Five Alive

Here’s a number cluster from the world of baseball that occurred on Sunday May 8. The writer of the article below calls it a  ‘meaningless  serendipity.’  Well, besides confusing synchronicity with serendipity, he created an oxymoron since by definition serendipity – like synchronicity – is meaningful. So he should stuck with coincidence. But then he’s a sports writer and they like to add some flare to their prose.

If you look at the sign, you can see that every score contains the number 5–the first time that has happened in a zillion games, or something like that. Some 5’s were winners, others losers.

Here’s the article, and more commentary to follow it.


Warning: If you’re not into the ultimately meaningless serendipity that baseball numbers can often provide, this post isn’t for you. But if you love those days on the schedule when everything aligns for no reason whatsoever, well, please read on.

On Sunday, each of the seven games on the American League schedule featured a team that scored exactly five runs — four winners and three losers. The rarity almost didn’t happen either as the last game of the day featured the Chicago White Sox needing to score three runs off the Seattle Mariners in the 10th inning of their 5-2 win.

From the Associated Press:

It was the first time in 18 years that such a quirky thing happened with a full schedule. On Aug. 10, 1993, all seven NL games featured one team scoring precisely two runs, STATS LLC said.

The last time it occurred with five or more runs was July 20, 1955, when all four AL games had at least one team score exactly six, STATS LLC said.

To channel Mr. Double Rainbow: What does this all mean?

The answer, of course, is absolutely nothing, though it did make me think of that old “Five Alive” drink and marvel at how awesome that orchard runoff tasted when I was a kid. Mmmmm, sugar.


Okay, Mr. Sportswriter, you did find some personal meaning to the number 5 with your  Five Alive, though in the same breath you say those 5’s mean ‘absolutely nothing.’

But why not take another look. For the fun of it, let’s interpret this cluster of 5’s as a message to Major League Baseball. Here is what 5 means in numerology, courtesy of Sidney Omarr, the late-great numerologist and astrologer, whom we have been ‘channeling’ for eight years.

Freedom of thought and action are key. But so is moderation; avoid excess in whatever you’re doing. It’s time to promote new ideas, follow your curiosity. Be versatile and changeable, but be careful not to diversify too much.

Get ready for change. It’s time to seek new horizons. Release old structures and get a new point of view. Be courageous and adaptable. Approach the day (the game) with an unconventional mindset.

A change of scenery works to your advantage. You (a team) could be moving to a new location. Finally, think outside the box. In baseball, that could include the batter’s box (the players), the box seats (the fans).

Not being an ‘inside baseball’ guy, I don’t know how much of what I wrote applies. But there might be some nuggets there…or an overall picture.

Play ball.




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4 Responses to Five Alive

  1. friend of nica says:

    love your breakdown for these ball boys – and since i am a baseball-playin’ girl [well, ok, it’s been a few days – years – whatever!] i especially loved your comments – hope they listen –
    and what about that bat! neat!
    i’ve always considered 5 one of my lucky numbers – i’ve always felt connected to it somehow, as in a visceral way, actually
    and same thing with 3 – and 7
    the whole thing of numbers is so absolutely totally fascinating to me – totally!

  2. In the Rosicrucians 5 means suffering through the trials of life, the crosses we have to carry, and the afflictions placed upon is by Karma.

    I know nothing about baseball but it’s nice to see some meaningless serendipity!!

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