The Twilight Zone



I’ve found that hair salons are great places for things other than getting your hair cut – like hearing synchronicity stories. Angie, one of the stylists at the salon I’ve been going to for twenty years, is very tuned into synchros and we’ve used her stories before. One of the best was a series of transformative synchronicities that occurred during a transitional phase in her life that we wrote about here.

So today she told me that her daughter is pregnant with her second child, which is due October 17. “A Libra,” I said. “Make sure she pays attention to the time of birth so I can look at her chart.”

“I’ll remind her,” Angie said.

“What sign is your daughter?”

“A Virgo, just like me.”

“And her husband?”

“A Leo. Now you want to hear something weird, Trish?”

Well, sure. Always.

Angie’s mother was born August 25 – early Virgo – and her father was born August 10, so he’s a Leo. Angie’s daughter, Teresa, was born August 25 and her husband was born August 10.

Sometimes, this parallel with birthdates can happen with perfect strangers. We write about one such instance in 7 Secrets of Synchronicity that involved our friend, Carol Bowman, an author and past-life therapist:

Carol was visiting her mother in New York’s Hudson Valley, a small town, not much there. She had gone to the grocery store for basics. While waiting in line, she noticed the Asian woman behind her had a toddler in her cart, a cute little girl. Carol asked the woman how old her daughter was.

Asian woman: “She’ll be two next month. She’s an Aries.”

Carol: “My Aries daughter will be thirty next month. Aries kids are a handful, aren’t they?”

Asian woman, laughing: “That’s for sure. And I’m married to an Aries.”

Carol’s antenna twitched. “Me, too!”

So we can imagine these two women in line at this dinky store, suddenly aware of some sort of connection, both with Aries daughters, both married to Aries men.

Asian woman: “I’m a Libra.”

Carol understood that something odd and fascinating was happening. “I’m a Libra, too. What’s your birthdate?”

Asian woman: “October 14.”

“That’s, uh, my birthdate, too.”

Yes, it sounds like an episode out of the Twilight Zone, weird music and all. But the upshot was that Carol handed the woman her business card and said she would be conducting a past-life workshop in the area in June. The Asian woman said she would definitely attend

What are the odds?


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7 Responses to The Twilight Zone

  1. Momwithwings says:

    Interesting. Both of my daughters are involved with guys who are Pisces like me.
    My oldest daughters beau and I share the same birthday!

  2. lauren raine says:

    Fascinating, thank you! And yes, the Twilight Zone was such a great program….must see if its on Netflix, would like to renew my aquaintance.

  3. DJan says:

    Now that was really fun to read about. I love these stories, Trish, and I was also a big fan of the Twilight Zone way back when. 🙂

  4. blah says:

    Oct. 14….. hmmm,, gee day after…

  5. Carol’s is a great story, as is the other one. Mystifying!

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