Magic Lamp



If you found a magic lamp in a second-hand store, wouldn’t you expect a miracle? I’m not sure that Jane Clifford rubbed the one above, but it seemed she did experience something of a miracle a short time after purchasing the mysterious lamp.

Here’s what she wrote when she sent the above photo.

“I found this magic lamp in a charity shop today for £1. Within minutes I had a miracle! I bumped into my estranged half sister in the street, she has not spoken to me for many years. She hugged me & said how sorry she was for the hurt, we chatted an hour & hugged and forgave the past. I have been transmitting healing to the situation for a few months.”

Miracles happen.

Postscript. Jane had sent me this photo and her story months ago, but I’d forgotten about it. But this evening, I received a query from our editor of a new astrology series we’re writing called Genie in the Stars. He asked if we had a picture of a magic lamp for the cover art. (He’d sent one for us to look at awhile back, but lost track of his copy.) So when searching for the pic, I came across Jane’s story. Voila! A new blog post.

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13 Responses to Magic Lamp

  1. Wow…I saw a lamp like this in two stores (Ross being one of them) in the past 3 months and actually thought of buying it to display in my house. I even wondered if anything “magical” might happen if I did. Not sure if they are still available at the stores I saw them in, but maybe I should buy one and see what happens.

  2. DJan says:

    I love the story of the genie and the lamp, and the timing is perfect for me. As always, I find your synchronicities to be relevant to me. 🙂

  3. A really beautiful story. It reflects (pun intended) how the outside mirrors the inside, classic synchronicity.

  4. blah says:

    that be LENNY SKUTN “C”? K… not much of “huh” about the guy… highly charged event…. kind of like a “U TUBED” not quit sole survivor…… got to be a synchro in there somewhere!!!

  5. blah blah says:

    the stuff’s getting boring (course just might be an over mood venting to you guys) there Mac’s… little bit like Ms. Eden’s out fit….. (maybe not a proper comparison)….. “feel good story” maybe some where out there are some chronicles… Post the Lenny Skutnick story… with a name like Skutnick… got to be a synchronicity in there some where.. yeah I remember being pulled out of a river myself…..

  6. That’s a feel good story. I wonder if Jane felt compelled to buy the lamp. If she hadn’t have bought it she may have missed her half-sister. So much is timing.

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