Big Sur- Cabin by the Sea

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One of the first posts we did in February 2009 when we started our blog was called Big Sur- Cabin by the Sea. It happened to Dr. L. Daryll Amstrong and illustrates, I think, what can happen when we feel strongly connected to a particular place. It remains one of my favorite stories.

This synchronicity happened to Dr. L Darryl Armstrong. It beautifully illustrates what can happen when we feel strongly connected to a particular place.

Several years ago during the first days of establishing our business, I had the occasion to work on the west coast and visit a friend in Carmel. Having always wanted to tour the area, especially Big Sur, and to get a massage at Esalen one day, I trucked off to just spend some time driving and exploring the coastal highway.

By chance I happened upon a real estate sign noting a house for sale or rent, I don’t recall which. The “house” was actually a large cabin – 2 stories that hung off the side of a cliff with the most remarkable view of the Pacific Ocean I have ever seen from a private residence. It was obvious someone had spent a great deal of their personal time and money carving out this homestead. I was mesmerized, and could imagine what life might be like in a “cabin by the sea”. Every time since then, when I have been out that way, I have driven by the cabin. These days it has a fence on the road and a gate but you can still get a glimpse.

A few years later, late one evening, I crawled on to a Southwestern flight headed home to “my own cabin in the woods” on Lake Barkley in Kentucky. I don’t recall where I was flying from, maybe Phoenix. Anyway, I got my always enjoyable exit row seat and stretched out because I was exhausted.

I normally “hibernate” on a plane and rarely strike up conversations as I prefer to read, work or sleep. The plane was not very full but sure enough this fellow chooses to sit in the exit row with me. For some reason I was drawn to his smile and immediately liked him. Eventually my southern hospitality overcame me, I guess, and I offered him a drink since I had plenty of coupons and he smiled and offered me one as well.

We chatted and I found out he was from California. We started talking about how we both liked certain areas (I mentioned Big Sur, Carmel, Monterrey) and when I got to the story about the cabin on the side of the road overlooking the ocean he got a strange expression on his face.

I thought nothing of it. I just continued describing the setting and how much I would love to live there with the view and the peace and quiet despite all the inconveniences. He finally said something to the effect, ‘You know, I understand how you feel. We obviously both work hard and have a lot of stress. It sounds like when we get home we are both ‘hermits’ in parts of our lives. I have always enjoyed my peace and solitude as well. Let me show you where I live.’

And this man, whom I had never met and yet instantly took a liking to, reaches into his briefcase and pulls out a photo wallet. And yes, you guessed it. This was the man who owned the cabin I have always cherished in my mind. We were both surprised yet it seemed as if a “loop” had been closed because I left the plane that night knowing that someone I could share mutual empathy with enjoyed the “cabin by the sea” as much as I did.


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10 Responses to Big Sur- Cabin by the Sea

  1. lauren raine says:

    What a fantastic synchronicity! Almost like they are linked in some inner way. I hope that they found a way to make a friendship of this blessing of an encounter……….

  2. natalie Thomas says:

    Just amazing!

  3. Nancy says:

    Amazing synchronicity.

  4. blah says:

    on one of those walking, thumbing,, bussing traverse’s,,, had come from dt Carmel,, through a park path,,, wond up in a neighborhood… heard some banging,, roofers doing some remodel.. shingles,,, skylight,,, was jealous,, even before I saw that “Iconic” full size bonia across a small little cove,, thinking the “shot” is “D1”,,, end of a trial,,, beginning of another…..

  5. blah says:

    a house owned in proximity to that bridge (crossed 8x’s in the last 3-4 years) by whom??? TV celebrity….

  6. c,j, cannon says:

    What a great story! Wouldn’t it be terrific if the guys became real pals and he was able to go and actually VISIT him in the cabin by the sea! There’s an old movie with Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, THE SANDPIPER, in which ET’s character lives in just such a cabin jutting out over one of those Big Sur cliffs, The scenery is breath-taking. I own the movie and watch it occasionally just for the gorgeous scenery! Anyway, ‘ hope these fellows can get together and visit in that one!! Wonderful synchro!

  7. DJan says:

    Wow! I never saw this one before, either. This is wonderful. 🙂

  8. I hadn’t read this story previously – wow, it’s a great one. You can’t explain such things they are ‘just meant to be’.

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