Category Archives: cats

Sylvester, Darren, and Peter Gabriel

 On November 22, we posted a story called Doolittle, that got some great comments. One of them came from Darren, who comments as Brizdaz. The cat in the story is a black and white cat; we didn’t have a picture … Continue reading

Posted in cats, pets, spirit contact | 12 Comments


With this new book, we’ve divided the chapters according to our interests and expertise, and then trade chapters and edit and add to each other’s stuff. We haven’t reached the trade chapters segment of this process yet. Right now, I, … Continue reading

Posted in cats, reincarnation, spirit contact | 33 Comments

The Cat That Traveled 1300 Miles

We’ve posted quite a few synchronicities about animals. I’m not so sure this one is a synchro, but it’s a story with a happy ending, something we need more of these days! Charles the cat had his own incredible journey … Continue reading

Posted in animals, cats | 8 Comments

Cats Playing Pattie-Cake

Some humor! All of us need more of this in our lives!

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Wink in the Cosmos

Here are a couple of humorous trickster-type synchronicities that appeared in an article called, “A Wink from the Cosmos,” that was published in the May 1996 edition of Intuition Magazine. Earl was trying to track down an out-of-print book called … Continue reading

Posted in animals, cats, Emerson | 18 Comments