UFO encounters & neurological disorders


There’s a new docu-drama TV series in the making, called The Unexplained, which focuses on unusual mysterious experiences. It will be a combination of interviews with experiencers and actors performing the experiences. We were contacted by the casting director because of an article I wrote about Connie Cannon’s childhood alien abductions. They wanted to interview Connie in Los Angeles for the show, but her health issues prevent her from traveling.

Connie has Parkinson’s and thinks her neurological condition is related to her contact experiences. Here is what she wrote about that.

“Just as an aside, and relative to something I’ve mentioned to you in the past, I wonder how many experiencers develop neurological diseases and symptoms. As an RN, I certainly understand that EVERY patient who has a neurological disorder is NOT an experiencer (via encounters/abductions, etc.), but I’ve run across several folks in my acquaintance who have had sucn encounters and DO have neurological ailments such as MS, Parkinson’s, brain tumors, (both benign and malignant), and other brain/nervous system diseases.

“I’d really like to do a study on that just to see how widespread it is among us, and approximate the percentage of known experiencers who have developed such disorders. Please thank Nicole for me, and give her my regrets.” C


After Connie bowed out, I contacted Charles Fontaine, whose experiences were detailed in our book, Aliens in the Backyard. I asked him if he would be interested in being interviewed in Los Angeles in front of a camera, and he said he was interested in pursuing the matter. Then he wrote this:

“Very weird for me to hear about Connie’s condition… Parkinson’s. Did I tell you that my mother-in-law is in a nursing home because she also has Parkinson’s? Do not ask me the technical name of her Parkinson but it is supposedly the worse type. The shaking is inside the body, not on the outside. This type is said to be the deadliest, because it acts directly on vital organs.

I guess I told you before that my in-law is an experiencer. She told me about some encounters more than 26 years ago that happened when they were living on a country road 5 miles away from here.

Not more than a year after our own experience that took place on March 2011, my wife picked up her mother at the nursing home for dinner with us on a Saturday evening. She had a hard time eating and holding her fork and then she said: ‘Damn Parkinson’s I know the reason I got it, it’s because of them!’

‘Who do you mean by them?’ I asked.

She said: ‘The UFO’s near the house. They are the reason why I got this.’

My wife discretely made a sign to me not to say a thing about our own experience a year earlier.


So there it is, an unusual synchronicity. Connie wonders how many other experiencers have contracted neurological disorders and within a few hours I received a story about another case. And the woman is certain it was ‘them.’ They were the reason she got Parkinson’s.

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15 Responses to UFO encounters & neurological disorders

  1. c.j. cannon says:

    Nancy, the RN looked to be perhaps in her late twenties or early thirties then. I was remembering in error about when I met her. She was actually an RN on the transplant unit at Mayo when my then-DIL had a liver transplant in 2005. She appeared to be in her late twenties or early thirties then, so possibly now in her late thirties, maybe.

  2. c.j. cannon says:

    Nancy, one of my husband’s RNs when he had kidney cancer surgery had had an acoustic neuroma! They are very rare. She was quite young, and a wonderful nurse! I’m glad you’re doing well. Wonder if this, too, might be relative to the UFO stuff.

  3. Nancy says:

    When I was 34 I was diagnosed with an Acoustic Neuroma – a tumor wrapped around the acoustic nerve. It required immediate surgery at the House Ear Institute in LA. The surgery did damage – complete loss of hearing in one ear, the removal of the masdoid bone, facial paralysis, dry eye. But the really interesting thing? I noticed while in the hospital that catered to this relatively rare disease that many people were the same age as me! These people came from all over the world, by the way.

  4. c.j. cannon says:

    momwithwings, a few years ago when the vertigo began, the physicians thought I had Meniere’s. However, when the ENT ran the audioloogy tests, he discovered something highly unusual. He told me I heard frequencies that none of the thousands of patients he’s tested could hear; he chuckled, and told me I could hear a flea sneeze at 10,000 paces! He said I am “hyper-auditory”, a very rare condition where a patient is able to hear the tiniest sounds. ALL Meniere’s patients have some degree of hearing loss in at least one ear, so of course I was ruled out! The hyper-auditory condition creates really awful stuff for me. I am unable to tolerate ordinary noises such as those in busy restaurants, malls, any place that has things like flashing beer lights, TVs all over, all on different channels, multiple conversations happening simultaneously at tables, etc. Even family gatherings have become a problem.

    The chaos creates extreme vertigo for me. Most folks think dizziness and vertigo are the same thing, but they aren’t. Everyone has dizziness occasionally. It’s like what a person feels when a dentist is drilling into a tooth….that vibration inside the head. True vertigo is terrifying. It brings the sensation of falling off the edge of the planet, spinning and tumbling head over heels in blackness, with nothing to hold onto. It’s horrible. I have a theory that the experiences I’ve had in crafts contribute to that part of Parkinson’s in me, because the crafts move in a linear direction while at the same time, spinning and rotating and often gyrating upside down, all at the same time.

    I assume THAT is why, when I was a child, the abductions resulted in projectile vomiting. I continued to have nausea as an adult, following abductions and sometimes following just encounters. Even now, when the black helicopters hover over our house, I get nauseated. It isn’t from fear. So, the reason is up for grabs. I’m sorry to hear you have CFS. That, too, seems to be a lifetime ailment and yes, is a neurological disorder and there is much full-body pain involved. One final comment about the “ear” : I have an apparent implant directly behind my left mastoid bone, in my brain. It was seen on CTScan. The radiologist said it appears harmless; is a tiny, approximately BB-sized round object with tiny cilia-like thingies all over it. I won’t let the doctors remove it, and they say removal isn’t necessary because it seems a harmless anomaly. In that left ear, I have what I refer to as a “baby cricket” sound quite often. It’s a steady but irregular “clicking”, almost like Morse Code, just barely audible. I had it continuously for ages. Now, it comes and goes. No pain. Just the clicks.

    Talking to folks in general about these subjects….folks who haven’t experienced any of it or who are skeptics…..can make our lives a miserable joke. That’s why we tend to remain in a closet. I did, until finally “coming out” here on the MacGregor blog. Still, with hubby’s family and most other people, I remain a closet abductee. It’s a shame. but being ridiculed and called all sorts of vile names is worse! I’ve decided that the more of us choose to come out, the more this business will become an acceptable and REAL phenomenon. It would be cool to have a bunch of abductees get together in a huge public rally, wouldn’t it! I’d love that…..as long as it was serious and wasn’t done in a silly fashion with the people in the group dressed as ETs and such!

  5. Momwithwings says:

    This is very interesting.
    I’ve had contact when I was young that was positive and then other times that I don’t have much memory about and don’t want it.
    I’ve suffered from severe migraines my entire life.
    Also have Menieres Disease which affects my hearing which I’ve already begun to lose and vertigo.
    I also have Fibromyalgia/CFS which is now being recognized as a neurological disorder.
    Hmmm another thing to look into.

  6. c.j. cannon says:

    I think many, if not all of us, are sending heartfelt prayers and positive thoughts and hopes for recovery to Whitley and Anne Strieber as they journey together through Anne’s on-going and terribly challenging battle with several strokes and with glioblastoma multiforme, which is among the worst, most highly aggressive brain cancers. They are sharing their story with the public, so we are able to be with them at least spiritually. Anne has stated in the past that she doesn’t recall being abducted, but she HAS had certain types of encounters, which are discussed on their site UNKNOWNCOUNTRY. (One involving a “purple light” and her cat, who died within a matter of days from a previously undetected cancer.)

    In my personal acquaintance, there are several people who have had apparent abductions and encounters, and they ALL suffer one kind of neurological disorder or another. Two of them have MS, one of them, a young dentist who grew up with my children and is like a daughter to me, has recently been diagnosed with a non-malignant but dangerous tumor in her brain-stem. She is an abductee. There are others, including my older sister, who also has Parkinson’s as I do, in addition to having had a brain tumor when she was in her thirties, and one of my clients, an abductee, has ALS.

    I do want to say that I don’t believe the aliens themselves “plant” these disorders and diseases in our brains and nervous systems, but that there could very conceivably be something relative to the abduction experiences that causes the ailments. A connection seems undeniable to me. Hearing from Charles as it happened certainly falls into the “synchro” scenario, no doubt! If there is someone or a group- out there who has performed any type of study on this, I would really like to be directed to that material!

  7. A full study would prove interesting. I wonder if anyone had gone down that route – perhaps you could be the first.

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