Dark Matter Radio

Trish and I will be on Dark Matter Radio Network this Friday, 8 p.m., talking about our book, Synchronicity and the Other Side. We recorded the show for the Inception Radio Network on Monday. We had a lot of fun, Laurel Blythe Tague, Phd, was a great host. She’d read the book and knew the material…better than us in a couple of instances!
The recording was initially broadcast in Chicago, and the re-broadcast will be out of Minneapolis, 1130 AM. But also available for streaming…


Friday night 8pm EST/5pm PST

Click on the Play icon near the top of the page to start the stream.

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4 Responses to Dark Matter Radio

  1. Darren B says:

    Did you see this story in the news Rob and Trish ?
    “Utah officers say mysterious voice called them to rescue baby”.

  2. Darren B says:

    I’ll try to catch it live.
    In Australia Friday,8p.m Chicago time will be Noon Saturday,so that puts an even more bizarre spin on it for me while I listen to it.

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