Ghostly Road

Ghost Road

It’s not unusual for someone to report seeing a ghost in an old house or building or a graveyard. I’ve also heard of hitchhiking ghosts, the most famous are the stories of a young Elvis in his uniform hitchhiking to Graceland…and apparently getting rides. Elvis stories, though, are often fan-based, which no doubt raises red flags for many.

This story from the British Isles (Pembrokeshire, Wales)  is unusual for a couple of reasons. The ghost appears on the side of the road and darts in front cars. It happened at least three times in four days in February, all three incidents happening on the same stretch of road, and all apparently reported to the Paranormal Chronicles website. So if these stories are real, and not made up by the website for our entertainment, how many more incidents have occurred recentlly that weren’t reported?

The site says this about the reports: “The road has witnessed some terrible and tragic accidents over the years and one can speculate that if there is a paranormal world veiled over our own reality that local drivers are witnessing chilling and disturbing hauntings replayed in the darkness.”

It’s also interesting that at the top of the map, probably the north side of the haunted stretch of road, is Merlin’s Bridge. Nice.

For the full stories of the sightings, take a look here.

Thanks to Jane Clifford for alerting us to this story. Jane, who lives nearby the road in question, says this about it: “I didn’t know about these stories about that stretch of road that’s spooky locally, and yet have avoided using it for over 30 years…never liked it!”


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2 Responses to Ghostly Road

  1. c.j. cannon says:

    We have been friends for many years with a couple who moved here from Ohio decades ago. You’ll never find two people who are more grounded, more well–read, more intelligent. They take trips to Ohio occasionally, and once, they stayed in a “Mom and Pop” motel along the way. While there, they had a ‘ghostly’ encounter and the clerk changed their room, but he told them the experience they had was very common and not harmful.

    It seems that the motel had been built on the site of an old, no-longer-used railroad track, and every night at exactly the same time, a ‘vaporous’ train could be clearly seen moving through the middle of that motel room; the tracks appeared as well, and the noise shook the entire little structure. Usually, the clerk said, they didn’t rent that room, but when our friends checked in, it was the only one available. However, another one became available to which he was then able to transfer them.

    Now when they go back, they always stop to see if the train ghost is still there. It is. Apparently a ‘memory stuck in time’. I think there was a piece written about it at some point in several different magazines and books. But our friends actually experienced it. Very, very high weirdness. Creates more fodder to the question about parallel dimensions and other things that go bump in the night.

  2. Interesting stories – I see that 61% in their poll think the road is haunted, though it doesn’t say how big the poll is.

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