More Trickster Stuff

Trickster billboards & more….Well, some of these might be photo-shopped, but they’re still funny.  If not, there are some good trickster synchros among them.

Thanks to Hillary Hemingway for forwarding and all the others who forwarded behind her.




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9 Responses to More Trickster Stuff

  1. lauren raine says:

    Hello Mathaddict and Rob and Trish, having just driven from Arizona to LA on I-10, I assure you, it’s true. There is a big billboard just past Blythe announcing the Judgement Day tomorrow, and that it’s guaranteed in the Bible. As I remember, they note that it’s supposed to happen between 5 to 7 – so you have time for lunch. For myself, being a pagan infidel, I guess I’d better make sure it’s a very good lunch, if I will shortly be facing the fires of eternal damnation. These signs are hysterical! A sign also seen on I-10 (near Palm Springs) :

    “Looking for a Sign? (Spandex is not for everyone)”.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    This is very much off-topic of the post, but I’m just wondering if everyone has their bags packed and ready to go, for the End Of The World tomorrow, Saturday, May 21, 2011, when Jesus will appear in the sky, all the dead who have ever died on earth will be raised, and the “Select Few” will be lifted into space to go be with God forever in heven?? That’s the prediction for tomorrow, Guys. Well, maybe it’s relative to the post, “Psychic readings cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances”. I shouldn’t laugh. Really I shouldn’t. But geez…..Are these people for real?

  3. Nancy says:

    I liked the last one. 🙂

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    I, too, got a huge chuckle from the “psychic cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances”. Laughter is indeed the best medicine!

  5. I like these, seen a couple before, but they definitely raise a smile – especially the psychic unforeseen circumstances.

  6. friend of nica says:

    too stinkin’ funny!!! and isn’t it odd how frequently we all see these kinds of “signs” –

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