The Sydney Omarr Books

As we near the end of 2016, we’ve noticed a lot of hits to this page. There won’t be any dailies for 2017, but  something new that provides 3 years of monthly astrological readings for all 12 signs, from 2017-2019. The Biggest Book of Horoscopes is available now from all bookstores, physical and virtual!

Available in print and e-book.


Every year for decades, the Sydney Omarr series of books usually appeared in bookstores in June of the previous year, and provided 18 months of daily predictions for the 12 signs. Around June 2014, when the 2015 books should have been arriving in bookstores, Rob and I began receiving email from readers asking where the 2015 books were. The closer we got to 2015, the more email we received.

We told every person who emailed that the publisher, NAL/Penguin, had discontinued the series and that 2014 was the last year the books would be published. We also told them that we hoped the series would be picked up by another publisher, that we had a lot of fun writing the books and were sad that our ten-year run with them had ended.

Many of the people who emailed us had been reading the books for 10, 15, 20 years. During the Christmas holidays and right through the new year, we received a slew of emails. We’ve offered a very small sampling here that illustrates, I think, how passionate people can be about books they consider to be companions, friends, old buddies.

What happened to the Sydney Omar 2015 book. Are you going to do another one. Please continue!!!

My name is Kathy  I live in Streamwood, IL (a NW suburb of Chicago). I’ve written to you a few times before. I have a question for you.What I’d like to know is, do you know what’s going on with the Sydney Omarr daily astrology guides? I know you’ve been writing them, for the past few years now. But I can’t seem to find the 2015 edition anywhere. Are the Omarr guides still being published? This is the first time in ages, that I’ve started out the new year, without a Sydney Omarr guide to turn to for guidance. I’m feeling rather lost without it. I have written to Penguin Books, about the status of the Sydney Omarr guides, but who knows when I’ll hear back from them, if at all. If you know of anyone who can help me out with this matter, I’d really appreciate it.
That’s all for now. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you. Take care. 🙂 Sincerely yours, Kathy

And from another Kathy:

 First let me thank you for writing the sydney omarr daily astrology books which I have been reading everyday for about 15 years……..(or as long as you have been writing them). Since I assume you are not writing them any more, can you please recommend something similar. I am an Aries and I counted on these books to let me know the day’s tendencies and what sign the moon was in every day I will miss these books terribly. Thanks so much, Kathy

My name is Kimberly  I’m 62, still working and live in Oregon with my husband and am hoping for your advice. I didn’t realize you’d decided not to continue with the day-by-day astrological guides. Thank you so much for all the years that you published a book that really made a difference in my life. I totally get that it was not so profitable, with a decreasing consumer base, and sure can’t blame you when there are so many exciting things to write about. The problem is, I just don’t know where to get this information now that your work is no longer available.

And from a guy:

 My wife loves your Sydney Omarr’s Day by Day astrology Book. My question is: Have you discontinued these series because I wasn’t able to order it anywhere. I would love to buy a copy for 2015 for my wife for Christmas.
Thank you Looking forward in hearing from you
Kindest regards

Here is one of my favorites:

Is there no Sydney Omarr Horoscope for 2015 book? How will I live my life? Plan my days? Seriously, is there a 2015 version? If not, can you suggest an alternative/substitute?
Thank you!

This last one arrived on New Year’s Eve, which we spent with my agent and his wife on Sugarloaf Key. I read it out loud to them.

Here was the view at sunset of the last day of 2014. Rob, ushering 2014 out and welcoming 2015 in.


There WILL be more astrology books for 2016, which will be published through Crossroad Press.  We’re calling the series Genie in the Stars.



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8 Responses to The Sydney Omarr Books

  1. Cindy says:

    Please let me know when the new astrological guide becomes available. I am greatly missing my daily astrological fix! I have friends who are anxious to know, as well.

  2. Always good to see a continuation, though sometimes (though not in this case I’m sure) there’s also a time to move on.

  3. Nancy says:

    I’m glad you are picking them up and publishing through Crossroads!

    One of my best friends was laid off from her job last week – overworked, underpaid, and definitely not appreciated, she is thinking of joining with another friend and starting her own little business. It’s ‘do it yourself’ time. Small businesses are flourising like never before, while old business models are crashing. Out with old and in with the new!

  4. c.j. cannon says:

    I’m among the many thousands of readers who counted on the Omarr books, and sorely miss them, so will be delighted to see a “replacement” coming soon! I might offer a suggestion meanwhile: Susan Miller is an excellent astrologer and is on the web. Just google or otherwise type in “Susan Miller Astrology” and it will bring up several pages for her. Click onto her “Forecasts for each Sign” site, then follow it to your own horoscope. The MacGregors guided me to Susan awhile back, and I’ve found her individual sign horoscopes to be truly helpful and accurate. For me, it’s always been good to read not only your Sun Sign, but also your Rising Sign, if you know it, not only from the Omarr series but from Susan’s.

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