Happy 6th Birthday!


I clearly remember the moment six years ago. Rob had gone to a yoga class and I was sitting outside in January sunlight, when the weather in Florida is usually at its best and was doing my usual fretting about where we would go now. In this marriage, I’m the fretter and Rob is the copasetic guy, the Don’t worry, it’s all okay guy.

 I was trying to figure out where we were supposed to be going as writers. Or, at any rate, where I was supposed to be going. I was finishing up a novel called Esperanza, which sold four or five months later, but at that moment outside in the sunlight, I thought about synchronicity. It had intrigued me ever since I was a freshman in college and read Jung’s intro to the Richard Wilhelm edition of the I Ching. That intro was written in 1949 and was the first time Jung had mentioned synchronicity publicly.

To me, synchronicity seemed to be the evidence of a divine intelligence afoot in the world, but I wasn’t at all sure what that meant. I really felt a need to explore it. After all, on my first date with Rob years before I’d asked him if he’d heard of synchronicity. This was in the early 80s, before the Internet, PCs, iPad, iPhones, any of the new stuff. It wasn’t like he could run off and Google the word. To my utter shock, he knew the word and what it meant.

So when he got home from yoga that day in January 2009 and came outside, I said, “I think we should start a blog on synchronicity.”

He looked at me like I was nuts and laughed. “Yeah, right.” He turned to go back inside the house.

“Why not?” I hurried after him, really irritated by his triple earth sign natal chart that screamed, Prove it to me, prove it, prove this is worth my time and effort. “We’ve been living it for nearly thirty years.”

“Well, yeah, there’s that,” his body said.

And on February 4, 2009, we launched this blog. I did an astrological chart for the date and time and it looked good. I figured that Facebook had launched on that date, different year, but still… The promise of that chart has seen fruition. Four books on synchronicity, dozens of radio shows, and many new friends also interested in what synchronicity is and how it operates in our lives. Lots of people using synchros to improve their lives, understand their lives.

Here was our first post.

Thanks to everyone who has visited and contributed over the years and added to our collective knowledge of synchronicity!






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12 Responses to Happy 6th Birthday!

  1. Nancy says:

    So happy to have met you through blogging!

  2. Darren B says:

    In Australia we write the date the 4th of February like this 4/2 and Douglas Adams once wrote that 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything,so you picked a rather synchy day to launch your synchronicity blog. 😉
    Happy 6th Birthday guys.

  3. Well done, it takes something to keep going for so long. Just think of all of the readers you must have influenced and enriched over the years. I’m certainly glad to have known you and your blog. Thank you for all of the knowledge you have spread.

  4. CONGRATULATIONS! Six years already! So the blog is an Aquarian. That makes sense. I’m here every day – keep on keeping on and on. XOX

  5. Momwithwings says:

    Oh I love this blog. Trish you are one of my favorite authors and then to connect with you and this blog had been so helpful!
    I’ve met others who’ve helped me so much on my journey and understanding so much!
    It’s so nice to know that you are not alone!!
    Thank you andHappyAnniversary!!

  6. DJan says:

    I’m so glad I found you and discovered your books. I have the 7 Secrets one and always read your blogs. It’s like an old friend who covers some of the most amazing synchronicities I could ever imagine. The blogosphere is a friendly place where I meet some really fine people. Like you and Rob. 🙂

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