A Dangerous Method


We’ve probably all thought at one time or another how great it would’ve been to be a fly on the wall when something momentous, outrageous or historical happened. In the world of psychotherapy, one such incident was a dispute between Freud and Jung, when the two argued about the validity of psychic phenomenon and something  strange…seemingly paranormal and definitely synchronistic happened.

So with the movie, A Dangerous Method( 2011)  directed by David Cronenberg, we have a chance to be that fly, at least in a fictive sense. Here’s the trailer of that scene in which Freud (Viggo Mortensen)  lectures his student (Michael Fassbender) about ‘paranormal nonsense’ and a cracking sound is heard from Freud’s bookcase. Jung is almost ecstatic and predicts it will happen again…and it does.


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8 Responses to A Dangerous Method

  1. Momwithwings says:

    Cj I always learn things from you!
    Viggo is a childhood friend. Neighbor and not a bad kisser as I recall! Haha!
    His Mom was my Aunts best friend too.

  2. I saw this film in theaters several years ago and recommended it to you. Michael Fassbender did an excellent job as Carl Jung and every scene with him and Viggo Mortensen as Freud was outstanding. You see two giants in their differences of opinions. Freud wants to keep psychology / psychiatry purely in the realm of science, while Jung is far more open-minded to unseen forces that science cannot confirm or measure.

    The entire film is excellent, but I especially loved every scene with both of them together. I’m definitely more Jungian than Freudian.

  3. Nancy says:

    Now, I’m off to find this movie, thanks!

  4. c.j. cannon says:

    Slightly off-subject, but not too much…..in my own experiences with the presence of entities existing in the AfterLife, (having nothing to do with aliens, etc, but rather with deceased humans and even pets), there is very often an extremely loud CRACK! out in the middle of the air in the room. An example: I was very ill soon after we moved to FL from GA. My Mom had died two years previously at the age of 63, from lung cancer. I had a raging fever and other symptoms, had no idea what was wrong with me because the symptoms weren’t flu-like. I was crying; hubby was sitting on the side of the bed holding my hand, and even as a grown-up with kids, I had a deep yearning for my Mom. In tears, I said out loud, “Mom, please come and be with me!” Within less than ten seconds, there was a CRACK! right over the bed..a sound similar to a .45 pistol shot….scared hubby….and I SMELLED my Mom’s “Estee” perfume that she always wore, and suddenly there was a liquid-like warmth entering the crown of my
    head and flowing slowing down my entire body. I KNEW it was my Mom. No, I can’t express how I knew, but I did. That liquid warmth was the most LOVING feeling I’ve ever experienced, and as it left through the bottoms of my feet, the fever went with it, as did ALL the symptoms of the sickness. Very often when doing sessions for others, there will be extremely loud snaps and pops and cracks in my session room, and the atmosphere changes significantly from the presences of Spirits. It’s beautiful. I am grateful for this post, as it reminded me yet again of the healing love brought to me from my deceased Mom. There’s a distinct difference between the ordinary “settling” sounds, creaks, pipes, etc, in a house, and the sounds created by Spirit when they enter the space. THEIR entrance is accompanied by the energy POP or CRACK in the MIDDLE of the rom and can have no other explanation.

  5. Haven’t heard of this movie previously – thanks!

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