening for her. Then again, that may be too simple. There are undoubtedly other underlying issues that she keeps to herself.

But on the drive across the state, one phrase kept repeating itself in my head: pay attention to what you pay attention to.


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37 Responses to Megan’s Left Foot

  1. Ray Getzinger says:

    Love and blessings to Megan

    How many synchros can there be for a left leg? Just the other day, after you wrote this, but I didn’t read the blog til today I was talking to Millie about something I don’t remember having to do with old injuries. I reminded her of the time I was running aboard ship in deck shoes instead of athletic shoes. I twisted my left ankle. I had it x-rayed and found out it was just severely sprained, but the x-ray showed an old fracture. Over the years I have twisted that ankle over and over, but never enough to require treatment. Also when I was seven years old I fell off a truck bed loaded with cinder blocks. The back tire ran over my ankle. That or one of the athletic sprains could have been the cause. Very odd that I remembered while this blog was in the ether.


  2. Darren B says:

    It’s funny you say the line “pay attention to what you pay attention to”. As you know from reading my blog,the universe has got me onto a creativity tangent and I’ve been investigating creative individual’s blogs and reading their books.The book that I’m reading at the moment (along with 5 others) is “Creating a Life Worth Living” by Carol Lloyd.,and it sounds like it would be right up Megan’s alley (I’m only up to page 31 though,so I may be jumping the gun…but I’ll keep you posted) as it seems to parallel Megan’s present life situation. It’s got great reviews on Amazon…and so far I can see why.
    Getting back to the line “pay attention to what you pay attention to”.You may have already read this on your travels in cyberland,but I came across this post by “accident” early this week and added it to my To-do bookmarks to read later;

    And the post is titled “pay attention to what you pay attention to”,and the blog is called “Drawing Down the Vision-a practical guide to living and working creatively”.
    I found this blog;

    when I was Google-ing “living and working creatively”+”ritual”.Because the first chapter of “Creating a Life Worth Living” is about living and working creatively and the 15 minute daily ritual that Carol wants reader’s to practice.When I started poking around this great blog I found (among loads of other great posts) this post called
    “pay attention to what you pay attention to” (so it’s maybe lucky I did.-) and bookmarked it to come back to later…which in all honesty,I probably wouldn’t have.
    But when I brought up the page to have another read through,to see if it was worth passing on to you,I saw this line;
    “I realized there was a “”””hidden crutch””””” buried in my original sketch: a need for comfort, security, and a fear of making tough life choices.”
    (Sorry I went a bit overboard on my ” ” ‘s,but did you notice the words
    Maybe you’ve come across this site before,but I thought I just had to tell you about it.
    Cheers / Daz

  3. whoot says:

    yeah ”math” someone definitely groked (understood) that potentiality,, many have lived it,, a number had gotten burnt at the “steak” for it,,, some say that new science it’s such A nuisance…….

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    As I read this post and the comments, one of my favorite Buddhist teachings popped into my mind. I looked it up to make certain I had remembered it correctly because it seems pertinent to so many of the mysteries in our lives, and the synchronicities:


  5. nobody says:

    hind sight is not 20-20 hind sight is like x-ray vision

  6. Natalie says:

    Ouch! Poor Megan. Such a shame for her to have to hobble through her graduation. 🙁
    It IS so annoying when there is 20 -20 vision in hindsight, but at least you were right on it, Trish.

    Last week I woke up from an unusual dream where I was preparing food with Muslim people in some sort of celebration. I was given a name for the food and I had never heard of it before. My first reaction was to dismiss it, as I personally don’t know any Muslims, but I went to work and told my peeps about it. More came to light ,and the connection was strengthened, until the events of this week happened and it all made so much sense in hindsight.

  7. Jen says:

    Wow! This is quite the synchro, and one of those times, as with planetary empaths where all the signs are pointing at something- but you can’t put the puzzle together until after the event in question has occurred!

  8. Vicki D. says:

    Oh 2 things:
    I am a Pisces .

    I hope Meghan is feeling better and remind her that lots of people feel ambivalent when college is done. My daughter on the other side is so ready to be done and beginning this new phase. My daughter though has always been older beyond her years, teachers have always commented to me that she will be so happy when she’s in her 20’s and it is true, but that is just her, many of her friends have been tearful.

    I find this generation of kids especially these 1989 babies really terrific and sweet.

  9. Vicki D. says:

    I was out running errands and noted that my feet felt sore.
    I have arthritis in my feet but I had been feeling just fine earlier.
    After I noticed my feet hurt, and I couldn’t figure out why, I noticed the fibromyalgia fatigue coming on.
    By the time I got home I had to just sit. I then realized that I needed to get off of my feet and rest for awhile.
    I am still feeling fatigued and realized, to my frustration but my cats elation, that I was done for the day and had to give in to the fibro fatigue.
    I had wondered if some of what I was feeling was the exhaustion and emotion from yesterdays killing of Osama Bin Laden as yesterday I became quite depressed as the day progressed and I was sure it was from the emotions so many were feeling.
    Anyway I was surprised by your post but then again I wasn’t surprised!

    Another interesting synchro is that my two best friends and I now all have issues with our feet whether broken arthritic, numb etc. We find it quite interesting and bizarre.

  10. Sorry to hear about Megan’s foot…and crutches for graduation :(…on the positive side though…she is graduating…Woohoo! and that’s wonderful news. A great achievement. So pay attention to what we pay attention to…very good suggestion. Not so nice synchro for Megan on the other hand (or should I say foot) 😉
    Hope she’s up and around soon.

  11. Nancy says:

    Oh, poor Megan! Not fun to hobble over the stage at graduation. I think you may be right with it being a metaphor for beginning the next stage of her life. I find this generation is having more problems entering into life than previous ones. But then maybe it’s because they have much less to look forward to for all of their hard work getting an education.

  12. lauren raine says:

    I’m sorry that foot trouble is following your family……..having undergone a broken ankle, I know what it’s like to suddenly be unable to walk, to go forward. A psychic told me at that time that it was about needing to “slow down”, and in retrospect, it was a really good time for me, being forced to stop and take inventory.

    I like your comment “pay attention to what you pay attention to”. There’s a lot to think about with that thought……..where is our energy going? I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the need to pay attention where my energy is going, where I’m “giving my power”, what I’m plugged into.

    best wishes for your daughters recovery.

  13. terripatrick says:

    Foot issues to me are a message of under-standing our balance on our foundation. 🙂

  14. friend of nica says:

    ok – first – best wishes and many healing thoughts to megan and her left foot! i thought your breakdown of it all was totally right on – and i remember thinking, when i heard the news of her foot, “oh, what about graduation!” –

    now, the weird part – on friday my daughter cindy came over right after work and was complaining of her “left foot” – she had put on flip-flops because her foot was so swollen – when she pulled up her jean leg to show me, her foot looked just like megan’s foot in the image above – the first thing i asked was if she thought it was broken – it looked so to me – and it was discolored on top – but she poo-pooed [is that a word?] the whole thing and said that it would be all better in a day or so – that it had happened before and had gone away – and last night, when i saw her, she was fine and wearing her regular shoes – so, that’s my little two cents to the left foot saga!!! although neither of us have yet determined just what the universe is “trying” to say to her and her foot!

    hope you’re both recovered from the ordeal as much as possible!
    now off to the day and errands!

  15. mathaddict3322 says:

    I can’t belive you said that! Immediately upon reading the post, although I already knew from you over the weekend that Megan had broken her foot, but not the left one, I thought about the movie MY LEFT fOOT and was just going to ask if you’d seen the movie! Great minds think alike?? 😉 Am sending positive healing thots to Megan.
    Maybe she can switch off the codeine soon and take an OTC pain reliever that will work, and she won’t be sick to her stomach on top of having to deal with the foot! Your encounters with those folks certainly did seem to be “telling you something”, no doubt about that. Universe speaks to us so often and we miss the signal. I do, anyway.

  16. DJan says:

    Well, I have seen that movie, Trish, but not lately. My recent hard opening under my canopy caused my hands and feet to tingle for a few minutes, which I attribute to possible pinching of a nerve in my spine. It went away, but my neck is understandably very stiff and sore, especially on the right side. I’m not used to hurting at all, but I always enjoy learning about synchronicities here and sort of wish I had something going on with my left foot. (Wait! I didn’t really say that, did I?) “Pay attention to what I’m paying attention to.”

  17. OHMYGOD! I can’t believe this post. My left foot has been hurting for a few weeks. Friday I finally went to an orthopedist. I have two fractures and am now wearing a boot. I have no clue how I got this – thought it was part of being old. And maybe/probably it is – but this post blows me away. What are we, the left foot limping brigade?

    p.s. I have no clue about what to make of this. Is this a synchronicity or merely a coincidence?

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