The Shift is about to Hit the Fan

DJan posted about this movie the other day on our blog – and on her own. The trailer is breathtaking. It’s not available yet as a DVD, but it’s on our Netflix list. Thanks for the tip, DJan







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30 Responses to The Shift is about to Hit the Fan

  1. Just saw this film on Friday the 13th. Awesome film!!! I wish every atheist would go see this film, for I would love to hear what they think about it afterwards. Its inspiring and so true about the values of life. I would say that the take home message of the movie is that “capitalism is a mental illness.” I agree. We keep running on a treadmill that increases in speed and never slows down. At some point, we’re going to collapse from our inability to keep up. I love all the insights provided by various spiritual thinkers.

    • R and T says:

      Another positive review! Was it showing at an art cinema?

      • No. That’s what’s weird about it. It was playing in a theater that shows regular Hollywood commercial films. This theater has the pattern of showing films that no longer play at the other ones downtown, as well as a major one. The other films showing were “Thor”, “Limitless” and one other film that I can’t remember. There are two “art film” theaters in downtown Portland, but they weren’t showing this one.

  2. DJan says:

    R&T, you should be very happy you are on WordPress right now. Blogger has been down since noon yesterday and I got up this morning SURE I’d be able to write a post now, but no… that is an epic shutdown. You can still read blogs that are up, but no comments, no new ones, etc. Just FYI.

  3. lauren raine says:

    hi, wanted to congratulate you on your book soon to come out! can’t wait to read it! and thanks so much for the info about this movie……would like to post it on my blog if that’s ok. my computer crashed, and now i have a teeny little thing that’s hard to type on, but at least i can re-join the great Web once more!

  4. Natalie says:

    Thanks, D Jan!
    I was not aware of here in my neck of the woods, I will certainly keep an eye out. 🙂

  5. Nancy says:

    I’ve been waiting for it to make it to my neck of the woods. I just loved the trailer, too, and the fact he has given up much of his net worth to live a more simple life is inspiring.

  6. Jen says:

    I am excited to see this movie! I have been in love with the trailer for WEEKS!

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    Whoot, if you can, ask the library to put the Koontz book on hold for you when it comes in. You won’t regret it! It’s well worth the time taken to read it, and I’m pretty picky about my books. This one, as I said, is definitely a “keeper”. Hope you can get a copy. if you can’t, let me know, and we’ll find some way to get a copy to you even if I send you mine. I can get another copy from an old used bookshop here, so will be more than happy to send you mine if you can’t find one. You have my email address. Let me know if you can’t find one and where I can send you mine if you wish.

    • whoot says:

      that’s a wonderful thought CJ,,, but truth is library did have the copy,, makes sense,, thing is though I started reading it,, Junior pushes Naomi,, most shock turn of a papragraph I ever read.. course that’s koontz for you.. but it’s the “location”… kind of wonder how much the boy get’s played,, but for the subject and local (yes must see I AM,, have scene a documentary) but for a book,, character years (almost 1/2 century) writer guy,, used to play with psychedelics at a local ivy league type university,, he wrote a book basically about the logging industry,, “Oregon” junior and naomi,, in the reading of this book (classic penguin edition) about a quarter of the way through,, in a scene where the “old man” was trying “””””to wake his nephew JOHN up”””””,, with the wording and the page number one might see directly exactly the day my nephew (only brother’s only child) was born… then later in the book (the coincidence I saw first) when the “old man” is laying in a hospital bed years later,, with in that certain chapter we can assertain brother’s birthday (directly).. but on the quick short start of “From the corner of His Eyes ……….” …not sure maybe I’ll see,,, sure you’ll complete quick,,, but on the boy’s facebook profile his one like IS or maybe was, might of posted one more,,,, but the first and most wonderful is

      1 door away from ………..,,, course what the heck am i saying just realized the name of the host’s doggie…….. so guess there’s the Kesey synchreee’s

  8. Nancy Pickard says:

    That’s the movie my mom and I saw this past weekend. It’s sweet, funny, and smart.

  9. terripatrick says:

    I look forward to seeing this movie. However, I think the title of this blog post will catch more attention than a movie called, “I AM.”

  10. mathaddict3322 says:

    Dear cousin, as always we are treading parallel paths. This very day I am torn between the need and desire to retaliate in kind to someone who has commited an act of pure black evil, not against me as in your situation, but against one of my children, and to turn the other cheek. It is the most difficult thing to do when one’s child, even adult child, is wounded beyond mommy kisses and band-aids, and we want to strike out at the one who inflicted the wound. Yet if we do, we lower ourselves into that dark space, and I, as you, am fighting to not do that. I keep reminding myself that Universe…through karma…eventually returns to us each and every thing that we send out. Such a hard thing, to allow one’s child to go undefended. But we can’t fight their battles for them, can we? The Mother Bear in me has her sharp claws out and her bloody fangs showing, and I must contain this fury and find calm. The Koontz material came at just the right time for me. If I had not read this, I would have reacted differently, and I hope I can maintain Love in the face of evil. I HOPE.

    • friend of nica says:

      oh, cj – the hateful and contemptuous incident of which i speak ALSO involves not one, but 2 of my children – so you KNOW where my leo claws want to be! can’t tell you how many times i’ve read and re-read the koontz quote! and still re-reading!

      and as this post says, we ARE all so CONNECTED – our thoughts and our hearts –

  11. This post about connectedness brought back an interesting moment. A dear friend of mine had died and at his memorial service his daughter told me about a dream she had about her father the night before. He visited her in the dream – she knowing he was dead in the dream – and told her, “We are all connected here. We are all parts of the same tree.” I love that dream, and never at peace with death, found it comforting.

  12. friend of nica says:

    oh, you know, i’ve seen this trailer before and fairly recently – but where on the net, i cannot remember! i was taken with it then just as i am now – a magnificent message for us all and one i cannot wait to see in whole! thanks so much for reminding me of this, djan!

  13. mathaddict3322 says:

    Read WATCHERS many years ago, and loved it. Read this one without fail. You won’t be able to put it down, although it is almost 700 pages long. each page is a revelation and you just keep them turning. It certainly has some of his gory mateiral, but even that is relevant to the message that permeates the entire story. Not one to miss.

  14. mathaddict3322 says:

    Last week, I went to the book exchange where I purchase most of my “entertainment” books; the novels that are not “work-books”, but that are rather those that I read for enjoyment in my resting time. For many years the suspense-thriller genre has been my favorite. I ordinarily don’t read Stephen King or Dean Koontz because they have proven to be too gory for me. However, I went into the store restroom which also serves as the owner’s storeroom, and my eyes were drawn to a particular book that was poking out from the ones beside it. It was a Dean Koontz novel entitled, “FROM THE CORNER OF HIS EYE”. The book called my name, loudly and persistently, and against my usual judgment, I brought it home. Later, intending to read another novel I’d bought, again this one loudly and persistently called my name, so I put the others away and began to read. I was astonished by the subject matter and the content and the intensity with which the story was told. It’s based on the string theory of quantum physics, and aligns perfectly with a post here on Synchro the very day I brought the book home and started reading it, and also with the subject of this movie, I AM. T & R, I will email you a particular lengthy passage from this astonishing novel. It’s too long to print here, but I want you to read it. It’s just mind-shatteringly beautiful about the connectedness of us all. This book is a keeper. I won’t take it back to exchange it. It is an old novel, may be hard to locate a copy, but I highly recommend it for anyone who is interested in a fantastic read combined with deep, intertwined layers of intrinsic truths that are at once uplifting and informative and soul-wrenching. Again, ‘FROM THE CORNER OF HIS EYE’, by Dean Koontz. It won’t be a waste of time, I promise!

    • R and T says:

      Haven’t read this one of Koontz’s books, but will put it on my list! My favorite of his books is still Watchers.

      • friend of nica says:

        cj – i absolutely totally love the quote you sent from this book – and speaking of synchro, it definitely was for me, as well – the quote you sent, that is – as it deals SPECIFICALLY and i do mean SPECIFICALLY with a personal issue i’m attempting to deal with at the moment – as i waver back and forth between what i really “want” to do [the leo me] and what my heart knows is the “right” thing for me [the whole me] to do – thanks so much for sharing –

    • "whoot" says:

      I’d B wonderfully amazed if it can match (since one of four families on the boys hometown little cul de sac was named Dean) his book called “One Door Away From Heaven”,, had it laying around for half a decade+++ before it got read in early “010” totally blown away,, high probablity reality.. So many coincidences with the author… “ELVIS”!!! Oddddd B. but the most recent one (coincidence) is,,, in the last year have run into a women who has a tatoo a few inches below her wind pipe,,, a 5 word phrase,, saw her around a lot this spring,, a bout 6 weeks or so,, got done reading DK book called “Hideaway” 3 pages from the end,, seperated in italics,, theres the phrase,, smallllll synch,, not like typing “woof woof” on Mr+Mrs Mac’s blog and then reading the 2 word expression the next day… not quit like that…. 1 D o o r AWAY From Haven….. but will look for…. out of.. in fact since in library enjoy CJ

  15. Anaonymous says:

    Personally, I can’t wait to see this movie! At last, something of high quality, value and meaning coming to the big screen. It’s a breath of fresh air for our starving souls. The trailer alone touches on fundamental truths we share as occupants of this beautiful planet.

    Thanks for sharing the Light, DJan!

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