Daz and Signs

The next synchro appeared as a comment under Graduation Signs, from Aussie Darren B, whom we know as Brizdaz.

In the post, Rob had mentioned “signs,” and this led to Brizdaz’s very cool synchro:


Talking about the movie “Signs”, I was like you. When I saw it at the cinema the first time I wasn’t that impressed, as far as the alien story went, anyway. But when it came out on to DVD, a national magazine in Australia was having a competition where one winner would get a “Signs” wristwatch and a copy of the movie on DVD. Ten runners up would receive a DVD, but no watch.

Like you, I felt for some reason that I should watch the movie again, so I entered the competition thinking that if the Universe really wanted me to watch this film, then it should let me win the watch…as a sign, so to speak. I thought, What are the odds of just winning a copy of the DVD, never mind the watch, as well?

Well you probably guessed it. I did win the watch. And I still wear it to this day.
It’s gone through a few batteries and a wristband, but every time I put it on, I never forget that it was my sign from the Universe. And I’ve watched that movie countless times and never get sick of it.


Then Brizdaz sent us a photo of the watch!


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14 Responses to Daz and Signs

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  2. friend of nica says:

    hmmmmm…..a “watch the time” sign???

    • Darren B says:

      If you mean the 9:11 pm on the watch,I did notice that when I was downloading the photos from my camera to my computer,but I tried to ignore it.
      11:11 pm/am would have really got my attention,though.

  3. D Page says:

    Very fun synchro, Daz!

  4. The only thing I disliked about the movie was the way the alien looked. It was creepy. I like the “coincidence” angle, but M. Night doesn’t really go into too much detail about it. The film could’ve been better.

    • R and T says:

      The alien really was creepy. But I enjoyed the movie.

      • Darren B says:

        I think the film works on many levels,and while the alien angle may not be satisfying for some viewers,I think it’s more about the faith in being guided through life,and that it does have a purpose,and therefore we all have a purpose, even though at times it seems as though life doesn’t,and is nothing but tragic.

        Like the sign in the field,we don’t see it,unless we are looking from an overview at it.We usually wouldn’t notice it at ground level.So the crop circle has a lot in common with life,in a way.

        • R and T says:

          I liked the alien angle – though the alien was sort of grade b movie, eearly 50s! But you’re absolutely right about perception, purpose, the “signs.”

          • Because of the alien, I can’t watch this movie at night. Its just too creepy to have that image as the last thing before I go to bed!

            I guess I prefer my alien movies more like “E.T.”, “Men in Black” or “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.”

  5. Great when this sort of thing happens – and they often seem to happen best when we don’t try too hard.

  6. Nancy says:

    Very cool. Now I need to put Signs on my Netflix.

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