Graeme’s Moldavite Connection



 Today, we received an email through the contact form on our blog from Graeme Heddle of Scotland about a remarkable synchro he had connected to Aliens in the Backyard and The Synchronicity Highway. I think his story illustrates how awareness of synchronicity often triggers the experience. Here’s Graeme’s synchro:


Greetings from Scotland. Just thought I’d share this with you. I discovered your book Aliens In the Backyard on the ebook subscription service Scribd. I really enjoyed it so decided to have a look and see what other books of yours were available and started reading The Synchronicity Highway last night. It’s also very interesting, but I couldn’t really relate to the whole synchronicity thing as I can’t recall anything like that ever happening to me. That all changed today as I’m just back from a local crystal shop after enquiring about a crystal I was looking for that I’d forgotten the name of.

All I could remember was that it was from a meteorite that crashed into the earth somewhere in central Europe. The shopkeeper didn’t know what I was talking about, but said if I could remember the name he would be happy to source it for me. Of course when I got home I completely forgot to search for it on Google as intended. But I did pick up my iPad and continued reading the book.

Imagine my astonishment when I continued reading from where I’d left off, the section entitled Telepathy with Strangers, only to discover the story of Trish and the woman in the New Age book store both looking for MOLDAVITE, the very stone I was enquiring about today! (original post

I’m gobsmacked, totally gobsmacked! I’d like to thank you both for tuning me into to synchronicity and I’m looking forward to reading many more of your books! Kindest regards, Graeme, Burntisland, Scotland


I emailed Graeme and asked if we could use his story on our blog. He replied that he would be delighted if we did and added, “It gets weirder still.”

Just after I sent the email to you, my fiancée Ben emailed me to ask how I would feel about us getting these rings for our wedding. (According to the website, the ring is crafted from solid billet of Gibeon meteorite)


I couldn’t believe it! I’ve tried to explain to him what I’m so excited about,  but he’s not convinced, bring a die hard skeptic. He has promised to give your book a go though!

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4 Responses to Graeme’s Moldavite Connection

  1. What a great example. It’s like at times we need a ‘trigger’ to set off the sychros.

  2. blah says:

    last comment refers to a generic phrase of blah…. like as in a question mark,, or in the slang phrase of “forget about it”,, means different things at different times,,,, just wondering,, throwing it out there,, many would say a mistake,, wonder Rob,, can or can’t we name the philosopher 1/4 millennium ahead of his time….

  3. blah says:

    truth, this comment belongs more with yesterdays post,,,,,, Question Rob,,, What philosophizer from about a 1/4 century ago,, had such a thought,, a premising that the universe was a construct of the blah….. collapsing the wave function.. really couldn’t believe it,,, that a person might think so abstractly ahead with out experimental signs to trigger thought,, Tremendous leap of speculation…. can’t for the life of figure…… what’s the name Rob…….

  4. c.j. cannon says:

    This is just so waaayyyy cool! As Mr.Spock would have said, “Fascinating!” I have three raw pieces of moldavite, and several years ago my sister sent me a finger ring with three moldavites set in white gold. I started wearing the moldavite ring on my right hand ring finger, and within minutes I began to feel myself falling to the right. This was utterly strange. Then it occurred to me that moldavite is used to “BALANCE” the chakras and the entire system. I had one of those AH-HA moments, and from that day, I wore my moldavite ring on a chain around my neck. I no longer fell to the right! Just as a means of checking it out, I put the ring back on my right hand for a while, and soon was falling to the right again. So back to the chain around my neck it went, and no more falling. It definitely helped me with some health issues at that time. I know folks might say the “falling”, or being off-balance, was all in my mind, but it wasn’t. Moldavite is an extremely powerful gemstone. It can only be found in one place on this planet, and there are many true stories about its powers available to folks who are interested. It is, of course, green, and green is the heart chakra. On the chain, my moldavite ring lays against my heart, and it stopped some heartbeat issues I was having. Hope the fellow in Scotland enjoys his as much as I enjoy mine, although I learned that due to its tremendous power, I can’t wear it for long periods of time, just when I need its particular healing and balancing qualities.

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