Synchronicity in a High-Tech World

About a month ago, I ran across a site called synctxt. com, a way to explore synchronicity through modern technology. It’s described as “a research experiment and self-exploration tool that combines modern technology with the concept of synchronicity as postulated by the psychologist Carl Jung.”

The technology behind the software grew out of the Princeton Anomalies Research Lab, where it was discovered that humans could influence quantum scale events, even at a distance. Once you sign up, a random event generator is assigned to you 24/7 and periodically it generates a message through email or a text message, written by you. You can create up to 64 messages.Ours consisted of things like: Go with the flow. Relax. Time to withdraw. Whatever we need comes to us. Call so and so. Have you forgotten anything? We also included more specific messages related to our work, family, the synchronicity book. We’ve had some really terrific synchronicities with this.

One day while at the gym, I received a synctxt alert that read in part: $ comes today. An hour later, a royalty check arrived. Just this evening, an alert arrived that read: Creativity lies at the heart of synchronicity. I read it aloud to Rob and he laughed. “That’s the chapter I’m working on!” So one alert actually proved to be precognitive and another pertained to what was happening at the moment.

So I think we’ll try this one for another month!

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19 Responses to Synchronicity in a High-Tech World

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Jamie and Easley, we'll check it out. Welcome, Delwyn!

  2. Delwyn says:

    Hi there Trish and Rob

    thanks for finding me so that we can learn from each other and enjoy each other's company…

    Synchronicity is a fascinating phenomena…

    Happy days

  3. Jamie and Easley Owens says:

    There is an audio interview about Sync Text with the founder of the company on the Psyleron Twitter.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Am ready for cold ice tea in air conditioning. When I finally got back into the house, I felt like honoring the god of air conditioning, without which Florida would be uninhabitable for at least 6 months of the year.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i'm sorry for laughing out loud with the universe, but i can JUST SEE the whole scenario – really! the way you described it, i was right there with you, dripping sweat into the gas tank! too too funny!!! and if it weren't so late and i weren't so exhausted i'd trot on over to synctxt now and sign up but it's gonna have to wait till after sunrise – thanks for dropping by over at my place – and for the comment! come back soon! we'll have some cold ice tea in the shade!!! – or – inside in the a/c!!!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm really curious to see if/how this works for others. For instance. Today, Megan got home from an overnight in Miami, said her car was running on fumes & she had somewhere else to be in an hour. Didn't know if she had enough gas to make it to a station. So I decided to put some gas in the car, using the hurricane and lawnmower supply from the garage – you know, those big containers you see people lugging on interstates whose cars have run dry.

    It must've been 98 outside, a pounding Florida heat day, and before I even got the stupid container fitted into the little aperture in the gas tank, sweat was rolling into my eyes. Finally got a few gallons in. Felt like I'd been baked in an oven. Get inside and find a synctxt message: CHILL.

    A TRICKSTER, the universe laughing.

  7. Nancy says:

    I've been wondering how this was going. Keep us updated!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Can't wait to hear if it works for you. Today, we got three of them, but only one was truly relevant to the moment. Other days, though, the alerts have been stunningly accurate.

  9. A New Soul says:

    I'm doing the free trial…we'll see how it goes! Thanks for finding it! I'll be blogging any synchronicities I have.

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    trish – thanks for info on sync site – haven't quite made it over there yet today – my little namesake is here for the day and i've been outdoors several hours already with riding toys and water hoses 🙂

  11. Toumai says:

    Yes Rob, we just have to exercise a little caution. Our world is divided (this is not hard to see) and I don't expect this to change tomorrow. There are those who have become extraordinarily wealthy via ill begotten means and it stands to reason that some will wish for things to continue (a lion is a lion after all).

    Remember history, ie: people in Martin Luther's day were convinced by religious powers to buy indulgences — buying their way to purgatory and heaven!! In more recent history, religious powers claimed slavery to be sanctioned by the bible verse which stated to the effect: there are those meant to be hewers of wood and water.

    There is no doubt in my mind that with the money’s gained by the more ruthless organized groups, that they have already invested heavily in technology… and so what may seem to be random, may simply be a form of high tech “slight of hand”.

    Research on the findings of Dr. Robert Hare (world renowned Psychologist, expert in the field of Psychopaths) is very revealing. In a nutshell, the Psychopath lacks empathy and remorse (with the ability to disguise this amazingly well)… they also have nerves of steel. They go astray (hence illegal and harmful activity)because they get away with it and benefit. However, a good portion of Psychopathic individuals (they won’t reveal themselves any day soon) have learned to manage this tendency and become great contributors toward the common good of all… often with superior skills —like surgeons, with nerves of steel that work for them and for society (hence the reason why the tendency exists in the human gene pool).

    If we want to help that “Bigger Lion” steer right (become like their “smaller lion” doctor counterparts) then we have to catch them up at their game… then, they will give it up. Hey, then imagery of lion and lamb laying down together– peace, is not such a far off thought.

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Since we're being a bit commercial today with this sync.txt post, here's a promo on–believe it or not–a synchronicity festival. Maybe someone in Georgia can venture to Cherokee country and report back on what a synchronicity festival is.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Tomai's comment reminded me of the concepts of a Karass and Granfaloon in Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle. In a Karass, a group of people are working together unknowingly as part of a greater cosmic plan. Synchronicities happen between you and the others in the Karass. However, you must be careful or you might find yourself in a Granfaloon, a false Karass. It seems that Tomai is suggesting that by joining Syn.txt, you might be enlisting in a Granfaloon…and who knows what kind of monkey business will ensue!

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – the first wk of synctxt is free. After that it's $6.95 a month.

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    False synchronicities that would impact masses would be difficult to generate. A synchronicity has to be meaningful to the person who experiences it. Just because a number or clusters of words and numbers are significant to you or me, it doesn't mean they're going mean anything to anyone else. With the synctxt alerts, you write the message. The random event generator simply generates the messages.

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    wow! very nice, trish! so you just keep on keepin' on!!! and do "keep" us all posted 🙂

    and love the image – now i've gotta run over to myself!

    have a great day!

  17. Toumai says:

    I sometimes wonder (critical doubting Thomas mind)if the master "mind controllers" (yes, we know they exist– think media propeganda to name but one), will try to infiltrate and influence those with the potential to move others… especially the masses.

    It is possible that this could be done by "feeding" into and even creating "false" synchronicity in order to steer you in the direction they want. So, by following the 'cluster' trail in a direction where you know that only "your" mind can take you, will assure you/us… validate the real McCoy (MacCoy?)

  18. Toumai says:

    I find that if you venture to look deeper into the synchronicity itself with a "3 is half of 8" kind of eye (creative/abstract), following the trail and seeking a potential meaning, more "related" synchronicities tend to cluster.

    This could very well be a reward system that helps evolve the language– verify interpretation or misinterpretation, and ultimately helping the individual and/or collective, to move with the flow.

  19. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    There is something interesting to me. We are surrounded by new technologies, media, networking, virtual friends… Information is all around us. Does more information (if one pays attention) mean more possibilities for synchronicity? I think it does.

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