Twins & Adoptive Parents



I came across a long list of famous and not-so-famous coincidences on a Facebook synchro page. The image above is from one of them. Here it is:

A video game engineer forgot to add the Twin Towers in the game’s New York skyline. To “amend” the mistake, the game explained that they were missing due to terrorist attacks. The game was released in the year 2000.

That’s spooky, but it was another one about twins that caught my attention, even though I’d already read it elsewhere. It was about twins who were split up at birth and adopted to different parents. As I read it, I paused at the words ‘adoptive parents’ when Trish interrupted me to say that she’d just found out that a friend of ours was adopted and still refuses to tell her grown children that she had adoptive parents – their grandparents.

So I was staring at those words, ‘adoptive parents,’ as she told a story about adoptive parents. Weird. Here’s the full story I was reading. It’s actually one that we had written about here some years ago.


Perhaps the weirdest twin story of all time occurred in Ohio. Identical twin boys were given up for adoption and were adopted by different families who didn’t know about each other. They ended up growing up only 45 miles apart. Their adoptive parents happen to name both of them James. Both twins married twice – their first marriages were to women named Linda. Their second marriages were to women named Betty. They both had a son that they named James Allen. They both owned dogs named Toy.


The list also had a third story about twins. A middle school in Lincolnshire, England had 20 sets of twins attending at the same time. That’s definitely a coincidence, but my guess is that it was probably more confusing than meaningful to the students and teachers.

There was another one in the list that also took place in Ohio. It’s not exactly about twins, but about two cars, which were probably identical, considering the times. In 1895, there were only two cars in Ohio. Regardless of the empty roads, the drivers of the two vehicles crashed into each other! (I wonder if they had car insurance!)

Here’s the link if you want to read more of these historical coincidences.


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3 Responses to Twins & Adoptive Parents

  1. DJan says:

    I always love stories about twins who have been separated and things that happen to them that cannot be explained any other way than that they are tied together in ways that can only be explained by people like you! 🙂

  2. These sort of stories are mind boggling – coincidence / synchronicity certainly isn’t something new!

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