A Synchro with The Law of One

In our book 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, secret 4 is entitled The Creative and is about how creativity lies at the heart of synchronicity. Whenever we’re engaged in creative activity of any kind, synchronicities proliferate and flourish. If we look at creativity as an archetype, it makes perfect sense that when we’re in the grips of that archetype, in that powerful flow, we’re creating a fertile environment for synchronicity.

So it isn’t surprising that Nancy Atkinson, who is now writing a book, has been experiencing synchronicity more frequently.  Periodically, she emails me one she feels is particularly strong. The books she refers to, Law of One, consists of 106 sessions received (channeled) by a research group in the early 1980s. The group consisted of Don Elkins, Carla  L. Rueckert, and James A, McCarty.  The material was received from what the group refers to as a “social memory complex, Ra.”

From Nancy:

I have a synchronicity for you. Yesterday, I was watching David Wilcock on Gaiam TV – he has a series that I find interesting.

He was talking about Law of One and what it says about why we are here – basically to create whatever we want to create, then to learn from our creations, and pass that knowledge on to others when possible. Anyway, what he was saying piqued my interest on Law of One and I went over to my bookshelf and pulled out the first book.

I opened it randomly and looked at a passage I actually had highlighted years ago. It was the very same passage he was using in his show! Obviously, it was being “highlighted” for me to use in my writing. We are never alone – we always have guides!

Here’s the passage:

The proper roles of the entity in this density is to experience all things desired, to then analyze, understand, and accept these experiences, distilling the love/light within them. Nothing shall be overcome. That which is not needed falls away.


What’s your interpretation of that passage?

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8 Responses to A Synchro with The Law of One

  1. Nancy says:

    Thought + emotion = creation

    Thoughts that include our emotions are the power-drivers of our experiences. Take care with our thoughts, but take greater care with those thoughts that also include strong emotions. I try to change negative emotions quickly – within the 17-second time frame. I think third density has a lag time from thought/emotion and creation, but in the fourth density we do not have the time to change our thoughts. We manifest instantly. You can see why in Law of One not everyone is “harvested.” If you can’t control your thoughts in fourth density you can cause some serious upheaval.

  2. Darren B says:

    I just saw the movie “Transcendence” starring Johnny Depp,so I would say the meaning to me of ; “The proper roles of the entity in this density is to experience all things desired, to then analyze, understand, and accept these experiences, distilling the love/light within them. Nothing shall be overcome. That which is not needed falls away.” is to transcend or “go beyond” oneself to become more connected,or Godlike,but not in a megalomanical way,more in an understanding of the way everything works from different perspectives type way.
    See the movie and you might get what I’m saying.Good,thought provoking movie,too.

  3. That passage explains why I’ve experienced a lot of conflict and drama in my life, because I knew I needed to analyze and understand its value to get into my novels. So now those experiences can fall off my shoulders and into the pages!

  4. Fancy that! I have a short post for Friday: ‘The Memory Of Experiences Maketh Man’. In this I suggest we should experience everything. I think that’s what we are here for, it’s the experiences we have (maybe over many lives) that help us to forgive and understand others.

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