Something unusual

I was driving to Home Depot Sunday afternoon, feeling somewhat bored. So I put out a request to the Universe asking for something unusual to happen. Almost a big mistake.

Barely ten seconds later, a huge semi-trailer pulled out from a side road. I hit my brakes, came up right behind the truck, and stared at the caution sign on the rear door. The message seemed to be: watch out what you ask for. Indeed, something unexpected had happened, and I realized I hadn’t specified what kind of unusual I was looking for. So as I passed the semi, I tried again, putting in a request for something unusual and pleasant.

Driving on, I decided to turn into Starbucks, stopped at the drive-through, and ordered a coffee. When I got to the window, I held up a $50 bill, the only cash I had. The barista passed me my non-fat cappuccino, looked at the bill, shook her head, and waved me on. Free coffee. That was unusual. Hard to believe Starbucks couldn’t break a fifty.

So that was much better than nearly slamming into a semi.

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21 Responses to Something unusual

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, dear goodness! a cuban bakery!!! i'm booking a flight!

    and, the scene of science panting along behind is just too much – laughing out loud for real!!!

  2. Ray says:

    I've never had Cuban coffee unless you count that made by a Cuban woman from the church I attended while in Palma de Mallorca. I did like the coffee con leches in the countries I visited in South America. I normally drink black coffee unless the milk is hot. Starbucks gives it a fancy name and charges extra.

    Bars & restaurants in Spain have an unusual way to serve coffee. They make it in an esspresso maker and serve it in a water glass with a paper napkin wrapped around the glass so you won't burn your hand.


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good one, Ray. Starbucks is a convenience for us, since it's close by. But we prefer the Cuban bakery a couple miles farther on. Cafe con leche and NO SUGAR. That's the hard part, convincing them we don't want sugar in it. 😉

  4. Ray says:

    I had another Starbucks CCR Synchro this past afternoon. I went to the counter as I was leaving. I bought the Starbucks Creedence Clearwater Revival CD. I started explaining my previous synchro to a friend only to have Suzie Q play again while giving the explanation. While I was writing this I heard it again.

    This time it is not a Synchro as I just ripped the album and waited until I started writing this comment.


  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Science catching up. Racing along behind us, panting, arms tucked in at its sides. Can't you see these science guys? Starbucks? What? Manifestations? Ghost cats?

    Run, science, run.

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i totally agree with the comment above that the science part of this is just secondary – confirmation – i have had these kinds of experiences all my life as most of us have and so i – we – already KNOW what IS – science is just now catching up to what i/we have known for some time –

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi New Soul, really sorry to hear about your cat. Losing any animal companion is painful. But how wonderful that she's sticking close to you!

  8. A New Soul says:

    I had a similar experience last week where I realized I needed to be more specific in my request. I asked to be able to sense spirit. I said I was 'ready'. That is the day my cat died. Sure enough, she is the first contact I've had with the other side that I can recognize. NOT what I wanted to happen, for sure! I'm not saying that I made it happen, but I have to wonder if the universe is laughing… (and I can only say that because I feel her every night which makes the loss a little less painful).

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    What amazes me, Aleksandar, is how many of us are interested in this phenomenon. To me, the science part is secondary,just confirmation.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The more you focus on synchronicity, the more they happen. Part of it is simply awareness. We might've overlooked these incidents when we weren't paying attention. But I think there are actually more of them experienced.

  11. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Do you think the same as me? It seems to me that our online conversation about synchronicity with people interested in this phenomenon makes things even more bizarre. It looks to me more interesting than PEARs and EGGs from Princeton University. Well, I don't think that we (you- I am new here) are so great, but…

  12. Sansego says:

    That's weird, I was reading your blog at work about this situation when a volunteer came in to ask about some paperwork. His last name was Starbuck! I told him, "so you're the one I should blame for my addiction!" He laughed. I love Starbucks…though I love Caribou Coffee more (they don't have that chain in my part of the country–the PacNW).

  13. musingegret says:

    Whoooaaa! I love it when the Universe decides to show us exactly how powerfully we 'create our own reality.' (almost instantly, in this case.)

  14. Nancy says:

    I like how your intentions manifest so fast. You must be doing something right.

    Much better than the semi!

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ray – that's way cool. Books, characters, and Starbucks!

    C: Ok, I think I'm missing something here!

  16. "C" says:

    Maybe it was Columbia on the Starbucks Logos way of saying hi.

  17. Ray says:

    I had my own Starbucks Synchro a couple of days ago. I was reading a novel by a favorite author. One of the characters had the nickname Suzy Q. As I read the name I heard the words Suzy Q from the the Creedence Clearwater Revival song by the same name. A little later CCR sang Running Through The Jungle. One of the recurring characters in the series was named Creed. He was nicknamed The Jungle Boy. A few minutes after hearing that song I read where Creed the Jungle Boy heard the song on the radio and said it was his favorite song.


  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The stars and star bucks! I love it.
    – Trish

  19. Toumai says:

    … and did you catch the "cosmic" playfulness — the Stars save you a buck at Star Bucks. :-D(-;

  20. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hmmmmm…fast learner, huh, rob? 🙂

  21. whipwarrior says:

    Kind of makes you glad that Google search is not that literal. I'd ask for something fortuitous and safe—like a bag of hundred-dollar bills. 🙂

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