Bye-bye Newt

Here’s a political synchronicity courtesy of Saturday Night Live, a show that – like Newt Gingrich – survives on its lauded heyday long ago. Except, SNL certainly will outlast Newt’s campaign for the Republican nomination for the U.S. presidency. After a week of foot-in-mouth statements undermining his own party, it appears the Newtster is on his way out less than two weeks after entering the race.

In fact, that matter is at the heart of the synchro. You see, the weekend before Newt formally announced his intention to run for prez, SNL performed a political skit featuring several possible Republican candidates in a debate. They included ‘Newt’ not only because it was apparent he would to step into the race, but he was also an easy target for SNL humor.

The debate host poses this question to him: “Newt Gingrich, you’re never going to be president and I have a feeling you don’t really want to be — would you like to duck out early?”

Newt readily agrees and walks away from the debate. The skit was funny at the time, but now it appears precognitive as well. You can watch it here. Newt’s departure appears three minutes into the skit.

The lesson: if you’re running for president as a Republican, it’s probably not a good idea to call the party’s plan to destroy Medicare as ‘radical right-wing social engineering.’ Nearly every GOP member of the House of Representatives voted in favor of turning Medicare into a voucher program run by insurance companies. The vote has not been received well by seniors, a crucial voting block, and now Newt has given the Democrats more ammunition to use in the races next year against many of those GOP congressmen and women, who are up for re-election.


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10 Responses to Bye-bye Newt

  1. Lauren Raine says:

    The re-appearance of Newt was like a bad ghost continuing to haunt……I am glad that at least he won’t be president. The issues of medicare are terrifying to me, as is the increasing cost of higher education and the degradation of primary education…….we will increasingly be a government in which the wealthy and privileged will be able to afford health care and education, creating an increasing abyss between the poor and elite classes.

    Anyway, thanks so much for this encouraging post!

  2. Nancy says:

    Newt was over for me when he left his wife with cancer for a younger woman. Now it seems he will soon be over with the Repuglican Party. Oh well. I hope Bachmann runs – I need a good laugh.

  3. friend of nica says:

    neat synchro! love it! hmmmm….first the trump and now the newt…..but i’m thinking the huckabee won’t be stepping away from the plate – perish the thought of his and/or any of his repug friends making it though!

  4. Afraid I’ve never heard of Newt Gingrich previously – is that a real first name? Nice synchro though. Looks as if Medicare will be a big election issue for the US.

    • R and T says:

      Great to have you back, Mike! Loved the Crete synchros. Yes, Medicare will be a huge issue in the 2012 elections. Count yourself lucky that you’ve never heard of Newt!

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