Wink in the Cosmos

Here are a couple of humorous trickster-type synchronicities that appeared in an article called, “A Wink from the Cosmos,” that was published in the May 1996 edition of Intuition Magazine.

Earl was trying to track down an out-of-print book called The Adventures of Marco Polo. He scoured two used book stores in New York City, had no success, and caught a taxi to a third. The cab driver was unusually chatty, and during their conversation, Earl glanced at his license on the dashboard. His name? Marco Polo!

Art was sitting at his computer typing an e-mail missive when his cat Coal jumped from his lap onto the keyboard. Before Art’s startled eyes, as the cat shifted from key to key, its paws tapped out the word emerson on the screen. “To make it even weirder, I’ve been studying Ralph Waldo Emerson intently for the past year, and the study has taken on a very symbolic meaning to me,” he says, still in shock. “My wife was sitting next to me at the computer, and if I’m sent away for being crazy, she has to go, too!”

UPDATE: Here’s another little wink. Apparently, when this post came up this morning, the type was black, so a black screen appeared – a black out. We didn’t know that because before we were able to go on-line and check the blog, well, we had a black out. The electricity went out for an hour or so.

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18 Responses to Wink in the Cosmos

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Toumai!

  2. Toumai says:

    okay key word here is `black` so etymology check:

    O.E. blæc "black," from P.Gmc. *blak- (cf. O.N. blakkr "dark," Du. blaken "to burn"), from PIE *bhleg- "burn, gleam" (cf. Gk. phlegein "to burn, scorch," L. flagrare "to blaze, glow, burn"). Same root produced O.E. blac "white, bright" (see bleach), the common notion being "lack of hue." The main O.E. word for "black" was sweart. "In ME. it is often doubtful whether blac, blak, blake, means 'black, dark,' or 'pale, colourless, wan, livid.'

    it`s interesting, the origin of the word Black implies `clarity`… could this be because the black of night is when the celestial sky is clear. Hmm makes one wonder about the profusion of ancient black madona`s found throughout Europe… and why do star`s– the geometric pattern feature so prominantly on many if not most,flags of the world…

    If you dig deep enough into the `language` of synchronicity… you learn the language.

  3. terripatrick says:

    Actually, I checked my blogger dashboard – and saw this WINK post showed up 4 times. Then the short post about Merc Retro and …

    It's weird/cool that while your post went black – mine went white. All was there, but like white text on a white page. Being me, I just logged off, grocery shopped, enjoyed dinner then checked and all was fine for me to edit and post. Only after that did I go clean toilets. 🙂

    I'm trying to be professional, my writing comes first, and if I didn't know my grandson might be trying to splash the water in the toilet in the morning, I might have skipped that task. LOL!

    This could be a wild month!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Terri – I left an explanation on your blog! Merc retro for sure.
    – Trish

  5. terripatrick says:

    In Google Reader, there were 4 or 5 new posts for today. This one showed up twice, then a post about the 2 pollocks and I think another short post. But when I came to the site here, they aren't here, and I can't go back to Google because, they are now "read" and gone.

    I guess it's another Mercury Retro-trick

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    talk about a synchronicity see-saw!!!

  7. whipwarrior says:

    >>I'm surprised no one has commented on the train station photo – Platform 9 3/4. I guess we all know where that one goes.

    Actually, I mentioned the Harry Potter connection in my original post about the blacked-out text, which was deleted after you fixed it.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm surprised no one has commented on the train station photo – Platform 9 3/4. I guess we all know where that one goes.

    Synchronicity #3 for the day: Yesterday, I changed the name of my main character in my new novel from Josh to Derek. Today, I got an e-mail from someone named Derek asking about one of my novels.

    Hope that means I'm on the right track with EXTREME DREAM, because it has been a challenge.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We have 3 cats and not a single one can type!

  10. Nancy says:

    The cat typed emerson? Too much!

  11. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    I love your personal update. How cool is that? Two synchronicities in one day! I always love reading you posts. Every time I do, it seems I become more aware of my own surroundings.

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Two synchronicities today here. We began the day with the electrical 'black out' and later learned our post was blacked out for some reason. Meanwhile, I began reading The Fire, by Katherine Neville, a sequel to The Eight. Then this evening we happened to turn on the local news, which we really do. The first three stories were about fires.

    Guess things are warming up.

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, so THAT's what it was earlier when i went to your BLACK post – i kept going in/out thinking it was something on my end –

    this post just great! love these little snippets from the cosmos –

  14. Vanessa says:

    Coal is an awesome name for a black cat. 🙂

  15. Celeste Maia says:

    Fascinating. A cab driver named Marco Polo, a cat typing the word Emerson, it is always a wonderful treat to come to your blog!

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Clusters of 4s. Number clusters are fascinating. Any insight about its significance for you, Liza?

    Whipwarrior – thanks for the heads up about the invisible post earlier!

  17. Liza says:

    I seem to be having all kinds of synchs with the number 44 (has been going on since Sept 2008, or at least that is when I starting to take notice). Anyway, your post title,
    "wink in the cosmos" on my blog appears as posted 44 minutes ago.
    I LOVE IT!!!!!!

  18. whipwarrior says:

    I love synchronicity! 🙂

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